Automation in Warehouse Development

Book Description

The warehouses of the future will come in a variety of forms, but with a few common ingredients. Firstly, human operational handling of items in warehouses is increasingly being replaced by automated item handling. Extended warehouse automation counteracts the scarcity of human operators and supports the quality of picking processes. Secondly, the development of models to simulate and analyse warehouse designs and their components facilitates the challenging task of developing warehouses that take into account each customer’s individual requirements and logistic processes. Automation in Warehouse Development addresses both types of automation from the innovative perspective of applied science. In particular, it describes the outcomes of the Falcon project, a joint endeavour by a consortium of industrial and academic partners. The results include a model-based approach to automate warehouse control design, analysis models for warehouse design, concepts for robotic item handling and computer vision, and autonomous transport in warehouses. Automation in Warehouse Development is targeted at both academic researchers and industrial practitioners. It provides state-of-the art research on warehouse automation and model-based warehouse design. These topics have been addressed from a systems engineering perspective by researchers from different disciplines including software, control, and mechanical engineering, with a clear focus on the industrial applications of their research.

Intelligent Robotic Planning Systems

Book Description

Discusses generic planning problems with robotics-specific considerations. Includes the recent results in reconfigurable robot planning, multiple robot planning, plan recovery, and planning in uncertain environments.

Cable-Driven Parallel Robots

Book Description

Gathering presentations to the First International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, this book covers classification and definition, kinematics, workspace analysis, cable modeling, hardware/prototype development, control and calibration and more.

Planning Algorithms

Book Description

Planning algorithms are impacting technical disciplines and industries around the world, including robotics, computer-aided design, manufacturing, computer graphics, aerospace applications, drug design, and protein folding. Written for computer scientists and engineers with interests in artificial intelligence, robotics, or control theory, this is the only book on this topic that tightly integrates a vast body of literature from several fields into a coherent source for teaching and reference in a wide variety of applications. Difficult mathematical material is explained through hundreds of examples and illustrations.

Modern Robotics

Book Description

A modern and unified treatment of the mechanics, planning, and control of robots, suitable for a first course in robotics.

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications

Book Description

Computer solutions to many difficult problems in science and engineering require the use of automatic search methods that consider a large number of possible solutions to the given problems. This book describes recent advances in the theory and practice of one such search method, called Genetic Algorithms. Genetic algorithms are evolutionary search techniques based on principles derived from natural population genetics, and are currently being applied to a variety of difficult problems in science, engineering, and artificial intelligence.

The Complexity of Robot Motion Planning

Book Description

The Complexity of Robot Motion Planning makes original contributions both to roboticsand to the analysis of algorithms. In this groundbreaking monograph John Canny resolveslong-standing problems concerning the complexity of motion planning and, for the central problem offinding a collision free path for a jointed robot in the presence of obstacles, obtains exponentialspeedups over existing algorithms by applying high-powered new mathematical techniques.Canny's newalgorithm for this "generalized movers' problem," the most-studied and basic robot motion planningproblem, has a single exponential running time, and is polynomial for any given robot. The algorithmhas an optimal running time exponent and is based on the notion of roadmaps - one-dimensionalsubsets of the robot's configuration space. In deriving the single exponential bound, Cannyintroduces and reveals the power of two tools that have not been previously used in geometricalgorithms: the generalized (multivariable) resultant for a system of polynomials and Whitney'snotion of stratified sets. He has also developed a novel representation of object orientation basedon unnormalized quaternions which reduces the complexity of the algorithms and enhances theirpractical applicability.After dealing with the movers' problem, the book next attacks and derivesseveral lower bounds on extensions of the problem: finding the shortest path among polyhedralobstacles, planning with velocity limits, and compliant motion planning with uncertainty. Itintroduces a clever technique, "path encoding," that allows a proof of NP-hardness for the first twoproblems and then shows that the general form of compliant motion planning, a problem that is thefocus of a great deal of recent work in robotics, is non-deterministic exponential time hard. Cannyproves this result using a highly original construction.John Canny received his doctorate from MITAnd is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Division at the University of California,Berkeley. The Complexity of Robot Motion Planning is the winner of the 1987 ACM DoctoralDissertation Award.