My Prayer Journal: Closer to God's Heart

Book Description

Are you tired? Stressed-out? Happy? Sad? Content? . . . Pray! This prayer journal is designed for those "everyday moments" in your life--the tired moments, the stressed-out moments, the joyful moments, the tearful moments, the peaceful and chaotic moments. . Dozens of practical and encouraging prayers, complemented by related scripture selections and generous journaling space, will inspire you to strengthen your heart-connection to the heavenly Father. God really does care about every moment in your life!

Waking the Dead

Book Description

Waking the Dead—newly revised and updated for these trying times—reveals the secret of finding a full life, identifying the fierce battle over our hearts, and embracing all that God has in store. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” That’s the offer of Christianity, from God himself. Jesus touched people, and they changed: the blind had sight, the lame walked, the deaf heard, the dead were raised. To be touched by God, in other words, is to be restored, to be made into all God means us to be. That is what Christianity promises to do—make us whole, set us free, bring us fully alive.

After God's Own Heart

Book Description

DIVImagine what David felt like to be singled out and given an almost unfathomable spiritual identity…to seen by God as “a man after His own heart.” David's secret is that he was energized by intimacy with God as a student of God's emotions. He encountered the power of God's emotions. It transformed his emotions for God. You can also become a student of God’s emotions and experience being energized by the Holy Spirit to a life of deep obedience and mature love. Invest time in understanding the emotions found in God’s heart for you, and your own heart will experience a glorious awakening./div

Prayer - 10th Anniversary Edition

Book Description

Best-selling author Richard J. Foster offers a warm, compelling, and sensitive primer on prayer, helping us to understand, experience, and practice it in its many forms-from the simple prayer of beginning again to unceasing prayer. He clarifies the prayer process, answers common misconceptions, and shows the way into prayers of contemplation, healing, blessing, forgiveness, and rest. Coming to prayer is like coming home, Foster says. "Nothing feels more right, more like what we are created to be and to do. Yet at the same time we are confronted with great mysteries. Who hasn't struggled with the puzzle of unanswered prayer? Who hasn't wondered how a finite person can commune with the infinite Creator of the universe? Who hasn't questioned whether prayer isn't merely psychological manipulation after all? We do our best, of course, to answer these knotty questions but when all is said and done, there is a sense in which these mysteries remain unanswered and unanswerable . . . At such times we must learn to become comfortable with the mystery." Foster shows how prayer can move us inward into personal transformation, upward toward intimacy with God, and outward to minister to others. He leads us beyond questions to a deeper understanding and practice of prayer, bringing us closer to God, to ourselves, and to our community.

Seeking God's Heart

Book Description

Seeking God's Heart is filled with 365, 3-minute daily devotionals. Each scripture based devotional is written real-time from Boyd Bailey's daily walk with the Lord. Join us as a fellow "wisdom hunter" as we seek to apply unchanging Truth in a changing world. "I read at least two devotionals a year, but these Wisdom Hunters writings are at the top of my most favorite list. Boyd is a modern day Oswald Chambers. What truth and what depth." - Johnny Hunt, First Baptist Church Woodstock, Past President Southern Baptist Convention

Until Unity

Book Description

New York Times-bestselling author Francis Chan calls for believers and churches everywhere to align our hearts with God and start taking seriously His numerous commands to unify. It is absolutely clear from Scripture that God passionately desires supernatural unity within His Church. Unity is what Jesus prays for, what He commands, and what He says will be our greatest witness to the world. If unity is so important to the heart of God, why is the Church one of the most divided groups on earth? While many believe doctrine is at the root of the problem, Francis argues that the real problem is the shallowness or non-existence of our love for each other—rooted in a shallowness in our understanding of the gospel. This is what desperately needs to change. The reason that God gifts the Church with leaders is so they can equip God’s people in a way that leads to “unity of the faith” (Ephesians 4:13). We have done a poor job at this, but it can all change. Those who are believers will hear the call and be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (v. 3). There will be opposition, but we cannot allow anything to discourage us from giving everything we have to the pursuit of a unified, restored Bride.

A Sudden Glory

Book Description

Do you long for something more in your relationship with God? The good news is that “something more” does not mean “doing more.” God is not waiting for you to get your spiritual life “right.” He wants to be with you right where you are. The real question is not “What does God want from you?” but “What does God want for you?” Sharon Jaynes understands what it’s like to have a “glory ache”—a longing to experience God’s presence on a daily basis. She also knows how easily working for God can get in the way of intimacy with God. And she’s discovered that we tend to make our faith journey much too hard. In A Sudden Glory, Sharon uses Scripture and story to help you erase the line between your “spiritual life” and your “daily life” as you enter the sanctuary of God’s presence even in the middle of your busy, messy day. Here you will find your eyes opened to moments of sudden glory in which the Creator assures you of His love as you live and move and have your being in Him. Here you will discover true freedom—the freedom of experiencing God in a deeper and more intimate way than ever before. Includes Bible study and discussion guide.

Praying from God's Heart

Book Description

Are you going to let God be the focal point of your life when you are at college? Will you follow Him, even when it's not the popular thing to do? Popular author and speaker Mark Matlock helps incoming freshmen figure out if they are ready to combine faith and college by encouraging them to think about their faith in new ways.

Reading the Bible Supernaturally

Book Description

The Bible reveals glorious things. And yet we often miss its power because we read it the same way we read any other book. In Reading the Bible Supernaturally, best-selling author John Piper teaches us how to read the Bible in light of its divine author. In doing so, he highlights the Bible's unique ability to reveal God to humanity in a way that informs our minds, transforms our hearts, and ignites our love. With insights into the biblical text drawn from decades of experience studying, preaching, and teaching Scripture, Piper helps us experience the transformative power of God's Word—a power that extends beyond the mere words on the page. Ultimately, Piper shows us that in the seemingly ordinary act of reading the Bible, something supernatural happens: we encounter the living God.