Coherent Analytic Sheaves

Book Description

... Je mehr ich tiber die Principien der Functionentheorie nachdenke - und ich thue dies unablassig -, urn so fester wird meine Uberzeugung, dass diese auf dem Fundamente algebraischer Wahrheiten aufgebaut werden muss (WEIERSTRASS, Glaubensbekenntnis 1875, Math. Werke II, p. 235). 1. Sheaf Theory is a general tool for handling questions which involve local solutions and global patching. "La notion de faisceau s'introduit parce qu'il s'agit de passer de donnees 'locales' a l'etude de proprietes 'globales'" [CAR], p. 622. The methods of sheaf theory are algebraic. The notion of a sheaf was first introduced in 1946 by J. LERAY in a short note Eanneau d'homologie d'une representation, C.R. Acad. Sci. 222, 1366-68. Of course sheaves had occurred implicitly much earlier in mathematics. The "Monogene analytische Functionen", which K. WEIERSTRASS glued together from "Func tionselemente durch analytische Fortsetzung", are simply the connected components of the sheaf of germs of holomorphic functions on a RIEMANN surface*'; and the "ideaux de domaines indetermines", basic in the work of K. OKA since 1948 (cf. [OKA], p. 84, 107), are just sheaves of ideals of germs of holomorphic functions. Highly original contributions to mathematics are usually not appreciated at first. Fortunately H. CARTAN immediately realized the great importance of LERAY'S new abstract concept of a sheaf. In the polycopied notes of his Semina ire at the E.N.S

Deformations of Coherent Analytic Sheaves with Compact Supports

Book Description

This paper is devoted to the construction of a semi-universal deformation of any coherent analytic sheaf on a complex space which has compact support. The procedure is constructive and elementary. It uses the power series method and the division and extension theory of ideals in power series rings developed by Grauert. This procedure has a number of important special features involving new techniques, three of which this paper explores at some length.

Coherent Analytic Sheaves

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Spectral Decompositions and Analytic Sheaves

Book Description

Rapid developments in multivariable spectral theory have led to important and fascinating results which also have applications in other mathematical disciplines. In this book, various concepts from function theory and complex analytic geometry are drawn together to give a new approach to concrete spectral computations and give insights into new developments in the spectral theory of linear operators. Classical results from cohomology theory of Banach algebras, multidimensional spectral theory, and complex analytic geometry have been freshly interpreted using the language of homological algebra. The advantages of this approach are illustrated by a variety of examples, unexpected applications, and conceptually new ideas that should stimulate further research among mathematicians.

The Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves

Book Description

This edition has been updated to reflect recent advances in the theory of semistable coherent sheaves and their moduli spaces. The authors review changes in the field and point the reader towards further literature. An ideal text for graduate students or mathematicians with a background in algebraic geometry.