La Ciudad

Book Description

La urbe solo puede entenderse, a carta cabal, teniendo en cuenta, entre otros aspectos, el del territorio sobre el cual esta se ubica, la forma y los criterios que determinan el urbanismo de cada una de ellas y, por ultimo, la diversidad/sostenibilidad medioambiental alli predominante. Las ciudades quedan modeladas en base a los anteriores componentes -territorial, urbanistico y medioambiental-, conformando una amalgama tan perfecta que resulta imposible distinguir unos de otros. Los nucleos urbanos, autenticas "islas de libertad" civica/ciudadana a lo largo de la historia, encarnan el mejor y mas refinado legado de nuestra civilizacion; solo dentro de sus confines ha sido posible el progreso, dialogo y la convivencia, pacifica/constructiva, entre los seres humanos de la mas variada procedencia etnica, ideologica, etc.. Los modelos culturales, mayoritarios en cada momento y lugar, conforman las sucesivas tipologias del fenomeno urbano; la mitad de la poblacion mundial, aproximadamente, vive hoy en ciudades, aumentado su proporcion dia a dia -sobretodo, en el Tercer Mundo-. Una digna calidad de vida, en los entornos urbanos, el exige el respeto por los derechos civicos esenciales."

Medio ambiente urbano

Book Description

Se centra en el conocimiento y la comprensión del medio ambiente. Los contenidos se desarrollan en tres capítulos teniendo en cuenta las diversas fases del aprendizaje. El primero analiza los conceptos básicos de la ciudad y del medio ambiente urbano. En el segundo capítulo expone los problemas ambientales.El tercero nos deja ver las proposiciones que se encuentran dentro de la planificación del medio ambiente sostenible y los diferentes problemas que dan lugar a un declive en la calidad de vida

Local and Global

Book Description

First Published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Global Universities and Urban Development: Case Studies and Analysis

Book Description

The editors of "The University as Urban Developer" now extend that work's groundbreaking analysis of the university's important role in the growth and development of the American city to the global view. Linking the fields of urban development, higher education, and urban design, "Global Universities and Urban Development" covers universities and communities around the world, including Germany, Korea, Scotland, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Finland - 13 countries in all.The book features contributions from noted urban scholars, campus planners and architects, and university administrators from all the countries represented. They provide a wide-angled perspective of the issues and practices that comprise university real estate development around the globe. A concluding chapter by the editors offers practical evaluations of the many cases and identifies best practices in the field.

The Future of the Past: Paths towards Participatory Governance for Cultural Heritage

Book Description

The Future of the Past is a biennial conference generally carried out during the commemoration date of the incorporation of Santa Ana de Los Ríos de Cuenca Ecuador as a World Heritage Site (WHS). It initiated in 2014, organized by the City Preservation Management research project (CPM) of the University of Cuenca, to create a space for dialoguing among interested actors in the cultural heritage field. Since then, this space has served to exchange initiatives and to promote coordinated actions based on shared responsibility, in the local context. The third edition of this conference took place in the context of the 20th anniversary of being listed as WHS and a decade of CPM as the Southern host of the PRECOM3OS UNESCO Chair (Preventive Conservation, Maintenance and Monitoring of Monuments and Sites). For the very first time, and thanks to the collaboration with the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation of the University of Leuven (Belgium), the conference expanded its local scope. On this occasion, contributions reflected round a worldwide challenge in the cultural field: revealing the paths towards participatory governance of cultural heritage. Participatory governance is understood as institutional decision-making structures supported by shared responsibilities and rights among diverse actors.

Territorial Heritage and Development

Book Description

This book presents a new approach to heritage, linking it to territory and sustainable development. This new approach entails a broader, integrated view of heritage values on the one hand, and on the other a shift in emphasis from their protection to their valorisation. In short, it provides a view of the joint workings of natural and cultural resources, and, as a consequence, moving away from a protection point of view in favour of a perspective on their suitable sustainable valorisation. In the viewpoint taken here, sustainability is understood as the balance and long-term preservation and enhancement of such natural and cultural resources and processes in a given territory. Territorial Heritage and Development includes contributions from different disciplines (geography, architecture, planning, sociology, environmental studies and archaeology) and case studies drawn from three continents, broaching both analytical and conceptual developments, and a range of initiatives for engaging in territorial heritage as an instrument of sustainable development. The book takes a pioneering and relevant approach to the breadth and complexity of the issue which can be valuable to academics and policy-makers in Geography, Architecture, Planning and Sociology.