Clonal Forestry II

Book Description

Provided here are both underlying theory and recent results concerning the propagation and use of clones in research and in production forestry. State-of-the-art science and case histories treating production, testing, multiplication and deployment of clones are presented. Agroforestry, urban forestry and christmas-tree farming are covered, along with more traditional multiple-use forestry and high-intensity forestry for biomass, wood and fiber production. Clonal forestry is contrasted to the more recent developments of "family forestry", and the classical tree-improvement approach relying on seed-orchards. The history of clonal forestry is covered with reviews of several centuries experience with Sugi in Japan and poplars in Europe. The impacts and use of clones in the contexts of genetic conservation and biodiversity are discussed, as are the laws and regulations affecting clonal production and deployment.

Clonal Forestry I

Book Description

Clonal forestry has come of age. Basic techniques in genetics and biotechnology of other organisms are generally applicable to forest trees. However, there are some differences, in particular in the juvenile- and maturation-related regeneration. Examined here are crucial topics of juvenility, maturation and rejuvenation in clonal propagation of trees. In addition, the genetics of clones, population biology of clonal deployment, propagation and field testing of clones, clone identification, clonal physiology, regeneration and variation in plant tissue cultures, the role of somatic embryogenesis in clonal forestry, and recent developments in biotechnology, including the molecular structure of trees and gene transfer are covered in depth.

Clonal Forestry II

Book Description

Provided here are both underlying theory and recent results concerning the propagation and use of clones in research and in production forestry. State-of-the-art science and case histories treating production, testing, multiplication and deployment of clones are presented. Agroforestry, urban forestry and christmas-tree farming are covered, along with more traditional multiple-use forestry and high-intensity forestry for biomass, wood and fiber production. Clonal forestry is contrasted to the more recent developments of "family forestry", and the classical tree-improvement approach relying on seed-orchards. The history of clonal forestry is covered with reviews of several centuries experience with Sugi in Japan and poplars in Europe. The impacts and use of clones in the contexts of genetic conservation and biodiversity are discussed, as are the laws and regulations affecting clonal production and deployment.

Tree Breeding and Genetics in New Zealand

Book Description

Dothistroma pini changed New Zealand commercial forestry dramatically. Tree breeding became concentrated on a very few species and development of selection methods and breeding strategies changed in response to the new challenges. Tree-Breeding and Genetics in New Zealand provides a critical historical account of the work on provenance research and tree breeding, often with the wisdom of hindsight, and it tracks the development of breeding strategy, especially for P. radiata, Douglas-fir and the most important eucalypt species, E. regnans, E. fastigata and E. nitens. The book is a compendium of abstracts and summaries of all publications and reports on tree improvement in New Zealand since the early 1950s, with added critical comment by the author on much of the work. It is intended for other tree breeders internationally, for interested NZ foresters and for graduate students studying genetics and tree breeding.

Clonal Forestry I

Book Description

Clonal forestry has come of age. Basic techniques in genetics and biotechnology of other organisms are generally applicable to forest trees. However, there are some differences, in particular in the juvenile- and maturation-related regeneration. Examined here are crucial topics of juvenility, maturation and rejuvenation in clonal propagation of trees. In addition, the genetics of clones, population biology of clonal deployment, propagation and field testing of clones, clone identification, clonal physiology, regeneration and variation in plant tissue cultures, the role of somatic embryogenesis in clonal forestry, and recent developments in biotechnology, including the molecular structure of trees and gene transfer are covered in depth.

Clonal Forestry I

Book Description

Clonal forestry has come of age. Basic techniques in genetics and biotechnology of other organisms are generally applicable to forest trees. However, there are some differences, in particular in the juvenile- and maturation-related regeneration. Examined here are crucial topics of juvenility, maturation and rejuvenation in clonal propagation of trees. In addition, the genetics of clones, population biology of clonal deployment, propagation and field testing of clones, clone identification, clonal physiology, regeneration and variation in plant tissue cultures, the role of somatic embryogenesis in clonal forestry, and recent developments in biotechnology, including the molecular structure of trees and gene transfer are covered in depth.

Clonal forestry

Book Description

Introduction to Forest Genetics

Book Description

Introduction to Forest Genetics examines some of the basic genetic concepts typically used in forestry and tree improvement studies, including Mendelian and population genetics. It also describes techniques that are generally useful in tree improvement work, including individual tree selection and breeding, provenance testing, species and racial hybridization, and introduction of exotics. Organized into 19 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of forest genetics and problems associated with forest genetics. It then discusses concepts from basic genetics, including chromosome structure and function; DNA and RNA; nongenetic inheritance; and genotype versus phenotype. Other chapters focus on inbreeding: complete elimination of homozygous recessive trees; mutation and migration; and controlled pollination and vegetative propagation. The book also covers the establishment and measurement of test plantations; general principles and methods of selective breeding; choice of breeding method and type of seed orchard; heritability and genetic gain; geographic variation in Scotch pine and American trees; species and racial hybridization; chromosome studies; and polyploidy and haploidy breeding. This book is a valuable resource for foresters, professional tree breeders, and those with or without previous training in genetics or forestry.