
Book Description

Vivian Chumwell, a retired publisher, gets the shock of his life when a manuscript he is sent to edit turns his world on its head, forces him to re-examine his life and the lives of his parents, and brings him, for the first time in his life face to face with violence for which he is not prepared. When a ninety years old neighbour whom Chumwell believes is a one time murderer, dies, Chumwell leaves London to begin a new life of a very different kind.

Players Magazine

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Lesbian Plays

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Anecdotes of Bench and Bar

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Melbourne Punch

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The Scourge of Vinyl Car Seats

Book Description

No one walks away from a Close to Home cartoon unscathed. John McPherson's lumpy characters and bizarre situations are tailor-made for gut-splitting laughs. And then there are the cartoons that leave readers shaking their heads, sputtering, "Oh my gosh" as a guilty smile passes across their faces. The Scourge of Vinyl Car Seats delivers what fans expect from McPherson: jokes about everything from parenting to dating to car repairs. McPherson takes his readers on a journey that's very Close to Home.