Collaborative Research in Fisheries

Book Description

This book is about the ongoing transition of fisheries governance, from top-down command and control towards a more transparent and participatory form. It focuses on the emergence of research practices and advice frameworks that allow co-creation of common knowledge bases for management. Drawing from 8 years of research in GAP, a two-stage 7th framework EU project, the book offers a critical examination of how knowledge practices in fisheries governance are changing. The entry point for this research is a series of practical experiments in the unchartered terrain of collaborative research. To gain insight into the ongoing transition in European fisheries management, GAP initiated and carried out 13 Case Studies in different settings across Europe. In each case study, a team of fishers and marine scientists worked together to identify, plan and implement research projects intended to make a difference. The cases vary. They take on different management issues and shape the collaborations in different ways. The extent to which they succeed in realizing their objectives also differs. They are all contributing important insights into the possibilities of co-creating knowledge for management purposes. The book delves into the individual experiences of each case study as well as the lessons they contribute as a whole. The examination concludes that while research partnerships are not always easy to establish, they are an important step towards better fisheries governance. Without a common knowledge base for fisheries governance, co-created through collaborative research practices, sustainable fisheries will remain out of reach.

Cooperative Research in the National Marine Fisheries Service

Book Description

In recent years there has been growing interest in having fisheries stakeholders involved in various aspects of fisheries data collection and experimentation. This activity is generally known as cooperative research and may take many forms, including gear technology studies, bycatch avoidance studies, and surveys. While the process is not new, the current interest in cooperative research and the growing frequency of direct budgetary allocation for cooperative research prompted this report. Cooperative Research in the National Marine Fisheries Service addresses issues essential for the effective design and implementation of cooperative and collaborative research programs.

Fish Health and Oceanography Project of the Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program

Book Description

The project's main goal was to enhance understanding of the water circulation and water transport pathways within the Long Pond Bay area of southern Grand Manan and to use this to help assess the influence of the water circulation pattern on fish health and bay management concerns in the area. This report summarizes the project's findings. It also includes the presentations given at the final meeting of the project, held on February 17, 2004.--Publisher's description.

Fish Health and Oceanography Project of the Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program

Book Description

The specific objectives of this project are: 1) To develop a better understanding of the water circulation within the Long Pond Bay area of Grand Manan by: a) obtaining more observations, especially in key areas, b) more fully analyzing existing and new observations, and c) refining a three dimensional tidal circulation model; 2) To characterize the fish health issues of importance to the salmon aquaculture industry that may have a significant oceanographic component to their spread and management considerations, especially in the Long Pond Bay area and to define approaches and guidelines for estimating fish health risks based on oceanographic information; 3) To re-examine the implications of the water circulation in Long Pond Bay to the fish health and bay management boundaries within the area.--Publisher's description.