Coexistence Beyond Code:

Book Description

Embark on a thought-provoking journey into the world of artificial intelligence with "Coexistence Beyond Code: The Ethical Matrix of AI and the Human Odyssey." This groundbreaking audiobook explores the profound impact of AI on various industries, delving into the ethical dilemmas and challenges that arise as technology intertwines with human life. From the transformative potential of AI in healthcare and decision-making to the risks of AI surveillance and the path to superintelligence, this audiobook offers a comprehensive exploration of the AI landscape. Discover the importance of responsible AI development, the need for ethical frameworks, and the societal implications of this revolutionary technology. With insights from renowned experts and real-world examples, "Coexistence Beyond Code" is an essential guide for anyone seeking to navigate the complex terrain of AI ethics and understand the future of human-AI coexistence. Immerse yourself in this captivating audiobook and gain a deeper understanding of the ethical considerations that will shape the course of AI development and its impact on the human odyssey.

The Subject of Coexistence

Book Description

Odysseos traces the institutional neglect of coexistence to the ontological commitments of international relations as a modern social science predicated on conceptions of modern subjectivity.

Beyond Coexistence

Book Description

Phenomenology and Beyond: The Self and Its Language

Book Description

It has been a constant intention of the series of AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS IN PHILOSOPHY to present to the philosophical reader books which probed the frontiers of contemporary philosophy. That intention remains true of the following volume, which offers an international dialogue regarding the phenomenological program and succeeding movements. Early in this Series we tried, as well, to initiate philosophical discussion across serious boundaries and barriers which have characterized contemporary reflection. That theme also continued in the original essays presented herein. With the publication of this fifth volume in the Series we have crossed something of a minor milestone in our endeavor, and are appreciative of the kind welcome with which we have been received by the readers. We wish to thank sincerely the contributors to this volume for their helpful and willing cooperation. We also wish to thank Ms. Irmgard Scherer for her translation of Professor Apel's paper, as well as Professor Apel himself for reviewing this translation. We are also pleased to thank the Office of the Dean of the College Of Arts And Sciences and especially Dean Betty T. Bennett, for a grant for typing, as well as Ms. Mary H. Wason for her fine typing skills and her kind cooperation.

Of Bondage

Book Description

The late sixteenth-century penal debt bond, which allowed an unsatisfied creditor to seize the body of his debtor, set in motion a series of precedents that would shape the legal, philosophical, and moral issue of property-in-person in England and America for centuries. Focusing on this historical juncture at which debt litigation was not merely an aspect of society but seemed to engulf it completely, Of Bondage examines a culture that understood money and the body of the borrower as comparable forms of property that impinged on one another at the moment of default. Amanda Bailey shows that the early modern theater, itself dependent on debt bonds, was well positioned to stage the complex ethical issues raised by a system of forfeiture that registered as a bodily event. While plays about debt like The Merchant of Venice and The Custom of the Country did not use the language of political philosophy, they were artistically and financially invested in exploring freedom as a function of possession. By revealing dramatic literature's heretofore unacknowledged contribution to the developing narrative of possessed persons, Amanda Bailey not only deepens our understanding of creditor-debtor relations in the period but also sheds new light on the conceptual conditions for the institutions of indentured servitude and African slavery. Of Bondage is vital not only for students and scholars of English literature but also for those interested in British and colonial legal history, the history of human rights, and the sociology of economics.

When Languages Collide

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The Remembered and Forgotten Jewish World

Book Description

Part travelogue, part social history, and part family saga, this book investigates the politics of heritage tourism and collective memory. Acclaimed historian Daniel J. Walkowitz visits key Jewish heritage sites from Berlin to Belgrade to Warsaw to New York to discover which stories of the Jewish experience get told and which get silenced.

Queering Safe Spaces

Book Description

Queering Safe Spaces explains how safe spaces are determined by those with privilege and power, those who choose to invite us in or leave us out. Whether we encounter boundaries at national borders, bathrooms or birth certificates, our personal safety, and well-being are at stake. Gender-diverse and queer non-binary people have bodies, brains, and hearts that challenge traditional ways of being male, female, gay, straight, Black, white, good, and bad. These practitioners—at the interfaces of policy, architecture, art curation, group work, sex work, and tattooing—explore cancel culture and free speech, considering what it takes to be brave. In these times of global conflict and binary oppositions, there is urgent need for accessible and inclusive spaces everywhere. To listen and speak across the ideological voids that divide us, we must understand the differences that underpin our feelings of safety and discomfort.

Literature and Human Rights

Book Description

The idea of human rights is not new. But the importance of taking rights seriously has never been more urgent. The eighteen essays which comprise Literature and Human Rights are written as a contribution to this vital debate. Each moreover is written in the spirit of interdisciplinarity, reaching across the myriad constitutive disciplines of law, literature and the humanities in order to present an array of alternative perspectives on the nature and meaning of human rights in the modern world. The taking of human rights seriously, it will be suggested, depends just as much on taking seriously the idea of the human as it does the idea of rights.