Urbanismo Regenerativo

Book Description

We are living in a critical moment, a reality marked by environmental and socio-economic limits that requires innovative and realistic forms of action and planning. This is what regenerative urbanism proposes, a new approach based on utopian pragmatism that seeks to restore balance to the urban territory by designing systems that allow it to adapt and transform. It is a methodology that defines models that do not consume available resources, but rather generate new ones that ensure compatibility between economic and social prosperity and nature. Santander, Hábitat Futuro (Santander, Future Habitat) is the city model created from this methodology, a proposal for the transformation of this city for the year 2055. It is an open model based on innovation and citizen participation that prepares and adapts the territory for the different scenarios to come. Santander, Habitat Futuro is a guide that directs the commitment of the different social, economic and political agents towards a common goal: to achieve a circular, sustainable, resilient, vertebrate, prosperous, vital and inclusive city. A model that, due to its innovative nature, can serve as an example to other intermediate cities around the world.


Book Description

This book uses the reflection of academics specialized in the urban area of ​​Latin America, Europe and the United States, to initiate a comparative debate of the different dynamics in which Urbicidio expresses itself. The field or focal point of analysis that this publication approaches is the city, but under a new critical perspective of inverse methodology to that has been traditional used. It is about understanding the structural causes of self-destruction to finally thinking better and then going from pessimism to optimism. It is a deep look at the city from an unconventional entrance, because it is about knowing and analyzing what the city loses by the action deployed by own urbanites, both in the field of its production and in the field of its consumption. This suppose that the city does not have an ascending linear sequential evolution in its development but neither in each of its parts in the improvement process, showing the face that commonly not seen but others live. The category used for this purpose is that of Urbicidio or the death of the city, which contributes theoretically and methodologically to the knowledge of the city, as well as to the design of urban policies that neutralize it. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the book has an inclusive view of the authors. For this reason, gender parity, territorial representation and the presence of age groups have been sought.

¿Trabajar fuera?

Book Description

Con un mercado laboral agónico, no es de extrañar que la expatriación sea una de las mayores preocupaciones en el mundo de los Recursos Humanos. Por primera vez, muchísimas compañías españolas, hasta ahora solo activas en el mercado doméstico, ven su salida a otros países como la mejor opción para seguir creciendo y desarrollándose. Ante esta situación tanto los profesionales de Recursos Humanos como toda aquella persona interesada en conocer las implicaciones de una asignación internacional necesitan estar al tanto de cuáles son los aspectos críticos a la hora de gestionar de manera eficaz la movilidad internacional. Para ello RED EXPAT, iniciativa española nacida en 2001, en la que participan los equipos de Recursos Humanos de más de 100 compañías, aproximadamente 450 profesionales de dicho sector, especializados en la gestión de movilidad internacional, se ha encargado de la coordinación de este manual práctico. En ¿Trabajar fuera? se encontrarán las mejores respuestas a preguntas tales sobre cómo llevar a cabo con éxito la expatriación de los empleados de una empresa a un puesto de trabajo en otro país, qué obligaciones fiscales, laborales y de Seguridad Social tienen la empresa y el trabajador, qué retribuciones, beneficios y seguros son los más apropiados, cómo encontrar una vivienda adecuada, qué problemas presenta si se muda con su familia o si hacen falta visados o documentos especiales, así como los aspectos claves en la incorporación a España de nacionales de otros países.

Handbook of Infrastructures and Cities

Book Description

Contributing towards a thriving research area, this comprehensive Handbook presents a broad discussion of infrastructure as social phenomena. It compiles diverse perspectives to delineate the current ‘infrastructural turn’ and assess policy and research challenges relating to contemporary forms of infrastructural development.

Men in a Developing Society

Book Description

The central objective of Men in a Developing Society is to show, as concretely as possible, how men experience a period of rapid economic development, particularly in the areas of migration, occupational mobility, and status attainment. It is based mainly on a sample of 1,640 men in Monterrey, Mexico, a large and rapidly growing manufacturing metropolis in northern Mexico with much in-migration, and a sample of 380 men in Cedral, San Luis Potosí, a small, economically depressed community with high rates of out-migration, much of it to Monterrey. The study of men in Monterrey is perhaps the most thorough one yet conducted of geographic and social mobility in a Latin American city. In part, this was possible because of the innovation of collecting complete life histories that record what each man was doing for any given year in the lay areas of residence, education, family formation, and work. These data permit the effective use of the concepts of life cycle and cohort analysis in the interpretation of the men's geographic and occupational mobility. The experience of the Monterrey men in adapting to the varied changes required by their mobility was not found to be as difficult as is often indicated in the social science literature on the consequences of economic development. In part this may be because Monterrey, in comparison with most other Latin American cities, has been unusually successful in its economic growth. The impact of migration also was lessened because most of the men had visited the city prior to moving there and many had friends or relatives in the city. The age of the migrants upon arrival in Monterrey made a significant difference in subsequent occupational mobility; those of nonfarm background who arrived before age 25 fared better than natives of the city. Although it appears that status inheritance in Monterrey is somewhat higher than in industrialized countries, a considerable proportion of men do move up the occupational ladder. And perhaps as important, the Monterrey men, whether or not they themselves are moving up, perceive the society as an open one. The very success of Monterrey's development created conditions that would bring about changes in the educational, economic, and cultural expectations of its inhabitants. Thus, paradoxically, the general satisfaction and the lack of group and class conflict in Monterrey over the previous decades may well have given rise to future dissatisfaction and conflict.

