City of Sebastopol Housing Element

Book Description

"The Housing Element of the Sebastopol General Plan presents goals, policies, programs, and supporting information related to the provision of housing for existing and future residents of the City. The purpose of the Housing Element is twofold: 1. to present specific policies and actions for housing development to meet Sebastopol's specific, identified housing needs; and 2. to meet regional standards and achieve State certification, pursuant to statutory requirements."--Page 1 of part 1.

Sebastopol General Plan Update

Book Description

Based on public input from community visioning workshops, information contained in the Existing Conditions Report, stakeholder interviews, and direction from City staff, this report identifies key issues and opportunities to be addressed in the General Plan and summarizes input provided by participants of the visioning workshops. The Issues and Opportunities Report provides the General Plan Advisory Committee, the Planning Commission, and the City Council with tools and information for the development of the General Plan Policy Document and associated Land Use and Circulation Maps. The Issues and Opportunities Report provides and means of focusing the community's attention on key issues and opportunities that have major policy implications as Sebastopol considers how to accomodate growth over the next 20-30 years, while balancing the city's economic development, sustainability, cultural identity, and natural resource needs.