Coaching nutricional para niños y padres

Book Description

¿Has intentado alguna vez que tus hijos coman sano y no lo has conseguido? Muchas veces, lo que falla al procurar que nuestros hijos coman mejor son las estrategias con las que afrontamos este cambio. Quizá se deba a la falta de tiempo para preparar meriendas sanas, al poco autocontrol de los niños frente a los dulces o a no tener claro qué alimentos son los más saludables y adecuados. Estelibro aporta información nutricional y estrategias de coaching nutricional para conseguir no solo que nuestros hijos coman sano, sino también que se sientan mejor con ellos mismos y desarrollen su inteligencia emocional. Con los ejercicios que se proponen, podremos identificar cual es la motivación de cada miembro de la familia para alimentarse bien y fijar objetivos realistas y asequibles, renovaremos la relación con la comida (y nos despediremos del azúcar), trabajaremos la disciplina, sabremos qué alimentos nos convienen y cuáles no, y aprenderemos a elaborar un menú semanal todos juntos.

Coaching nutricional para niños y padres: Tu hijo querrá comer bien / Nutritional Coaching for Children and Parents: Your Child Will Want to Eat Well

Book Description

¿Has intentado alguna vez que tus hijos coman sano y no lo has conseguido? Muchas veces, lo que falla al procurar que nuestros hijos coman mejor son las estrategias con las que afrontamos este cambio. Quizá se deba a la falta de tiempo para preparar meriendas sanas, al poco autocontrol de los niños frente a los dulces o a no tener claro qué alimentos son los más saludables y adecuados. Este libro aporta información nutricional y estrategias de coaching nutricional para conseguir no solo que nuestros hijos coman sano, sino también que se sientan mejor con ellos mismos y desarrollen su inteligencia emocional. Con los ejercicios que se proponen, podremos identificar cual es la motivación de cada miembro de la familia para alimentarse bien y fijar objetivos realistas y asequibles, renovaremos la relación con la comida (y nos despediremos del azúcar), trabajaremos la disciplina, sabremos qué alimentos nos convienen y cuáles no, y aprenderemos a elaborar un menú semanal todos juntos.

Teachers in Action in America

Book Description

Esquizofrenia educacin ignorancia inteligencia matar muerte, el autor. Para los materialistas, el ttulo Educacin para la Muerte signifi ca Educacin para la Nada. Sin embargo, para aquel, que entrev la inmortalidad del alma, Este ttulo se torna gran- dioso, pues comprende que la muerte solo es el trmino de una experiencia material y el retorno a la vida libre del Espritu. En esta obra Herculano nos demuestra que el ser humano debera ser educado, no solo para esta vida actual, sino tambin prepararse, a travs del perfeccionamiento intelectual y moral, para las prximas existencias, que se alternan en el mundo espiritual y en el mundo material, dentro del largo proceso evolutivo a que estn vinculados todos los seres del universo. -Herculano Pires

Brain Gym

Book Description

This new edition is a compilation of the authors work in movement- based learning. It demonstrates how physical movement relates to the mastery of cognitive skills and can enhance learning.

Artificial Intelligence in Society

Book Description

The artificial intelligence (AI) landscape has evolved significantly from 1950 when Alan Turing first posed the question of whether machines can think. Today, AI is transforming societies and economies. It promises to generate productivity gains, improve well-being and help address global challenges, such as climate change, resource scarcity and health crises.

Skills-based Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder

Book Description

Skills-based Caring equips carers with the skills and knowledge needed to support those suffering from an eating disorder, and to help them to break free from the traps that prevent recovery. Through a coordinated approach, it offers detailed techniques and strategies, which aim to improve professionals' and carers' ability to build continuity of support for their loved ones. Using evidence-based research and personal experience, the authors advise the reader on a number of difficult areas in caring for someone with an eating disorder. This new and updated edition is essential reading for both professionals and families involved in the care and support of anyone with an eating disorder.

What Kids Buy and Why

Book Description

If you're in the business of marketing or developing products and programs for kids, What Kids Buy and Why belongs in your office. How can you create outstanding products and programs that will win in the marketplace and in the hearts of kids and parents? Dan S. Acuff and Robert H. Reiher have invented a development and marketing process called Youth Market Systems that puts the needs, abilities, and interests of kids first. This system makes sure you won't miss the mark whether you're trying to reach young children or teens, boys or girls, or whether you're selling toys, sports equipment, snacks, school supplies, or software. Based on the latest child development research, What Kids Buy and Why is chock-full of provocative information about the cognitive, emotional, and social needs of each age group. This book tells you among other things--why 3-through-7-year-olds love things that transform, why 8-through-12-year-olds love to collect stuff, how the play patterns of boys and girls differ, and why kids of all ages love slapstick.What Kids Buy and Why is the result of Acuff and Reiher's almost twenty years of consulting with high-profile clients including Johnson & Johnson, Nike, Microsoft, Nestle, Tyco, Disney, Pepsi, Warner Brothers, LucasFilm, Amblin/Spielberg, Mattel, Hasbro, Kraft, Coca-Cola, Quaker Oats, General Mills, Broderbund, Bandai, Sega, ABC, CBS, I-HOP, Domino's, Hardee's, and Kellogg's. Special features include: an innovative matrix for speedy, accurate product analysis and program development a clear, step-by-step process for making decisions that increase your product's appeal to kids tools and techniques for creating characters that kids love Here is the complete one-stop tool for understanding what children of all ages want to buy.

Hidden Hunger

Book Description

Malnutrition caused by deficiencies of vitamins and minerals - also called hidden hunger - impairs both the intellectual and physical development of a child. Due to the absence of clinical symptoms and assessments, no intervention can be staged. The tragedy is that this, in turn, decreases the child’s chance to escape from poverty. This book looks at malnutrition in high-income countries, the nutrition transition and nutritional deficiencies in low-income countries, consequences of hidden hunger, and interventions to improve nutrition security. Written by leading experts in the field, it clearly stresses that national governments and international organizations must make malnutrition one of their top priorities in order to provide children with optimal conditions for a healthy future.

The Routledge Spanish Bilingual Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry

Book Description

The Routledge Spanish Bilingual Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry contains over 100,000 entries making this the most comprehensive and up-to-date dictionary of its kind. The Dictionary provides concise, comprehensive and current coverage of every word or phrase used in the study and practice of psychiatry and psychology. This valuable reference tool covers all disciplines and sub-disciplines, both research-based and clinical. This is a vital resource to those in the healthcare professions, to academicians and to those who work in translation and/or interpretation, healthcare and the law who are in contact with the English and Spanish speaking communities.