Church and Ministry

Book Description

A translation of Walther's famous treatise on church and ministry.

Amt, Ordination, Episkopé und theologische Ausbildung / Ministry, ordination, episkopé and theological education

Book Description

Dieser Band dokumentiert drei Arbeitsergebnisse der GEKE, die von den Vollversammlungen 2012 und 2018 angenommen wurden. Der Lehrgesprächstext "Amt, Ordination, Episkope" bestimmt die evangelische Position zu diesen ökumenisch besonders brisanten Themen und will damit zugleich die Gemeinschaft der Kirchen der GEKE vertiefen. Diesem Ziel dienen auch die Studien "Die Ausbildung für das ordinationsgebundene Amt" und "Fortbildung für das ordinationsgebundene Amt". Sie skizzieren ein gemeinsames Verständnis von guter Ausbildung bzw. Fort- und Weiterbildung, das für die Mitgliedskirchen jeweils orientierend wirken kann. This volume documents three sets of findings by the CPCE which were accepted by the 2012 and 2018 General Assemblies. The report of the doctrinal conversation on "Ministry, Ordination, Episkope" defines the Protestant position on these issues, which are of vital ecumenical interest. At the same time, it seeks to deepen the church communion of CPCE member churches. This is also the aim of the studies "Training for the ordained ministry in the CPCE" and "Continuing education for the ordained ministry in the CPCE". They outline a common understanding of good training that the member churches can take as a guideline.

The Doctrine of the Ministry

Book Description

Church and Office

Book Description

Authority Vested

Book Description

Like other major Protestant denominations in the United States, the 2.6-million-member Luther Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), founded in 1847, has struggled with issues of relevance and identity in society at large. In this book Mary Todd chronicles the history of this struggle for identity in the LCMS, critically examining the central--often contentious--issue of authority in relation to Scripture, ministry, and the role of women in the church. In recounting the history of the denomination, Todd uses the ministry of women as a case study to show how the LCMS has continually redefined its concept of authority in order to maintain its own historic identity. Based on oral histories and solid archival research, Authority Vested not only explores the internal life of a significant denomination but also offers critical insights for other churches seeking to maintain their Christian distinctives in religiously pluralistic America.

The Church as Koinonia of Salvation

Book Description

This important document proposes new clarifications and pastoral steps that will serve the pilgrimage toward full unity. It provides the biblical, historical, and theological foundations for a common Catholic-Lutheran understanding of the church. The text carefully links the biblical doctrine of justification to the development of the church in the New Testament as a community of salvation whose structures and ministries serve the church's mission to the human family. A detailed exposition is given to the development of the ministries and structures in the church: councils, dioceses, parishes, bishops, presbyters, and the Petrine ministry. Book jacket.

Called and Ordained

Book Description

What is ministry? And how are we to understand the distinctive ecclesiastical office known as ordained ministry? With clarity and insight, this book takes the discussion behind the current impasse between functional and ontological definitions. The contributors provide a distinctively American and ecumenical proposal that is consistent with the confession of justification by faith alone.