Cleaner Diesels

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Air pollution from diesel emissions is a public health concern that reaches every part of the country. There are two main pollutants of concern in diesel exhaust that affect human health: nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM). NOx is one of the main ingredients in the formation of ground-level ozone, which can trigger respiratory problems. Ozone can aggravate asthma and other respiratory diseases, leading to more visits to the emergency room and increased hospitalizations. Ozone can inflame and damage the lining of the lungs. This may lead to permanent changes in lung tissue and to irreversible reductions in lung function if the inflammation occurs repeatedly over a long time period. PM has been associated with an increased risk of premature mortality, hospital admissions for heart and lung disease, and increased respiratory symptoms. Long-term exposure to diesel exhaust is likely to pose a lung cancer hazard. In addition, PM, NOx, and ozone adversely affect the environment in various ways including visibility impairment, crop damage, and acid rain. The construction sector is a significant contributor to these emissions, creating 32 percent of all mobile source NOx emissions and 37 percent of PM emissions. While stringent new emissions standards are scheduled to significantly reduce emissions from new nonroad equipment starting in 2008, much of the equipment in the current nonroad diesel fleet will continue to operate for many years to come. Therefore, reducing emissions from the existing legacy construction equipment fleet is an important component of EPA's emissions control strategy. The construction sector is highly diverse and is made up predominately of smaller companies. Approximately 92 percent of construction companies have 20 or fewer employees. They tend to be low-margin businesses, with much of their business value accumulated in their capital equipment. Consequently, construction companies resist modifications that they believe will restrict their equipment's operability or increase maintenance. Small companies may not have the ability to spend significant resources to reduce emissions from their equipment. The purpose of this research project was to study and identify low cost ways to reduce emissions from nonroad construction equipment. The report documents the costs and benefits of a number of these strategies - actions that may be taken by small companies (and medium or larger ones as well) in the construction sector to reduce their emissions.

Cleaner Diesels

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Cleaner Diesels: Low Cost Ways to Reduce Emissions from Construction Equipment

EPA's Proposed Regulations for Diesel Fuel

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Highway Diesel Fuel Sulfur Regulations

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Handbook of Diesel Engines

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This machine is destined to completely revolutionize cylinder diesel engine up through large low speed t- engine engineering and replace everything that exists. stroke diesel engines. An appendix lists the most (From Rudolf Diesel’s letter of October 2, 1892 to the important standards and regulations for diesel engines. publisher Julius Springer. ) Further development of diesel engines as economiz- Although Diesel’s stated goal has never been fully ing, clean, powerful and convenient drives for road and achievable of course, the diesel engine indeed revolu- nonroad use has proceeded quite dynamically in the tionized drive systems. This handbook documents the last twenty years in particular. In light of limited oil current state of diesel engine engineering and technol- reserves and the discussion of predicted climate ogy. The impetus to publish a Handbook of Diesel change, development work continues to concentrate Engines grew out of ruminations on Rudolf Diesel’s on reducing fuel consumption and utilizing alternative transformation of his idea for a rational heat engine fuels while keeping exhaust as clean as possible as well into reality more than 100 years ago. Once the patent as further increasing diesel engine power density and was filed in 1892 and work on his engine commenced enhancing operating performance.

Automotive Diesel Technology

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Automotive Diesel Technology is written to provide the most current, relevant, and practical information concerning a new generation of light- and medium-duty diesel engines. This text is directed at the seventy percent-plus share of the diesel market owned by medium- and light-duty diesels. As the total number of diesels produced for this category grows in North America, the demand to understand and better service new low emission, environmentally friendly diesels is ore pressing. This book takes a comprehensive look at all the newest diesel engine systems from the air intake to fuel injection cooling lubrication and exhaust systems.

Light Vehicle Diesel Engines

Book Description

Light Vehicle Diesel Engines, published as part of the CDX Master Automotive Technician Series, prepares students with practical, accessible information necessary for ASE A9 certification. Taking a “strategy-based diagnostic” approach, it covers how to maintain, diagnose, and repair light and medium-duty diesel engines, increasingly common in North American, Asian and European vehicles and trucks.