Cognitive Foundations of Clinical Psychology (Psychology Revivals)

Book Description

Originally published in 1988, this was the first textbook to review and integrate the cognitive theories underlying the practice of modern clinical psychology. Written in a clear and readable way, it uses many clinical examples to relate the theories to what therapists actually do. It describes the strengths and weaknesses of the theories and develops a common framework drawn from research in social and cognitive psychology to explain the mechanisms of behavioural and cognitive therapy. Among the topics covered are the validity of self-reports; experimental investigations of nonconscious processes; cognitive theories of conditioning; the relation between cognition and emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression; self-esteem and the development of self-schema; self-efficacy; explanation and causal attribution; personal values and goals; self-regulation and the techniques of cognitive therapy. This textbook is designed for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate courses in clinical and abnormal psychology. Its practical focus will also make it of particular interest to practising clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals.

Cognitive Foundations of Clinical Psychology (Psychology Revivals)

Book Description

Originally published in 1988, this was the first textbook to review and integrate the cognitive theories underlying the practice of modern clinical psychology. Written in a clear and readable way, it uses many clinical examples to relate the theories to what therapists actually do. It describes the strengths and weaknesses of the theories and develops a common framework drawn from research in social and cognitive psychology to explain the mechanisms of behavioural and cognitive therapy. Among the topics covered are the validity of self-reports; experimental investigations of nonconscious processes; cognitive theories of conditioning; the relation between cognition and emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression; self-esteem and the development of self-schema; self-efficacy; explanation and causal attribution; personal values and goals; self-regulation and the techniques of cognitive therapy. This textbook is designed for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate courses in clinical and abnormal psychology. Its practical focus will also make it of particular interest to practising clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals.

Foundations of Clinical Psychology

Book Description

Responding to the needs of the 21st century clinical psychologist, Dr. Cullari and his distinguished contributing authors have written a new, exciting survey of the field. This book is the first to take an integrated approach to assessment and therapy while focusing on the scientific-practitioner model of clinical psychology. In addition to the traditional topics, the book examines issues pertaining to psychopharmacology; ethics; forensic psychology; behavioral medicine; brief therapy; treatment resistance; and much more. Upon completion of this book, readers will gain an understanding and an awareness of clinical psychology's beginning and its future. Clinical psychologists.

Social Psychological Foundations of Clinical Psychology

Book Description

Uniquely integrative and authoritative, this volume explores how advances in social psychology can deepen understanding and improve treatment of clinical problems. The role of basic psychological processes in mental health and disorder is examined by leading experts in social, clinical, and counseling psychology. Chapters present cutting-edge research on self and identity, self-regulation, interpersonal processes, social cognition, and emotion. The volume identifies specific ways that social psychology concepts, findings, and research methods can inform clinical assessment and diagnosis, as well as the development of effective treatments. Compelling topics include the social psychology of help seeking, therapeutic change, and the therapist–client relationship.

Social Psychological Foundations of Clinical Psychology

Book Description

Uniquely integrative and authoritative, this volume explores how advances in social psychology can deepen understanding and improve treatment of clinical problems. The role of basic psychological processes in mental health and disorder is examined by leading experts in social, clinical, and counseling psychology. Chapters present cutting-edge research on self and identity, self-regulation, interpersonal processes, social cognition, and emotion. The volume identifies specific ways that social psychology concepts, findings, and research methods can inform clinical assessment and diagnosis, as well as the development of effective treatments. Compelling topics include the social psychology of help seeking, therapeutic change, and the therapist–client relationship.

