Climate of the Past, Present and Future

Book Description

The book offers a review of what science has to say about climate change, from 800,000 years ago to the next glaciation, including an analysis of its effects on past human societies. Critical of the IPCC’s one-sided version of climate change, the book highlights the importance of natural factors in addition to the suggested anthropogenic effects. It also evaluates the role of greenhouse gases in climate change from the distant past to the present day, and presents detailed evidence of periodical changes in solar activity associated with climate changes in the past. Based on published scientific literature and written to be easily understood by non-specialists, the book includes multiple specially created illustrations supporting the scientific arguments. This one-stop reference resource is intended for graduate students and general readers with some scientific background who are interested in the climate science not well reflected in other books and IPCC reports and only available in specialized journals. It is a book designed to foster scientific debate on a question of global interest.

Climate Change

Book Description

This book is designed for first- and second-year universitystudents (and their instructors) in earth science, environmentalscience, and physical geography degree programmes worldwide. Thesummaries at the end of each section constitute essential readingfor policy makers and planners. It provides a simple but masterlyaccount, with a minimum of equations, of how the Earth’sclimate system works, of the physical processes that have givenrise to the long sequence of glacial and interglacial periods ofthe Quaternary, and that will continue to cause the climate toevolve. Its straightforward and elegant description, with anabundance of well chosen illustrations, focuses on different timescales, and includes the most recent research in climate science bythe United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC). It shows how it is human behaviour that will determinewhether or not the present century is a turning point to a newclimate, unprecedented on Earth in the last several millionyears.

Earth's Climate

Book Description

'Earth's Climate' summarises the major lessons to be learned from 550 million years of climate changes, as a way of evaluating the climatological impact on and by humans in this century. The book also looks ahead to possible effects during the next several centuries of fossil fuel use.

The Climate Demon

Book Description

An introduction to the complex world of climate models that explains why we should trust their predictions despite the uncertainties.

Climate: Present, Past and Future (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

First published in 1977, the second volume of Climate: Present, Past and Future covers parts 3 and 4 of Professor Hubert Lamb’s seminal and pioneering study of climatology. Part 3 provides a survey of evidence of types of climates over the last million years, and of methods of dating that evidence. Through the earlier stages of the Earth’s development the book traces what is known of the various geographies presented by the drifting continents and indicates what can be learnt about climatic regimes and the causes of climatic change. From the last ice age to the present our knowledge of the succession of climates is summarized, indicating prevailing temperatures, rainfalls, wind and ocean current patterns where possible. Part 4 considers events during the fifteen years prior to the book’s initial publication, leading on to the problems of estimating the most probable future course of climatic development, and the influence of Man’s activities on climate. Alongside the reissue of volume 1, this Routledge Revival will be essential reading for anyone interested in both the causes and workings of climate and in the history of climatology itself.

Climate of the Past, Present and Future

Book Description

This book is an unorthodox ground-breaking scientific study on natural climate change and its contribution to ongoing multi-centennial global warming. The book critically reviews the effect of the following on climate: - Milankovitch cycles - abrupt glacial (Dansgaard-Oeschger) events - Holocene climate variability - the 1500-year cycle - solar activity - volcanic eruptions - greenhouse gases - energy transport Applying the scientific method to available evidence reveals that some of these phenomena are profoundly misunderstood by most researchers. Milankovitch cycles are tied to orbital obliquity, not to orbital precessional summer insolation; glacial megatides might have triggered abrupt Dansgaard-Oeschger events; and tides are likely responsible for the related 1500-year climate cycle. Climate change affects volcanic eruptions more than the opposite; and secular variations in solar activity are more important to climate change during the Holocene than greenhouse gases. In this book, we see how important natural climate change has been on human societies of the past. It also produces new climate projections for the 21st century and when the next glaciation could happen. What emerges from this study of natural climate change is a central theme: Variations in the transport of energy from the tropics to the poles have been neglected as a cause of climate change, and solar activity variations affect climate by modulating this transport. The author tells us: –Transporting more energy from a greenhouse gas-rich region, the tropics, to a greenhouse gas-poor region, the poles, increases the amount of energy lost at the top of the atmosphere. The effect resembles a reduction in the greenhouse gas content.– The book presents the Winter-Gatekeeper Hypothesis on how variations in solar activity regulate Earth's energy transport and in so doing affect atmospheric circulation, the rotation of the planet, and the El Niño/Southern Oscillation. This book is oriented toward students and academics in the climate sciences and climate anthropology and should also appeal to readers interested in the science of natural climate change. The repercussions of Climate of the Past, Present and Future are far reaching. By uncovering a strong natural climate change component, it provides a novel view of anthropogenic climate change, fossil energy use, and our future climate; a view quite different from the IPCC's gloomy projections.


