Collected Wheel Publications Volume X

Book Description

This book contains fifteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. 132—134: Touching the Essence — Bhikkhu Dhammapala; 135: The Message of the Saints — V. F. Gunaratna; 136: The Problem of Sin — P. M. Rao; 137–138: The Buddhist Wheel Symbol — T. B. Karunaratne; 139: Prayer and Worship — Francis Story; 141–143: Survival and Karma in Buddhist Perspective — K.N. Jayatilleke; 144–146: Schopenhauer and Buddhism — Bhikkhu Nanajivako; 14–149: The Wheel of Birth and Death — Bhikkhu Khantipalo; 150–151: Brahmanism, Buddhism, and Hinduism — Lal Mani Joshi.

Collected Wheel Publications Volume 10

Book Description

These Pariyatti Edition collected volumes of the renowned Wheel Publications (Wheel Series) deals with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching. Collected Wheel Publications Vol. 10 WH132/134 Touching The Essence - Dhammapala Thera WH135 Message of the Saints - V.F. Gunaratna WH136 The Problem of Sin - P. M. Rao WH137/138 The Buddhist Wheel Symbol - T.B. Karunaratne WH139 Prayer and Worship - Francis Story WH140 Significance of Dependent Origination - Nyanatiloka Mahathera WH141/143 Survival And Karma In Buddhist Perspective - K.N. Jayatilleke WH144/146 Schopenhauer and Buddhism - Nyanajivako Thera WH147/149 Wheel of Birth and Death - Bhikkhu Khantipalo WH150/151 Brahmanism, Buddhism and Hinduism - Lal Mani Joshi

Collected Wheel Publications Volume XIV

Book Description

This book contains fourteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. 98: The Noble Quest—I. B. Horner; 199: Human Progress: Reality or Illusion?—Philip M. Eden; 200–201: Buddhism and the Race Question—G. P. Malalasekera; 202–204: The Three Basic Facts of Existence–Collected Essays; 205: The City of the Mind—Nyanaponika Thera; 206–2017: Lay Buddhist Practice—Bhikkhu Khantipalo; 208–211: Anguttara Nikaya—Nyanaponika Thera and Bhikkhu Bodhi; 212–214: Dimensions of Buddhist Thought—Francis Story; 215: Birth, Life and Death of the Ego—Carlo Gragnani.

Collected Wheel Publications

Book Description

This book contains the first fifteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching. • WH 1 The Seven Factors of Enlightenment - Piyadassi Thera • WH 2 Vedanta and Buddhism - Helmuth von Glasenapp • WH 3 Buddhism and Science - K.N.Jayatilleke/Robert F.Spencer/Wu Shu • WH 4 The Greatest Adventure - David Maurice • WH 5 The Buddha - Piyadassi Thera • WH 6/7 The Four Sublime States & The Practice of Loving Kindness (Metta) - Nyanaponika Thera & Ñanamoli Thera • WH 8 Kalama Sutta - Soma Thera • WH 10 Sakka's Quest - Sister Vajira • WH 11 Anatta and Nibbana - Nyanaponika Thera • WH 12/13 The Case for Rebirth - Francis Story • WH 14 Everymanís Ethics - Narada Thera • WH 15 Dependent Origination - Piyadassi Thera

Collected Wheel Publications Vol. XI

Book Description

This book contains fourteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. 152–4: A Buddhist Catechism — Subhadra Bhikshu (Friedrich Zimmermann); 155–8: Anguttara Nikaya Part I by Nyanaponika Thera and Bhikkhu Bodhi; 159–161: Edwin Arnold — William Peiris; 162–164: Facets of Buddhist Thought — K. N. Jayatilleke; 165–166: The Buddhist Doctrine of Nibbana — Parawahera Vajiranyana Thera and Francis Story

