Book Description

You're beholding a new world. Aside from an array of brand new compelling facts in spiritual history, there is also an abundance of aha moments right here before your eyes and heart. Did you know, for example, the Latin word-name Jesus only became popular, about 400 years after the crucifixion of he who was truly known as Yeshua. His actual name in Israel, Palestine, Samaria, Capernaum and Jerusalem, was Yeshua. Yeshua became so famous the Greeks called him Iesous, and in Aramaic (his 2nd language) he was called Isa. When the Bible was published in Latin (in 405 AD) Jesus was used as the name for the first time, but only in written material. Through stunning archeological revelations in recently discovered 'codices and scrolls' we've realized something pivotal. As passed down through millennia, a world-transforming story was, in fact, incomplete and flawed. What if the greatest story ever told was consistently modified? Has humanity digested a poorly informed recitation of the past? Unfortunately, it has. The most crucial word in scripture was never translated to English. To this day it remains a foreign word. Bringing that key-word into English changes the whole meaning and full implication of scripture. That one foreign word fully alters Yeshua's real message. However, when it is properly translated into English, an exhilarating life-transforming message is there for us. Now you'll know what has been kept from you, and all of us, until now. Yeshua's brother, apostle Thomas, wrote a gospel conveying Yeshua's spoken quotations. It was unearthed in 1945 after World War II, in the ancient sands of Egypt; and it was held safe in an earthenware jar under the sand for near 2000 years. It is now right here in your hand. It has withstood tests of evaluation and scholarship, in many linquistic verifications. Scholars from all over are now extolling this ancient document. You'll find perhaps your heart's true desire in the pages of this book, because it has the ancient original message of Yeshua which heals and refines life today. We now have the full story, interwoven with the most advanced science of quantum physics (known as the science of God) as it reveals the nature of mind, spirit and energy. Welcome to the actual original message of Christ.

The Mystical Journey From Jesus to Christ

Book Description

Throughout this series, "discover the ancient Egyptian origins of Christianity before the Catholic Church and learn the mystical teachings given by Jesus to assist all humanity in becoming Christlike. Discover the secret meaning of the Gospels that were discovered in Egypt. Also discover how and why so many Christian churches came into being. Discover that the Bible still holds the keys to mystical realization even though its original writings were changed by the church. Discover how to practice the original teachings of Christianity which leads to the Kingdom of Heaven"--Publisher marketing.

Decoding the Mystery of When Will Jesus Return

Book Description

Is there a specific Bible prophecy that must first be fulfilled before the return of Jesus Christ? Yes. While it is true that no exact date can be set for this event, the scriptures provide us with a clear context of specific world events that will create the time line for Jesus return. Jesus said, Of that day and hour no one knows (Matt. 24:36). If this was meant to be a mystery, it was also meant to be revealed eventually. Amos 3:7 says, Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. This book brings to light the hidden mystery contained in the scripturesthat the return of Jesus Christ should not be a surprise to those who believe. Jesus also made it clear that there will be a final and specific generation who will witness the fulfillment of all remaining end-of-time prophecies. This book brings clarity regarding the great tribulation. Is it seven years or three and a half years? What is the wrath of God, and why and how does it play a role in the last days? Beyond the general prophecies of wars, famines, earthquakes, etc., lies a great wealth of other specific and unique signs that will indicate the imminent return of Jesus. Are you ready?

Decoding the Mystery of When Will Jesus Return

Book Description

Is there a specific Bible prophecy that must first be fulfilled before the return of Jesus Christ? Yes. While it is true that no exact date can be set for this event, the scriptures provide us with a clear context of specific world events that will create the time line for Jesus? return. Jesus said, ?Of that day and hour no one knows? (Matt. 24:36). If this was meant to be a mystery, it was also meant to be revealed eventually. Amos 3:7 says, ?Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.? This book brings to light the hidden mystery contained in the scriptures?that the return of Jesus Christ should not be a surprise to those who believe. Jesus also made it clear that there will be a final and specific generation who will witness the fulfillment of all remaining end-of-time prophecies. This book brings clarity regarding the great tribulation. Is it seven years or three and a half years? What is the wrath of God, and why and how does it play a role in the last days? Beyond the general prophecies of wars, famines, earthquakes, etc., lies a great wealth of other specific and unique signs that will indicate the imminent return of Jesus. Are you ready?

Cradle of Redeeming Love

Book Description

Following up on his acclaimed Redeemer in the Womb, John Saward returns to the mystery of Christ's Incarnation. He draws upon the rich traditions of the Church, as well as the writings of the great Christian mystics, to create a work that is both new and old, revolutionary and orthodox. This profoundly moving meditation will aid any contemplation on the life of Christ. The subject of this book is the objective and divinely revealed truth of the Nativity of Christ, as proclaimed by His infallible and immaculate Bride. It is the splendor of this truth, of "Love's noon in Nature's night", which for two millennia has captivated the Fathers and Schoolmen, and activated the genius of poets, painters, and musicians. Illustrated with eight color paintings. "Combines Saward's usual profundity and precision with a treasure-trove of texts from the tradition. A comphrehensive exposition of the Christmas mystery. Anyone wanting to know the true meaning of the Incarnation and Christmas need look no further." -Aidan Nichols, O.P., Author, Looking at the Liturgy "A profound theological meditation on the Incarnation as an anticipation of the joy in heaven." -Fr. Kenneth Baker, Editor, Homiletic and Pastoral Review "John Saward is on my very short list of preeminently important twentieth-century Catholic writers. His writing is always profound, original, and clear." -Thomas Howard, Author, On Being Catholic

The Mystery of Christ in You

Book Description

In this timely new work, on the cusp of the third millennium, Fr. Maloney seeks answers to the purpose of life and the ultimate goal of the universe.

The Return of Christ

Book Description

The Return to the Mystical

Book Description


Unlocking Secrets in the Second Coming Scrolls

Book Description

"The first ten generations of the Bible from Adam to Noah reveal amazing secrets of christ's return. These hebraic clues are also veiled within the names, words, patterns, numbers, and prophetic cycles recorded in the ancient scrolls of the Bible Perry stone spent hundreds of hours to compile evidence that unlocks the marvelous secrets of christ's second coming! This detailed book explains many difficult and unusual prophetic passages."

99 Reasons why No One Knows when Christ Will Return

Book Description

B. J. Oropeza shows why no one can predict the date of Christ's return from historical events, geological disasters, coded numbers, the identity of the antichrist, sources outside the Bible, and on and on.