Book Description

Climate Change in Poland

Book Description

This edited book provides a comprehensive overview of the past, present and future climate development in Poland. The book consists of three main parts. The first part presents the results of the study of climate change before instrumental measurements in Poland in the last millennium. The second part analyses the long-term changes and variability of 36 climate characteristics for 14 climate elements, indices, meteorological phenomena and weather types using data from 79 weather stations in the base period 1951–2018 and for long series up to 239 years (1780–2018). The particular attention is paid to climate extremes. The third part of the book deals with projected changes in temperature, precipitation and thermal indices related to the agriculture and energy sectors. Two future time horizons are carried out: 1) near future: 2021–2050 and 2) far future: 2071–2100. The results for Poland are compared to those from Europe and other parts of the world. The book is addressed to scientists (climatologists, geographers, etc.), academic teachers, students, journalists and all those interested in Poland and climate change in Poland.


Book Description

Humanists, scientists, and artists collaborate to address the disjunctive temporalities of ecological crisis In 2016, Antarctica’s Totten Glacier, formed some 34 million years ago, detached from its bedrock, melted from the bottom by warming ocean waters. For the editors of Timescales, this event captures the disjunctive temporalities of our era’s—the Anthropocene’s—ecological crises: the rapid and accelerating degradation of our planet’s life-supporting environment established slowly over millennia. They contend that, to represent and respond to these crises (i.e., climate change, rising sea levels, ocean acidification, species extinction, and biodiversity loss) requires reframing time itself, making more visible the relationship between past, present, and future, and between a human life span and the planet’s. Timescales’ collection of lively and thought-provoking essays puts oceanographers, geophysicists, geologists, and anthropologists into conversation with literary scholars, art historians, and archaeologists. Together forging new intellectual spaces, they explore the relationship between geological deep time and historical particularity, between ecological crises and cultural expression, between environmental policy and social constructions, between restoration ecology and future imaginaries, and between constructive pessimism and radical (and actionable) hope. Interspersed among these essays are three complementary “etudes,” in which artists describe experimental works that explore the various timescales of ecological crisis. Contributors: Jason Bell, Harvard Law School; Iemanjá Brown, College of Wooster; Beatriz Cortez, California State U, Northridge; Wai Chee Dimock, Yale U; Jane E. Dmochowski, U of Pennsylvania; David A. D. Evans, Yale U; Kate Farquhar; Marcia Ferguson, U of Pennsylvania; Ömür Harmanşah, U of Illinois at Chicago; Troy Herion; Mimi Lien; Mary Mattingly; Paul Mitchell, U of Pennsylvania; Frank Pavia, California Institute of Technology; Dan Rothenberg; Jennifer E. Telesca, Pratt Institute; Charles M. Tung, Seattle U.

Climate Change

Book Description

Climate Change is geared toward a variety of students and general readers who seek the real science behind global warming. Exquisitely illustrated, the text introduces the basic science underlying both the natural progress of climate change and the effect of human activity on the deteriorating health of our planet. Noted expert and author Edmond A. Mathez synthesizes the work of leading scholars in climatology and related fields, and he concludes with an extensive chapter on energy production, anchoring this volume in economic and technological realities and suggesting ways to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. Climate Change opens with the climate system fundamentals: the workings of the atmosphere and ocean, their chemical interactions via the carbon cycle, and the scientific framework for understanding climate change. Mathez then brings the climate of the past to bear on our present predicament, highlighting the importance of paleoclimatology in understanding the current climate system. Subsequent chapters explore the changes already occurring around us and their implications for the future. In a special feature, Jason E. Smerdon, associate research scientist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, provides an innovative appendix for students.