Book Description

Los Invisibles

Book Description

Research into homosexuality in Spain is in its infancy. The last ten or fifteen years have seen a proliferation of studies on gender in Spain but much of this work has concentrated on women's history, literature and femininity. In contrast to existing research which concentrates on literature and literary figures, Los Invisibles focuses on the change in cultural representation of same-sex activity of through medicalisation, social and political anxieties about race and the late emergence of homosexual sub-cultures in the last quarter of the twentieth century. As such, this book constitutes an analysis of discourses and ideas from a social history and medical history position. Much of the research for the book was supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust to research the medicalisation of homosexuality in Spain. A PDF version of this book is available for free in open access via the OAPEN Library platform. It has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license and is part of the OAPEN-UK research project.

'Los Invisibles'

Book Description

Examining the social, medical and cultural history of male homosexuality in Spain, this book looks at it from the time homosexuality came to be an issue of medical, legal and cultural concern. Research into homosexuality in Spain is in its infancy. The last ten or fifteen years have seen a proliferation of studies on gender in Spain but much of this work has concentrated on women's history, literature and femininity. In contrast to existing research which concentrates on literature and literary figures, "Los Invisibles" focuses on the change in cultural representation of same-sex activity of through medicalisation, social and political anxieties about race and the late emergence of homosexual sub-cultures in the last quarter of the twentieth century. As such, this book constitutes an analysis of discourses and ideas from a social history and medical history position. Much of the research for the book was supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust to research the medicalisation of homosexuality in Spain.

Rivista J-Reading n. 1-2017

Book Description

In questo numero: Clare Brooks, Gong Qian, Victor Salinas-Silva - What next for Geography Education? A perspective from the International Geographical Union – Commission for Geography Education Paola Zamperlin, Margherita Azzari - The Smart City I Would Like. Maps and Storytelling in Teaching Geography Kathrin Viehrig - Pre-service geography teachers’ voices on the choice of spatial examples. Results from the first year of an educational design research study Antonina Plutino, Ilaria Polito - The emotional perception of landscape between research and education Alessia De Nardi - Landscape and sense of belonging to place: the relationship with everyday places in the experience of some migrants living in Montebelluna (Northeastern Italy) Mapping societies (Edited by Edoardo Boria) Federico Ferretti - On uses of utopian maps: The Map of New Geneva in Waterford (1783) between colonialism and republicanism Geographical notes and (practical) considerations Graziella Ferrara - Tourism geography: a socio-cultural analysis Dino Gavinelli - EUGEO workshops (Zara, Croatia, 25-27 September 2016) Teachings from the past (Edited by Dino Gavinelli and Davide Papotti) Lewis Mumford - The Culture of the Cities with comments by Eleonora Mastropietro - Re-reading The Culture of the Cities by L. Mumford

Handbook of Research on Citizenship and Heritage Education

Book Description

Cultural competence in education promotes civic engagement among students. Providing students with educational opportunities to understand various cultural and political perspectives allows for higher cultural competence and a greater understanding of civic engagement for those students. The Handbook of Research on Citizenship and Heritage Education is a critical scholarly book that provides relevant and current research on citizenship and heritage education aimed at promoting active participation and the transformation of society. Readers will come to understand the role of heritage as a symbolic identity source that facilitates the understanding of the present and the past, highlighting the value of teaching. Additionally, it offers a source for the design of didactic proposals that promote active participation and the critical conservation of heritage. Featuring a range of topics such as educational policy, curriculum design, and political science, this book is ideal for educators, academicians, administrators, political scientists, policymakers, researchers, and students.

Retos de la educación bilingüe

Book Description

Desde 1996, los programas de enseñanza bilingüe con lenguas extranjeras están presentes en el panorama educativo español. En los últimos cinco años se ha producido una notable expansión de estos proyectos. Como toda novedad, esta situación platea nuevos retos al profesorado y los centros: ¿Cómo plantear la transmisión de conocimientos en otras lenguas? ¿Cómo conseguir mantener los niveles de rendimiento con el aumento del esfuerzo requerido por parte del alumnado y profesorado? ¿Cómo encontrar materiales didácticos apropiados? ¿Cómo hacer frente a las necesidades lingüísticas y de contenido en cada área? ¿Cómo evaluar los contenidos a través de una segunda lengua? Esta publicación surge con la intención de ofrecer respuestas prácticas a estos cuestionamientos del profesorado. Se presentan propuestas generales de trabajo en el aula, propuestas más específicas de trabajo en distintas áreas curriculares, propuestas de evaluación y vías de trabajo para alumnado con dificultades de aprendizaje de naturaleza lingüística.


Book Description

Improving Early Literacy Outcomes

Book Description

Learning to read and write for meaning and pleasure are arguably the two most important competences that children acquire in primary school. Yet, in 2019 more than one half of children worldwide do not reach this first rung on the literacy ladder. Improving Early Literacy Outcomes aims to address this head-on, by foregrounding the work of more than 40 researchers, most of them living in, and working on, developing countries. Their contributions illuminate, magnify, and discover anew the importance of improving early reading, through precise alignment of curriculum, teaching, and assessment, and with a special focus on some of the most under-studied countries in the world (e.g., Burkina Faso, Niger, and Senegal). Through probing analyses of research, policy, and practice, the book highlights the common experiences of high aspirations repeatedly confronting harsh realities. Sixteen interconnected chapters cast an ever-vigilant and deflationary eye on the temptation to take an unrealistic approach to early literacy, and also caution against lumping all languages, contexts, and policy-challenges into a single heap. This book provides an indispensable guide to policymakers, practitioners, educators, and academics working towards the realisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Improving the teaching, learning, and assessment of early grade literacy is key not only to expanding the quality, access, and equity of education, but also to unlocking all the other SDGs, and ultimately to driving development.