Collected Wheel Publications Volume XV

Book Description

This book contains fifteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. Wheel Publication No. 216: The Buddhist Attitude to Other Religions by K. N. Jayatilleke; 217-220: An Analysis of the Pali Canon by Russell Webb; 221-224: Kamma and Its Fruit by Leonard A. Bullen, Nina van Gorkom,Bhikkhu Nanajivako, Nyanaponika Thera,Francis Story; 225: Buddhism and Sex by M. O'C. Walshe; 226-230: A Technique of Living by Leonard A. Bullen;

Collected Wheel Publications Volume I

Book Description

This book contains the first fifteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. Wheel Publication No. 1: The Seven Factors of Enlightenment — Piyadassi Thera; 2: Vedanta and Buddhism — Helmuth von Glasenapp; 3: Buddhism and Science — K.N.Jayatilleke/Robert F.Spencer/Wu Shu; 4: The Greatest Adventure — David Maurice; 5: The Buddha — Piyadassi Thera; 6/7: The Four Sublime States & The Practice of Loving Kindness (Metta) — Nyanaponika Thera & Nyanamoli Thera; 8: Kalama Sutta — Soma Thera; 10: Sakka’s Quest — Sister Vajira; 11: Anatta and Nibbana — Nyanaponika Thera; 12/13: The Case for Rebirth — Francis Story; 14: Everyman’s Ethics — Narada Thera; 15: Dependent Origination — Piyadassi Thera.

Collected Wheel Publications Volume IX

Book Description

This book contains fifteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. 116: Practical Advice for Meditators by Bhikkhu Khantipalo; 117–9: Nirvana, Nihilism and Satori — Douglas M. Burns; 120: The Kuþadanta Sutta: On True Sacrifice — Prof. T.W. Rhys Davids; 121–22: The Power of Mindfulness — Nyanaponika Thera; 123: The Significance of the Four Noble Truths — V. F. Gunaratna; 124–25: Buddhism in South India — Pandit Hisselle Dhammaratana Mahathera; 126: The Way of the Noble — T. H. Perera; 127: Aspects of Reality — Dr. G. P. Malalasekera; 128–29: Aspects of Buddhist Social Philosophy — K. N. Jayatilleke; 130–31: The Buddhist Monk's Discipline — Bhikkhu Khantipalo.

Collected Wheel Publications Volume 3

Book Description

This Pariyatti Edition eBook of the Collected Wheel Publications Vol. 3 is of the renowned Wheel Publications (i.e., the Wheel Series) which deals with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching. Collected Wheel Publications Vol. 3 contents: WH031/032 Manual of Insight - Ledi Sayadaw WH033 Advice To Rahula - Nyanaponika Thera (Editor) WH034/035 Four Noble Truths - Francis Story WH036/037 Buddhism and The Age Of Science - U Chan Htoon WH038 Lamp of the Law - Soma Thera & Piyadassi Thera WH039/040 Purification of Character - Dr. C.B. Dharmasena & Bhikkhu Vimalo WH041 Buddhism and Peace - K.N. Jayatilleke WH042/043 Early Western Buddhists - Francis Story WH044 Contribution of Buddhism to World Culture - Soma Thera WH045/046 Escape To Reality - Ananda Pereira

Collected Wheel Publications Volume 12

Book Description

These Pariyatti Edition collected volumes of the renowned Wheel Publications (Wheel Series) deals with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching. Collected Wheel Publications Vol. 12 WH167/169 Rebirth Explained - V.F. Gunaratna WH170 Mudita: The Buddha's Teaching on Unselfish Joy - Nyanaponika Thera WH171/174 The Requisites of Enlightenment - Ledi Sayadaw WH175/176 Ethics in Buddhist Perspective - K.N. Jayatilleke WH177 Girimananda Sutta - Nyanamoli Thera WH178 Significance Of Vesak - K.N. Jayatilleke WH179 Psychological Aspect of Buddhism - Ven. Piyadassi Thera WH180/181 Gods and the Universe In Buddhist Perspective - Francis Story