Towards Coastal Resilience and Sustainability

Book Description

Coastal zones represent a frontline in the battle for sustainability, as coastal communities face unprecedented economic challenges. Coastal ecosystems are subject to overuse, loss of resilience and increased vulnerability. This book aims to interrogate the multi- scalar complexities in creating a more sustainable coastal zone. Sustainability transitions are geographical processes, which happen in situated, particular places. However, much contemporary discussion of transition is either aspatial or based on implicit assumptions about spatial homogeneity. This book addresses these limitations through an examination of socio- technological transitions with an explicitly spatial focus in the context of the coastal zone. The book begins by focusing on theoretical understandings of transition processes specific to the coastal zone and includes detailed empirical case studies. The second half of the book appraises governance initiatives in coastal zones and their efficacy. The authors conclude with an implicit theme of social and environmental justice in coastal sustainability transitions. Research will be of interest to practitioners, academics and decision- makers active in the sphere of coastal sustainability. The multi- disciplinary nature encourages accessibility for individuals working in the fields of Economic Geography, Regional Development, Public Policy and Planning, Environmental Studies, Social Geography and Sociology.

Identity, Territories, and Sustainability

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Addressing the urgent need to tackle the global challenges of poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation, this is highly valuable reading for those interested in implementing sustainable development strategies across a variety of contexts.

Governing Sustainable Seafood

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Taking a social science approach, this book explores the governance of sustainable seafood, which is fundamental to food and nutrition security as well as being an important source of income and employment in many regions. Due to the importance of protein and other fishery and aquaculture by-products, many wild fisheries are coming under pressure, and this increasing demand has created a strong driver to expand aquaculture. As a result, the social and environmental sustainability of these production systems have come into question. The authors of the book explore the governance of sustainable seafood, taking into account the rise of social movements through environmental non-governmental organisations, the nature and perceived limits of government regulation within and beyond the state, and the promise of market-based approaches to governance such as ecolabelling. The book focuses on how concern over sustainable seafood has been translated into different current forms of governance. It then assesses what alternative governance approaches are starting to emerge that combine movements, states and markets for sustainable seafood production and consumption, and their effects. The book concludes with a vision for the future through key principles for evaluating the collective impact of governing sustainable seafood. This timely volume will be key reading for researchers interested in fisheries and aquaculture governance, as well as coastal and marine policies and sustainable food movements more broadly. It will also be of interest to practitioners and policymakers engaged in creating fishery policies and sustainable fishery development.

Mid-term evaluation of the project “The coastal fisheries initiative global partnership”

Book Description

Many coastal fisheries are poorly managed and overexploited, resulting in suboptimal yields and lost revenue, and damage to other species and habitats. The Coastal Fisheries Initiative (CFI) is a global effort between FAO and other development partners to address these issues in a holistic and integrated way. It aims to work at a practical level with selected fisheries and to facilitate a global exchange of experience and learning. The CFI comprises subsidiary regional projects in Indonesia, Latin America and West Africa, a sustainable investment support project, and a global partnership and coordination project. The mid-term evaluation of the global coordination project found that, while the initiative is extremely relevant, it has so far had limited impact of a strengthened global partnership. The evaluation recommended greater coordination between the subsidiary projects, a strengthened reporting structure and a project extension of up to two years.

Pacific Regional Synthesis for The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture

Book Description

The Pacific Regional Synthesis for The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture summarizes the state of biodiversity for food and agriculture in the region, based largely on information provided in ten country reports submitted to FAO as part of the reporting process for the report on The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture. Biodiversity for food and agriculture is the diversity of plants, animals and micro-organisms at genetic, species and ecosystem levels present in and around crop, livestock, forest and aquatic production systems. It is essential to the structure, functions and processes of these systems, to livelihoods and food security, and to the supply of a wide range of ecosystem services. It has been managed or influenced by farmers, livestock keepers, forest dwellers, fish farmers and fisherfolk for hundreds of generations. The report was originally prepared as supporting documentation for an informal regional consultation on the state of the Pacific region’s biodiversity for food and agriculture, held in Nadi, Fiji, in May 2016. It was later revised based on feedback received from the participants of the informal consultation. It provides a description of the drivers of change affecting the region’s biodiversity for food and agriculture and of its current status and trends. It also discusses the state of efforts to promote the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity for food and agriculture in the region, including through the development of supporting policies, legal frameworks, institutions and capacities.

