Christian Voices in Unitarian Universalism

Book Description

Fifteen personal stories from laity and clergy alike show what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist Christian today. These men and women arrive at their faith by many paths--influenced by the Bible, Jesus Christ Superstar and even the Bernstein Mass. Here is a fresh and much-needed look at UU Christians, who, for decades, have kept the work and spirit of Christianity alive in our liberal religion. Foreword by Carl Scovel.

Christ for Unitarian Universalists

Book Description

McLennan addresses the concept of Jesus as historical figure and as the presents Christ. In doing so he explores the reality and meaning of the Christmas and Easter stories, the Trinity, Christ's divinity, miracles, salvation, religious pluralism and exclusivism, and more.

Pagan and Earth-Centered Voices in Unitarian Universalism

Book Description

These 23 essays by some of the most prominent leaders in Unitarian Universalist Paganism bring Pagan and Earth-centered theo/alogy to life for a new generation. Featuring the writings of both clergy and laypeople, this vibrant collection demonstrates the many expressions of nature-based spirituality and the ways they feed the souls of so many. The essayists describe a broad array of practices, including Wiccan traditions, Neo-Pagan rituals and celebrations, worship of the divine feminine, and nature-based beliefs and practices that bring us into harmony and balance with our natural environment. Contributors also describe the development of nature-based theo/alogy within Unitarian Universalism—including the organization of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, the addition of the sixth Source to the UUA bylaws recognizing Earth-centered spirituality, and the integration of Pagan practices into congregational life.

Widening the Circle of Concern

Book Description

Appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations in 2017, the UUA Commission on Institutional Change served through June 2020. Widening the Circle of Concern: Report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change represents the culmination of the Commission’s work analyzing structural and systemic racism and white supremacy culture within Unitarian Universalism and makes recommendations to advance long-term cultural and institutional change that redeems the essential promise and ideals of Unitarian Universalism. The members and staff of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change were Chair Rev. Leslie Takahashi, Mary Byron, Cir L’Bert Jr., Rev. Dr. Natalie Fenimore, Dr. Elías Ortega, Caitlin Breedlove, DeReau K. Farrar, and Project Manager Rev. Marcus Fogliano.

Worship that Works

Book Description

Just ten years after it was first published, Worship That Works is already a classic text of the Unitarian Universalist liturgical arts. Following a road trip in which they visited congregations of various sizes and traditions, the authors offer essential theory and best practices for lay worship leaders, ministers, and student ministers alike. Significantly updated, this second edition includes revisions and new chapters on multicultural worship, multigenerational worship, and new models of services for contemporary practices.

Jewish Voices in Unitarian Universalism

Book Description

"Collection of personal essays by Jewish Unitarian Universalists about their experiences in the faith"--ECIP summary.

Sources of Our Faith

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Credo International

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Humanist Voices in Unitarian Universalism

Book Description

In this highly anticipated collection, Unitarian Universalist Humanists present their faith perspectives in 23 engaging and thought-provoking essays. The contributors, both lay and ordained, demonstrate why Humanism has been one of the bedrock theologies of Unitarian Universalism for the last hundred years. They reflect on what it means to be a religious Humanist today and how they see the movement evolving in the twenty-first century. They explore Humanist history, beliefs, approach to life, social justice, community, and religious education. Together, these voices proclaim a passionate affirmation of a rich and dynamic tradition within Unitarian Universalism.

A Chosen Faith

Book Description

An updated edition of the classic introduction to the history and beliefs of Unitarian Universalism—from a senior minister of the Unitarian Church For those contemplating religious choices, Unitarian Universalism offers an appealing alternative to religious denominations that stress theological creeds over individual conviction and belief. Featuring two new chapters, a revealing and entertaining foreword by best-selling author Robert Fulghum, and a new preface by UU moderator Denise Davidoff, this updated edition of the classic introductory text on Unitarian Universalism explores the many sources of the living tradition of this ‘chosen faith’.