Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly

Book Description

Roscoe, a seasoned circus dog, is growing old. Tricks he once performed with ease are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a quick learner. She helps out her old friend, who is worried that one day he’ll get fired from the circus. When a crisis interrupts the Christmas performance, it’s up to old Roscoe to save the day! His golden heart and incredibly sensitive nose come in handy. As Roscoe himself says, “I may forget everything else, but I will never forget the smell of a child.”

Sirkuskoirat Roope ja Rops

Book Description

Roscoe, a seasoned circus dog, is growing old. Tricks he once performed with ease are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a quick learner. She helps out her old friend, who is worried that one day he’ll get fired from the circus. When a crisis interrupts the Christmas performance, it’s up to old Roscoe to save the day! His golden heart and incredibly sensitive nose come in handy. As Roscoe himself says, “I may forget everything else, but I will never forget the smell of a child.” --- Kokenut sirkuskoira Roope on tulossa vanhaksi. Tutut temput alkavat tuottaa vaikeuksia – jopa päässälasku, joka on ollut Roopen paras temppu. Onneksi koiranpentu Rops oppii nopeasti. Se auttaa vanhaa ystäväänsä, joka pelkää joutuvansa pois sirkuksesta. Vuoden viimeisessä juhlanäytöksessä on nuoren Ropsin vuoro olla illan tähti. Yllättävä tapahtuma keskeyttää koko näytöksen, ja vanhaa Roopea tarvitaan taas. Vanhuksen kultainen sydän ja tarkkaakin tarkempi hajuaisti ovat tarpeen. – Vaikka kaikki muu unohtuisi, niin lapsen tuoksu ei koskaan, vanha koira huokaa tyytyväisenä.

Rosco en Rolly, de Circushonden

Book Description

The Dutch edition of a warm story about circus, dogs, and dementia. A seasoned circus dog is growing old and tricks are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a quick learner.

Tsiaj txhu ua yeeb yam ntxim saib dev Roscoe thiab Rolly

Book Description

The Hmong edition of a warm story about circus, dogs, and dementia. A seasoned circus dog is growing old and tricks are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a quick learner.

Cirka suņi Rikis un Renda

Book Description

The Latvian edition of a warm story about circus, dogs, and dementia. A seasoned circus dog is growing old and tricks are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a quick learner.

Cirkushundarna Rufus och Ruffe

Book Description

Roscoe, a seasoned circus dog, is growing old. Tricks he once performed with ease are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a quick learner. She helps out her old friend, who is worried that one day he’ll get fired from the circus. When a crisis interrupts the Christmas performance, it’s up to old Roscoe to save the day! His golden heart and incredibly sensitive nose come in handy. As Roscoe himself says, “I may forget everything else, but I will never forget the smell of a child.” --- Den gamla cirkushunden Rufus börjar åldras. De välbekanta konsterna börjar bli jobbiga - till och med huvudräkning som varit Rufus' bravur. Till all lycka är hundvalpen Ruffe en duktig elev. Han hjälper sin gamla vän som oroar sig för att kanske vara tvungen att lämna cirkusen. Under årets sista festföreställning får Ruffe lysa som kvällens stjärna. Men en oväntad händelse avbryter hela föreställningen, och gamla Rufus behövs igen. Hans hjärta av guld och hans goda luktsinne kommer till användning. – Även om jag skulle glömma allt annat så glömmer jag aldrig doften av ett barn, suckar den gamla hunden lyckligt.

Những chú chó rạp xiếc, Roscoe và Rolly

Book Description

The Vietnamese edition of a warm story about circus, dogs, and dementia. A seasoned circus dog is growing old and tricks are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a quick learner.

Roscoe & Rolly i cani da circo

Book Description

The Italian edition of a warm story about circus, dogs, and dementia. A seasoned circus dog is growing old and tricks are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a quick learner.

Dagobert et Duchesse, chiens de cirque

Book Description

The French edition of a warm story about circus, dogs, and dementia. A seasoned circus dog is growing old and tricks are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a quick learner.

Τα Σκυλιά του Τσίρκου Ρόσκο και Ρόλι

Book Description

Roscoe, a seasoned circus dog, is growing old. Tricks he once performed with ease are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a quick learner. She helps out her old friend, who is worried that one day he'll get fired from the circus. When a crisis interrupts the Christmas performance, it's up to old Roscoe to save the day! His golden heart and incredibly sensitive nose come in handy. As Roscoe himself says, "I may forget everything else, but I will never forget the smell of a child." --- Ο Ρόσκο, ένας βετεράνος σκύλος του τσίρκου, αρχίζει να γερνάει. Τα κόλπα που άλλοτε έκανε με ευκολία του φαίνονται πια δύσκολα - ακόμη και οι αριθμητικοί υπολογισμοί, που ήταν πάντα το δυνατό του χαρτί. Ευτυχώς, το νέο κουτάβι, η Ρόλι, μαθαίνει γρήγορα. Στην τελευταία επίδειξη της σεζόν, είναι η σειρά της Ρόλι να αναδειχθεί σε αστέρι. Ένα αναπάντεχο γεγονός διακόπτει την επίδειξη και η βοήθεια του γέρο-Ρόσκο είναι απαραίτητη. Η χρυσή του καρδιά και η απίστευτα ευαίσθητη μύτη του αποδεικνύονται χρήσιμα. "Μπορεί να ξεχάσω όλα τα άλλα, αλλά ποτέ δεν θα ξεχάσω τη μυρωδιά ενός παιδιού," αναστενάζει ο γέρικος σκύλος, ικανοποιημένος.