Christmas Turkey Or Prairie Vulture?

Book Description

From the Foreword: Dr. Harvey deals with one of the oldest problems of the Prairie provinces: the carriage of grain to world markets efficiently and at low cost to the producer...The problem is how to reform the system without injury to the Prairie economy and unfairness to the producers. Dr. Harvey argues that a change in system is indeed possible, with benefit to grain producers, to the agricultural economy of the West, to the taxpayers of Canada - and possibly even to the railways. He recognizes that compensation must be paid to grain producers if freight rates for the movement of grain are increased to an economic level. He proposes a method of compensation that, he thinks, will permit economic forces to produce a net benefit to western agriculture, and will result in an increase in Pairie income and a diversification of the western economy.

The Prairie West: Historical Readings

Book Description

This collection of 35 readings on Canadian prairie history includes overview interpretation and current research on topics such as the fur trade, native peoples, ethnic groups, status of women, urban and rural society, the Great Depression and literature and art.

Canadian Manufactured Exports

Book Description

This study provides important empirical background to the continuing debate on Canadian industrial policy and trade. The analysis is based on primary data derived from a unique survey of individual firms, both Canadian and foreign-owned, conducted early in the 1981-1982 recession. The main purpose of the study is to assess whether recent changes in tariffs, exchange rates, wage rates, and other factors in Canada and the world economy suggest the need for any significant modification in the earlier analyses and conclusions. The study presents prior evidence on costs, specialization, and trade; assesses current costs and productivity, and presents new information on how increased exports and specialization would affect cost performance and international competitiveness; examines non-production costs and other non-cost influences on specialization and export performance; and suggests strategies for the private sector to consider in order to survive in the changing trade environment of the 1980s.

Women and the Chip

Book Description

Case studies of the impact of technological changes and the computerization process on woman worker employment in the service sector in Canada - discusses labour force participation trends and projections (1953-2001), occupational structure and the impact of information retrieval and word processing on office worker job content, labour mobility, job satisfaction, redundancy, retraining, etc.; includes educational policy and employment policy suggestions. Bibliography, diagrams and graphs.

Canada Can Compete!

Book Description

From the back cover: Canada can compete in international markets, but not, the authors contend, under the present national economic strategy. Policies that redistribute income and allocate resources through government fiat have weakended Canada's ability to transform its manufacturing sector to meet the new competititve challenges. D'Cruz and Fleck compare the performance of seventy-one Canadian industries from 1967 to 1981 with industries in Japan, the United States, Britain and France. To enhance the competitiveness of Canadian manufacturing, the authors propose a differential industrial strategy, one that emphasizes growth and development. Government, they say, must play a "hands-off" role in Canada's market economy, limiting itself to establishing the rules of the game. The authors recommend, in addition, macro-economic policies that would reduce the federal deficit, restrain wages for public servants, preserve low differentials between Canadian and American interest rates, and maintain the Canadian dollar at 70 cents U.S.

Trade, Employment, and Adjustment

Book Description

Facing Reality

Book Description

In this book, addressed primarily to business leaders, politicians, andpublic servants, the author speculates about the economic problems thatchanging international conditions appear to be creating; argues that existing policies no longer work and must be replaced with new ones basedon a new national consensus about economic goals; reviews the ways businessand government have worked together in the past to formuate economic strategies; and suggests ways the government can create a new consensus andthe prospects for its success in doing so.