Ciudad y movilidad

Book Description

Este volumen examina por primera vez en España de forma completa, la movilidad urbana sostenible y los problemas de regulación que se plantean en las ciudades a la hora de mejorarla e impulsarla. El libro analiza su importancia en relación con el diseño de la ciudad y la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos a la vez que estudia los derechos a elegir los medios de movilidad y las consecuencias que de ello se derivan, especialmente en cuanto a las obligaciones que las Administraciones públicas tienen para garantizar estos derechos y promover sistemas lo más sostenibles posibles. Para ello se estudia qué funciones corresponden a las Administraciones estatal, autonómica y local y cómo han de coordinarse. La obra se cierra con un estudio específico de la ley valenciana de movilidad, una de las únicas experiencias autonómicas en la materia, y su aplicación a la ciudad de Valencia.

Green Cities, Governance and the Law

Book Description

This book focusses on the developing role that the city currently plays in dealing with the effects of climate change and the instruments that can be utilised to make them truly green. Cities are at the centre of European directives aimed at tackling climate change, representing a key part of the European Green Deal and the National Recovery and Resilience Plans. As such, they provide valuable case studies for other countries grappling with how to address sustainability issues. This book is divided into three parts, with the first analysing Green urban planning and local governments in the European framework. The second examines various thematic aspects relating to this intersection, looking at the National Recovery and Resilience Plans, the right of the city and environmental issues. The third and final part presents case studies from four European cities showing how they are facing this transformation. These include Bologna, Paris, Barcelona and Valencia, each chosen by the Mission climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030. Bringing together leading experts, some of whom have been directly involved in developments, the book presents invaluable comparisons that will be of interest to a wider international readership. The book will be of interest to academics, researchers and policymakers working in the areas of Public Law, Environmental Law, Urban Law and Governance.

Translating the City

Book Description

The city is a highly fragmented, heterogeneous subject; those who study, analyze and question it make a use of a variety of disciplines and methods and have different areas of expertise. How is a dialogue built between heterogeneous urban contexts and urban researchers, architects, developers, anthropologists, sociologists and political scientists? What capacity do concepts and methods have to travel from one context to another? How can they be transferred? The strength of Urban Translations lies in its disciplinary and geographical comparison and dialogue on a global scale. It openly targets an international audience, bringing together leading researchers from a variety of disciplines (urban planning, sociology, architecture and anthropology) and presenting case studies from highly contrasting urban settings, including Rio de Janeiro, Mumbai, Cape Town, Dubai, Montreal, Geneva, Lisbon, Ljubljana and Berlin.

La evolución geográfica de la productividad y el empleo

Book Description

En La evolución geográfica de la productividad y el empleo: Ideas para lograr un crecimiento inclusivo a través de una perspectiva territorial en América Latina y el Caribe se utiliza una perspectiva territorial para comprender las tasas de crecimiento económico persistentemente bajas de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Utilizando nuevos datos y métodos, se muestra que la desindustrialización, la distancia y las divisiones son factores interrelacionados que explican la paradoja de la productividad urbana en ALC, a saber: las ciudades densamente pobladas deberían estar entre las más productivas del mundo, pero no lo están. Las ciudades de ALC se han visto frenadas por la falta de dinamismo, la mala conectividad y las divisiones en barrios pobres y prósperos desconectados. A causa de la desindustrialización, el empleo urbano se ha desplazado, especialmente en las ciudades más grandes de la región, de las manufacturas a actividades no comercializables menos dinámicas y de baja productividad, como el comercio minorista y los servicios personales y de otra índole, que se benefician menos con la aglomeración, sobre todo en ciudades muy congestionadas. Si bien el empleo en el sector de los servicios comercializables urbanos ha aumentado, el alza ha sido lo suficientemente firme como para compensar la disminución del empleo en el sector manufacturero. Al mismo tiempo, los problemas de conectividad interurbana han menoscabado el desempeño de la red de ciudades de la región, dado que restringen el acceso a los mercados y la capacidad de las empresas para beneficiarse de la especialización reubicándose en ciudades más pequeñas. Dentro de las ciudades, la conectividad deficiente y la segregación del mercado laboral residencial han limitado los beneficios de la aglomeración a los vecindarios de los distritos comerciales centrales donde operan las empresas formales. La informalidad ha persistido en los barrios de bajos ingresos, cuyos habitantes enfrentan múltiples privaciones. En cambio, muchas zonas agrícolas y mineras se han beneficiado con la fuerte demanda de productos básicos por parte de China y otras economías de rápido crecimiento, particularmente durante la década dorada (2003-13), lo que llevó a una disminución de la desigualdad territorial en la mayoría de los países de la región. Se concluye que, para fomentar el crecimiento inclusivo, los países deben transformar más eficientemente la riqueza natural en capital humano, infraestructura e instituciones, y mejorar la competitividad de la economía urbana. En tal sentido, se esbozan los contornos de dicha strategia de desarrollo, identificando las prioridades en materia de políticas a nivel nacional, regional y local.

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