Çılgın Dedektif. Komik dedektif

Book Description

İngiltere’de bir dedektif var, Sherlock Holmes ve Dr. Watson; Avrupa’da – Hercule Poirot ve Hastings; ABD’de Niro Wolfe ve Archie Goodwin.Ve burada, Ruslar, bu bölge ilçe Klop ve onun kötü asistanı, onbaşı, Incifalapat.Birlikte birbirlerini görmeyecekler, ancak bu onların ceza davalarını soruşturmasını engellemiyor...Bu roman Putin tarafından beğenildi.# Tüm hakları saklıdır.

Crazy Detective. Funny detective

Book Description

In England there is a detective, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson; In Europe – Hercule Poirot and Hastings; in the US, Niro Wolfe and Archie Goodwin.And here, the Russians, this is the district general Klop and his nasty assistant, corporal, Incifalapat.Together they will not see each other, but this does not stop them from investigating criminal cases...This novel was liked by Putin.# All rights reserved.

Detective pazzo. Detective divertente

Book Description

In Inghilterra c’è un detective, Sherlock Holmes e il dottor Watson; In Europa – Hercule Poirot e Hastings; negli Stati Uniti, Niro Wolfe e Archie Goodwin.E qui, i russi, questo è il generale distrettuale Klop e il suo cattivo assistente, il caporale, Incifalapat.Insieme non si vedranno, ma ciò non impedisce loro di indagare sui casi penali...Questo romanzo è piaciuto a Putin.#Tutti i diritti riservati.

Gekke detective. Grappige detective

Book Description

In Engeland is er een detective, Sherlock Holmes en Dr. Watson; In Europa – Hercule Poirot en Hastings; in de VS, Niro Wolfe en Archie Goodwin.En hier, de Russen, is dit de districtsgeneraal Klop en zijn vervelende assistent, korporaal, Incifalapat.Samen zullen ze elkaar niet zien, maar dit weerhoudt hen er niet van om strafzaken te onderzoeken...Deze roman werd geliefd bij Poetin.#Alle rechten voorbehouden.

Crazy Detective. Morsom detektiv

Book Description

I England er det en detektiv, Sherlock Holmes og Dr. Watson; I Europa – Hercule Poirot and Hastings; i USA, Niro Wolfe og Archie Goodwin.Og her, russerne, er dette distriktsgeneralen Klop og hans ekle assistent, korporal, Incifalapat.Sammen vil de ikke se hverandre, men dette hindrer dem ikke i å etterforske straffesaker...Denne romanen ble likt av Putin.# Alle rettigheter forbeholdt.

Ditectif Crazy. Ditectif doniol

Book Description

Yn Lloegr mae ditectif, Sherlock Holmes a Dr. Watson; Yn Ewrop – Hercule Poirot a Hastings; yn yr UD, Niro Wolfe ac Archie Goodwin.Ac yma, y Rwsiaid, dyma’r cadfridog ardal Klop a’i gynorthwyydd cas, yn gorporal, Incifalapat.Gyda’i gilydd ni fyddant yn gweld ei gilydd, ond nid yw hyn yn eu hatal rhag ymchwilio i achosion troseddol...Hoffai Putin y nofel hon.# Cedwir pob hawl.

The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes

Book Description

Seduced by the Highlander

Book Description

War, Lachlan MacDonald has conquered so many men on the battlefield—and so many women in the bedroom—that he is virtually undefeated. But one unlucky tryst with a seductive witch has cursed him forever. Now, any women he makes love to will be doomed for eternity… Lady Catherine is a beautiful lass of elite origin—or so she is told. Suffering from amnesia, she is desperate to find the truth about who she really is…or, at the very least, meet someone who inspires an intense memory or emotion. When she first lays eyes on Lachlan MacDonald, Catherine has a sixth sense that he holds the key that will unlock her past—and maybe even her heart. But how could she know that the passion she ignites in this lusty warrior’s heart could consume—and destroy—them both?


Book Description

Zo's Palindromes

Book Description

In Zo's Palindrome's, Derek J. Chin has created over 6,000 palindromes that have sparked interest globally. Professors, teachers, and mathematicians are using this material to increase development of right & left-brain problem-solving skills in students. An extraordinary collection to treasure.