Scientific Foundations of Cognitive Theory and Therapy of Depression

Book Description

Based on decades of theory, research, and practice, this seminalbook presents a detailed and comprehensive review, evaluation, andintegration of the scientific and empirical research relevant toAaron T. Beck's cognitive theory and therapy of depression. Sinceits emergence in the early 1960s, Beck's cognitive perspective hasbecome one of the most influential and well-researchedpsychological theories of depression. Over 900 scientific andscholarly references are contained in the present volume, providingthe most current and exhaustive evaluation of the scientific statusof the cognitive theory of depression. Though the application of cognitive therapy has been welldocumented in the publication of treatment manuals, the cognitivetheory of depression has not been presented in a unified manneruntil the publication of this book. Coauthored by the father ofcognitive therapy, Scientific Foundations of Cognitive Theory andTherapy of Depression offers the most complete and authoritativeaccount of Beck's theory of depression since the publication ofDepression: Causes and Treatment in 1967. Through its elaborationof recent theoretical developments in cognitive theory and itsreview of contemporary cognitive-clinical research, the bookrepresents the current state of the art in cognitive approaches todepression. As a result of its critical examination ofcognitive-clinical research and experimental informationprocessing, the authors offer many insights into the futuredirection for research on the cognitive basis of depression. The first half of the book focuses on a presentation of theclinical phenomena of depression and the current version ofcognitive theory. After outlining important questions that havebeen raised with the diagnosis of depression, the book then tracesthe historical development of Beck's cognitive theory and therapythrough the 1960s and '70s. It presents the theoretical assumptionsof the model and offers a detailed account of the most currentversion of the cognitive formulation of depression. The second half of the book provides an in-depth analysis of theempirical status of the descriptive and vulnerability hypotheses ofthe cognitive model. Drawing on over three decades of research, thebook delves into the scientific basis of numerous hypothesesderived from cognitive theory, including negativity, exclusivity,content specificity, primacy, universality, severity/persistence,selective processing, schema activation, primal processing,stability, diathesis-stress, symptom specificity, and differentialtreatment responsiveness. "In 1967 the first detailed description of the cognitive theory ofdepression was published in Depression: Causes and Treatment by oneof us, Aaron T. Beck. The basic concepts of the theory laid out inthat volume still provide the foundation for the cognitive model 30years later. As well the first systematic investigations of thetheory described in the 1967 volume contributed to a paradigmaticshift in theory, research, and treatment of depression thatresulted in a very vigorous and widespread research initiative onthe cognitive basis of depression. The present book is intended toprovide a comprehensive and critical update of the developments incognitive theory and research on depression that have occurredsince the initial publication in the 1960s."--David A. Clark, fromthe Preface.

The Cognitive Foundations of Personality Traits

Book Description

Hardly anything in psychology is as irking as the trait concept. Psychologists and laypersons alike use primarily adjective trait-names to characterize and even concep tualize the individuals they encounter. There are more than a hundred well-defined personality traits and a great many questionnaires for their assessment, some of which are designed to assess the same or very similar traits. Little is known about their ontogenetic development and even less about their underlying dynamics. Psy choanalytic theory was invoked for explaining the psychodynamics underlying a few personality traits without, however, presenting sufficient empirical evidence for the validity of these interpretations. In a reductionistic vein, behaviorally inclined psy chologists have propounded the thesis that all traits are acquired behaviors. Yet, this view neither reduces the number of personality tests nor explains the resistance of traits to modification by means of reward and punishment. Dissatisfied with these and some other less well-known approaches to person ality traits, we decided to explore whether applying our psychosemantic theory of cognition to the trait concept would do better. The way we had to follow was anything but easy.

Clinical Psychology

Book Description

Clinical Psychology, Second Edition offers a comprehensive and an up-to-date introduction to the field. Written by clinical practitioners and researchers, as well as service users who add their personal stories, the book provides a broad and balanced view of contemporary clinical psychology. This new edition has been extensively revised throughout and includes a new section on working with people with disabilities and physical health problems. It also includes a new chapter on career choices, and help and advice on how to move forward into clinical psychology training. The book starts by explaining the core elements of what a clinical psychologist does and the principles of clinical practice, as well as outlining the role of the clinical psychologist within a healthcare team. It goes on to cover issues involved with working with children and families, adult mental health problems, working with people with disabilities and physical health problems, and the use of neuropsychology. The final part of the book explores current professional issues in clinical psychology, the history and future of clinical psychology, and career options. The integrated and interactive approach, combined with the comprehensive coverage, make this book the ideal companion for undergraduate courses in clinical psychology, and anyone interested in a career in this field. It will also be of interest to anyone who wants to learn more about the work of a clinical psychologist, including other healthcare professionals.