Christian Warrior Women

Book Description

Christian self-help book series for women that delivers healing and personal transformation in every chapter. It's suspenseful, honest and self-reflective of the struggles of Christian living for women today. It's time to release the lies from the enemy! Spiritual warfare requires faith, courage, and strength from God

You Make Me Brave

Book Description

Jesuss view of women was radical. So why does it seem like the Church does not view women the same way? Why, in so many parts of the world (including America) are women not encouraged towards their full potential as leaders in the church? Are you living with a very palpable tension between your roles of wife, mother, and career woman? You are not alone. The secular world attempts to embrace women as equals. We are equals in many ways, but we are not exactly the same. I believe as women, we are uniquely created for such a time as this. Let us lay aside the damaging judgements that we bring against each other (working or not, divorced or not, single, childless, many children, black, brown, yellow or white) and let us unite. Let us come to the table and have conversations about the strong, vibrant, thriving place the Lord has designed women to live in. We are His ezer warriors. May we be humble as we allow space for this new kind of conversation. May we step boldly into the conversation and even more so as we are propelled into battle. I see you warrior woman.

Woman Warrior for Christ 90-Day Devotional

Book Description

A 90-Day Devotional for women who understand the battle is real and are not afraid to step into the fray. These women are on the spiritual battlefield, fighting for those they love and others the Lord brings into their path. Great for individual use, small groups, or women's meetings. The 90-day devotional journey will help to equip and encourage an army of women warriors for Christ-healed, whole and fearless in faith-to destroy the works of darkness and further the kingdom of God.

Warrior Women for Christ

Book Description

As I entered the local Christian bookstore in search of anything that would help me get over the pain in my hearta "a heart shredded by betrayala "I came across a watered-down version of what Beaver Cleaver's mother might say if Mr. Cleaver had left her. It sounded simpering, weak, and most of all, fake. Give me a break, I thought. My most-repeated prayer lately had been, 'Keep me, Lord, from slashing the tires on my ex-husband's truck.' Do people really read this stuff? Needless to say, I left the store without finding any answers and feeling even more worthless than before. "Warrior Women for Christ" is a raw and honest testimony of the real challenges I faced as a single mom and how God finally reached me, multiple times. My story is not unique. There are thousands of single mothers, abused wives, and women who feel beaten down and hopeless. If you are one such woman, I hope that by reading my story, you find hope, self-worth, and the power you have within yourself (with God's help) to become a true woman of victory."

Fierce Women

Book Description

Can you have a strong personality and still be a godly wife? YES! Do you ever get the idea that being a godly wife means you need to be a mousy doormat? Be as unnoticeable as a doorknob? Or have a personality transplant? Fierce Women: The Power of a Soft Warrior smashes that idea. No matter whether you’re an extrovert or more introverted, Kimberly Wagner believes women are created to be a compelling force. You may not see yourself as beautifully fierce or even slightly strong, but what if God has placed a powerful fierceness within you, within every woman? Kim admits her fierceness became a source of conflict in her marriage, but the relationship dynamic totally changed when she discovered her fierce strengths could be used to encourage and inspire her husband. She invites you to come alongside as she takes an honest look at a destructive relationship dynamic and casts a vision for the transformation God can bring to troubled marriages. A True Woman Book; the goal of the True Woman publishing line is to encourage women to: Discover, embrace, and delight in God's divine design and mission for their lives Reflect the beauty and heart of Jesus Christ to their world Intentionally pass the baton of Truth on to the next generation Pray earnestly for an outpouring of God's Spirit in their families, churches, nation and world

Warrior Women

Book Description

Warrior Women, the Power of Prayer is a compilation of stories and photographs of ordinary women who have touched the throne of God through prayer and recognize the importance of prayer in every day life. Stories range from a healing miracle for baby Paisley to a rape victim whom God used to minister to other sexually ab used women. The stories are real and powerful in their demonstration of God's love and restoration. Women often suffer from self-esteem issues and consider themselves unlikely candidates for God's divine calling in life. These true stories provide inspiration and encouragement for all women of the Christian faith from all walks of life. Every person has a story worthy of sharing. Every life touches many, many others. Through life's challenges, and victories, those women among us who trust in Jesus Christ are all Warrior Women in the making. The power of prayer resounds through every story.

Warrior Woman

Book Description

Author Heather Rodin longs for women to know that underlying all of their insecurities, fears, guilt and shame there stands a warrior. A warrior woman capable of becoming armed and dangerous! A warrior woman equipped by God to live in victory over Satan and the spiritual forces of his dark domain. Learn to effectively wield your weapon, the Sword of the Spirit, and become all that God intended you to be—more than a conqueror—living in freedom and joy as a beloved daughter of the King! I encourage you to join Heather on this life-giving journey. Judi Peers, Publisher, Speaker, Author of Playing Second Fiddle: God’s Heart For Harmony Regarding Women and the Church Looking back on the many years of raising our six kids, I wish I knew then what I’ve learned over the past few years. The struggle would have been less, and the peace would have been greater. Yet, I believe it’s never too late for understanding a truth that will empower us for the challenges ahead. God knew our journey before He created us, and has a plan for every single day. I rest in this, and revel in the joy of sharing God’s provision for His women to walk in victory, regardless of what Satan throws at us. Warrior Woman takes us on an adventure of discovering spiritual secrets through true stories, illustrations and Biblical truth. We’ll learn how to experience victory over struggles and joy through troubles, able to live in perfect peace and power. Heather Rodin Author

Warrior Women, Arise

Book Description

"Are you a woman who, despite living a fairly mundane and ordinary life, has a place inside of you which cries out for destiny? Are you someone who hears about the great feats of others from the past and present and longs to be known as one who follows God radically and courageously? "Perhaps you are someone who had such longing once upon a time, but the reality of life has left you exhausted and disillusioned, and your dreams lie smashed on the rocks of suffering and hardships. If you are any of these women, this book is dedicated to you. "It is a cry from the heart of the Father for His daughters to rise up and become the mighty warriors He has always planned for them to be." --Amanda Goransson

Becoming a Woman of Wonder

Book Description

Every woman at some point in their life has fantasized about being a super hero. We might not get the flashy outfits but we get something better. God created us as women to be warriors. He gives us the skills and weapons to fight against the real enemy. This book takes you from discovering who you are, to what you have access to as children of God, to how to be a kingdom child and still live and function in this world. It goes to the root of each concept in a plain and concise way so that the reader can apply it to their life.

Prayer Warrior Mom

Book Description

Marla invites you to walk with her through fifteen life-transforming principles that will empower you to effectively intercede for your children. Learn to cultivate your own attitude of gratitude, pray Scripture, be persistent, pray with power and authority, be your children's #1 advocate, hear God's voice above the noise of daily life, and more!