Christian Ethics and Political Economy in North America

Book Description

Kroeker argues that in trying to make their theological ethics relevant to economic policy Christian social ethicists have accepted assumptions that are incompatible with theological beliefs. Starting with the Social Gospel movement, he discusses the positions of theologian Walter Rauschenbusch and Canadian politician James Shaver Woodsworth. He then turns to Christian Realism and compares the views of Reinhold Niebuhr with those of Gregory Vlastos, the central figure in the Canadian Fellowship for a Christian Social Order. He also examines recent pastoral letters on the economy by the Canadian and US conferences of Roman Catholic bishops. In conclusion, Kroeker suggests an alternative theological approach based on the classical Christian realism of Augustine that might better address the moral malaise of liberal political economy.

Christian Ethics and Political Economy in North America

Book Description

In this religious and moral critique of liberalism, Travis Kroeker analyses how religio-ethical discourse is changed when it is translated into the economic policy discourse of North American liberalism. Focusing on influential representatives of contempo

Public Theology and Political Economy

Book Description

This well-known Christian ethicist ably bridges the gap between theology and political economy, proposing a theologically informed view of modern economic life. He traces the emergence of modern Protestant and Catholic views of the economic order from anti-slavery movements to contemporary Ecumenical themes. He delineates the failures of socialist, liberationist and laissez-faire systems and retrieves the neglected contributions of such figures as Shailer Mathews and Walter Rauschenbusch, while showing the continued relevance of Max Weber's view of economy and society for Christian ethics. He concludes that Christian stewardship must cultivate and articulate a new public theology that will shape the structures and policies of public life. Originally published in 1987 by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Messianic Political Theology and Diaspora Ethics

Book Description

Political theology as a normative discourse has been controversial not only for secular political philosophers who are especially suspicious of messianic claims but also for Jewish and Christian thinkers who differ widely on its meaning. These essays mount an argument for a “Messianic Political Theology” rooted in an interpretation of biblical (especially Pauline), Augustinian, and Radical Reformation readings of messianism as a thoroughly political and theological vision that gives rise to what the author calls “Diaspora Ethics.” In conversation also with Platonic, Jewish, and Continental thinkers, Kroeker argues for an exilic practice of political ethics in which the secular is built up theologically “from below” in the form of public service that flows from messianic political worship. Such a “weak messianic power” practiced by the messianic body inhabits an apocalyptic political economy in which the mystery of love and the mystery of evil are agonistically unveiled together in the power of the cross—not as an instrument of domination but in the form of the servant. This is not simply a matter of “pacifism” but of a messianic posture rooted in the renunciation of possessive desire that pertains to all aspects of everyday human life in the household (oikos), the academy, and the polis.

The Political Crisis and Christian Ethics

Book Description

The Political Crisis and Christian Ethics addresses themes in political philosophy in the context of a crisis in democracy after the denial of the 2020 election by the Republican candidate for president. The refusal to accept the results of the election divided the electorate and drove the president’s followers to fail in their attempted coup attempt in January of 2020. Democracy is defended in Reinhold Niebuhr’s writing on politics and in Barack Obama’s use of the theologian’s thought. It is developed further in the political theory of Paul Tillich. The themes of just peacemaking are reviewed in Paul Tillich’s critique of John Foster Dulles’ work and in the author’s critique of just peacemaking in the work of Glen Stassen. Domestically the issues of race, inequality, ecology, and healthcare are addressed from the perspective of prophetic realism. The book concludes in terms of Alfred North Whitehead’s philosophy of education and religion and a vision of the good president. In summary, The Political Crisis and Christian Ethics is a volume of American, Christian political theory in a period of overcoming the trauma of 2016 with Christian ethics and political philosophy.

Is the Market Moral?

Book Description

In the great tradition of moral argument about the nature of the economic market, Rebecca Blank and William McGurn join to debate the fundamental questions—equality and efficiency, productivity and social justice, individual achievement and personal rights in the workplace, and the costs and benefits of corporate and entrepreneurial capitalism. Their arguments are grounded in both economic sophistication and religious commitment. Rebecca Blank is an economist by training and describes herself as "culturally Protestant in the habits of mind and heart." She has also chaired the committee that wrote the statement on Christian faith and economic life adopted by the United Church of Christ. Addressing market failure, for her, requires that sometimes "freedom to choose" give way to other human values. William McGurn, a journalist and a Roman Catholic, uses his expertise in economics to reflect on the teachings of the church concerning the morality of the market. For McGurn, humans reach their fullest potential when they are free from the constraints of others. He writes that "our quarrel is not so much with Adam Smith or Milton Friedman but with the Providence that so clearly designed man to be his most prosperous at his most free." This book grapples with the new imperatives of a global economy while working in the classic tradition of political economy which always treated seriously the questions of morality, justice, productivity, and freedom.

Eclipse of Justice

Book Description

A sociologist and a church historian provide a probling scholarly critique of Economic Justice for All, the American bishops' pastoral letter on Catholicism and the U.S. economy. McCarthy and Rhodes examine the letter's focus on poverty, inequality, and powerlessness in American society. They review classical concepts of social ethics and economic justice as applied by the bishops to analyze the social, political, and economic institutions of American. By examining reactions to the letter from both the political left and right, Eclipse of Justice opens up the full range of debate about the nature of social ethics. The first part of Eclipse of Justice presents the moral dilemma created by the bishops' critique of liberalism (they pronounced it a "social and moral scandal") and explores the antecedents--papal, episcipal, and lay--that provided the ideas and vocabulary for the bishops' letter. The second part analyzes the pastoral letter and locates it within the larger context of debates about economic structures in modern liberalism. The third part examines attempts of the bishops to relate Christian social doctrine to international political and economic issues, and probes the contributions of liberation theology and dependency theory.

The Problem of Wealth

Book Description

The problem is wealth, not poverty -- Introducing the problem of wealth -- The centrality of economics in Christian theology -- Economism and the ethic of scarcity -- When, why, and how? The boundary between economics and theology -- The current dominant forms of wealth creation and the ethic of scarcity -- Digging for roots to nourish an ethic of enough -- Social trinity, love, and the ethic of enough -- Extensive roots: ecocentric and theocentric visions of economy from a wider variety of the world's great faith traditions -- Increasing the theological and moral imagination of the U.S. middle class -- Real people embodying different values -- Parables for sharing -- Concluding observations and a call to action