Structure and Reactions of Light Exotic Nuclei

Book Description

Since the mid-1980s increasing effort has been put into light exotic nuclei, that is light nuclei of unusual composition. The research of the exotic nuclei began with the advent of accelerated beams of such nuclei. This new technique has revitalized nuclear physics, and the facilities producing radioactive ion beams now offer opportunities for pion

Cluster Models and Other Topics

Book Description

This volume consists of contributions from some of Japan's most eminent nuclear theorists. The cluster model of the nucleus is discussed pedagogically and the current status of the field is surveyed. A contribution on Monte Carlo Methods and Lattice Gauge Theories gives nuclear theorists a glimpse of related developments in QCD and Gauge Theories. Few Body Systems are reviewed by Y Akaishi, paying special attention to the ATMS Multiple Scattering Method.

Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure

Book Description

Invited Papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions, Chester, 23-27 July, 1984

Clustering in Light Nuclei

Book Description

Nuclear Physics - Proceedings Of The Xiv Symposium

Book Description

This book is aimed at scientists, technologists, engineers, and undergraduate and graduate students involved in analytical and process biochemistry and biotechnology. It reviews the potentialities of light-emitting reaction associated with the sensor approach.The book introduces the concepts of sensors and biosensors and places bio- and chemi-luminescent sensors in the general context of biosensors. It then briefly describes luminescence phenomena and provides some basic knowledge necessary for understanding and exploiting light-emitting reactions. These luminescence reactions, important from an analytical standpoint, are described. Also the applications of bio- and chemi-luminescence which make use of immobilized reagents are explained. Finally, there is discussion of bio- and chemi-luminescent sensors, most of them including fiber optics.

Cluster Models And Other Topics

Book Description

This volume consists of contributions from some of Japan's most eminent nuclear theorists. The cluster model of the nucleus is discussed pedagogically and the current status of the field is surveyed. A contribution on Monte Carlo Methods and Lattice Gauge Theories gives nuclear theorists a glimpse of related developments in QCD and Gauge Theories. Few Body Systems are reviewed by Y Akaishi, paying special attention to the ATMS Multiple Scattering Method.

Clustering Phenomena in Atoms and Nuclei

Book Description

In these days of specialization it is important to bring together physicists working in diverse areas to exchange and share their ideas and excitement. This leads to cross-fertilization of ideas, and it enriches, as in biological systems, a specialized field with new strength, development and direction derived from another area. Although this might be an uncommon thing, it is an important step in our under standing of the physical world around us, which is, after aIl, the main purpose of physics. The seed for this conference was really sowed when one of us (MB) and Mr. Manngärd showed some a-scattering data at backward angles to FBM one summer about four years ago. That occasion led to a long research collaboration between the Abo Akademi physicists and other scientists in several countries. The actual idea to explore the possibility of holding a conference, however, crystallized in the summer of 1989 during a visit of FBM to Abo Akademi. The final decision to organize a conference was made after MB visited Profes sor Ben Mottelson in Copenhagen and Professor Anagnostatos in Athens. At this point it was recognized that there are similarities as weIl as differences between clustering phenomena in nuclei and systems consisting of atoms. It was therefore conjectured that it could be very stimulating to bring together these groups to exchange their ideas and to leam from each other's fields. A conference along these lines, we hoped, would contribute to an increased mutual understanding.

Radiative Neutron Capture

Book Description

The work provides an overview on modern nuclear astrophysics by summarizing recent achievements in studies of light nuclei and thermonuclear processes at low and ultralow energies in the Universe. Special focus lies on mathematical methods and computer programs for calculating nuclear characteristics for thermonuclear reactions.