Nordic fisheries at a crossroad

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Nordic fisheries at a crossroad explores how Nordic small-scale fisheries can develop to promote high value creation and product specialization. By looking at recent developments among small-scale but land-based food producers we suggest specialization and dedication as the main development strategies. The central notion is to break away from the price-competitive globalised fish markets and develop new products or distribution models. To succeed in this, there is a need for substantive and coordinated efforts to bridge the gap between conventional logics and the new development logics, between supply and demand. The vision should be to develop viable and composite markets for high quality and specialty fish products through dedication and specialization. Markets that go beyond the local and reach supermarkets and consumers on a national and international scale.

A Leverage-points Perspective for Sustainability Transformation in Tropical Small-scale Fisheries Systems

Book Description

Most of the world's fisheries are small-scale fisheries (SSF) which greatly contribute to employment, food security, and poverty alleviation of millions of people. Despite its great importance, conventional fisheries management often does not address the underlying factors of overfishing. Thus rather than incremental change, it is vital to select sustainability interventions that foster transformational change at the systemic level. However, many management interventions do not take into account the fishing impact on ecosystems, or the complexity of SSF as social-ecological systems (SES). In the Anthropocene, humans have become the main driver of change on planet Earth, and although values and mindsets shape environmental decisions, the role of human actors in adopting sustainable behaviors is often overlooked. Using the Gulf of Nicoya (GoN) SSF as a case study in a tropical coastal area (Costa Rica, Pacific Coast), the main objectives of this dissertation are: to highlight the need for transformational change towards sustainability, to classify management interventions, and to provide a basis for prioritizing research and management in tropical SSF. To classify interventions, a leverage points perspective focused on places in complex systems to intervene and create systemic change was applied. The hypothesis is that GoN fisheries management focuses mainly on shallow leverage points (parameters, feedbacks) that produce little change in the overall functioning of the system, while transformative responses are required at the design/intent level of the system (deep leverage). Three different studies were conducted to investigate deep leverage points: rethink knowledge systems, reconnect with nature, and restructure institutions. First, rethinking the interactions between two ecological knowledge systems. Similarities, complementarities and differences between an EwE trophic model and local ecological knowledge (LEK) were analyzed to examine the impacts of fishing on the ecosystem (1993-2013). The similarities pointed to a severe decrease in the catch of shrimp and corvina, an increase in the impact of gillnet fishing, semi-industrial trawling and in the fishing effort towards larger corvinas. Complementarities suggested significant reductions in the catch of high trophic level species (e.g. mackerel, sharks and rays), economic losses due to the catch of small individuals, catches dominated by sardines (instead of the valuable shrimp) and an increase in the use of illegal gillnets. Finally, the differences indicated that the EwE model showed a reduction in sardine catches, while this was not confirmed by the participants. Second, in order to reconnect human behavior to social-ecological resilience and to nature, it was investigated whether information about the fishery system and the effects of management (conveyed experientially through a trophic model, EwE) influenced ecological norms and beliefs, in the context of environmental education. Based on theories of social psychology, the antecedents of environmental behavior of the participants who deliberated on the EwE model information (treatment) and those who did not (control) were analyzed. Personal norms and altruistic-and-biospheric values significantly explained support to sustainable measures. Educational interventions helped reduce uncertainties, increasing legitimacy, and a perceived behavioral control of fishers to support the measures. Third, restructure fishing institutions was addressed by incorporating heterogeneity in research and management. The ecological and socioeconomic feasibility of policy interventions and the pluralistic motivations underlying fishers' choices were examined using a contingent valuation exercise and deliberation. Underlying support to reduce fishing effort includes intrinsic, instrumental and relational motivations, and a fair compensation in the midst of serious poverty issues. Scientific practices should foster collaborative approaches that integrate multiple values attributed to ecosystems (especially from women and other marginalized groups), thus cultivating trust and commitments. If management is properly oriented, there are already conditions in the GoN to redesign fishing institutions so that rules, regulations and norms allow the expansion of existing values. Finally, in light of a leverage points perspective, while the solutions are already within the fisheries system of the GoN, conventional fisheries management disregards them. Fisheries management is carried out primarily from a single-species approach, which has its place, but altering the course of the fishing system requires a SES approach focused on the underlying drivers of overfishing and under-researched areas such as: (a) the behavioral (and plural) causes of compliance; (b) values and mindsets that shape emerging goals, norms and institutions; (c) two-way learning processes to foster environmental stewardship and awareness of the ecological impacts of fishing. The results are intended to support the prioritization of research and management efforts in which ecological and social phenomena are understood as a system whose parts only function in relation to the others, and indicate plausible paths to initiate sustainability transformations in tropical SSF.