Collisional and Electromagnetic Physics in Gyrokinetic Models

Book Description

One of the most challenging problems facing plasma physicists today involves the modeling of plasma turbulence and transport in magnetic confinement experiments. The most successful model to this end so far is the reduced gyrokinetic model. Such a model cannot be solved analytically, but can be used to simulate the plasma behavior and transport with the help of present-day supercomputers. This has lead to the development of many different codes which simulate the plasma using the gyrokinetic model in various ways. These models have achieved a large amount of success in describing the core of the plasma for conventional tokamak devices. However, numerous difficulties have been encountered when applying these models to more extreme parameter regimes, such as the edge and scrape-off layer of the tokamak, and high plasma devices, such as spherical tokamaks. The development and application of the gyrokinetic model (specifically with the gyrokinetic code, GENE) to these more extreme parameter ranges shall be the focus of this thesis. One of the main accomplishments during this thesis project is the development of a more advanced collision operator suitable for studying the low temperature plasma edge. The previous collision operator implemented in the code was found to artificially create free energy at high collisionality, leading to numerical instabilities when one attempted to model the plasma edge. This made such an analysis infeasible. The newly implemented collision operator conserves particles, momentum, and energy to machine precision, and is guaranteed to dissipate free energy, even in a nonisothermal scenario. Additional finite Larmor radius correction terms have also been implemented in the local code, and the global code version of the collision operator has been adapted for use with an advanced block-structured grid scheme, allowing for more affordable collisional simulations. The GENE code, along with the newly implemented collision operator developed in this thesis, has been applied to study plasma turbulence and transport in the edge (tor = 0:9) of an L-mode magnetic confinement discharge of ASDEX Upgrade. It has been found that the primary microinstabilities at that radial position are electron drift waves destabilized by collisions and electromagnetic effects. At low toroidal mode numbers, ion temperature gradient driven modes and microtearing modes also seem to exist. In nonlinear simulations with the nominal experimental parameters, the simulated electron heat flux was four times higher than the experimental reconstruction, and the simulated ion heat flux was twice as high. However, both the ion and electron simulated heat flux could be brought into agreement with experimental values by lowering the input logarithmic electron temperature gradient by 40%. It was also found that the cross-phases between the electrostatic potential and the moments agreed well for the part of the binormal spectrum where the dominant transport occurred, and was fairly poor at larger scales where minimal transport occurred. Finally, a new scheme for evaluating the electromagnetic fields has been developed to address the instabilities occurring in nonlinear local and global gyrokinetic simulations at high plasma . This new scheme is based on evaluating the electromagnetic induction explicitly, and constructing the gyrokinetic equation based on the original distribution, rather than the modified distribution which implicitly takes into account the induction. This new scheme removes the artificial instability occurring in global simulations, enabling the study of high scenarios with GENE. The new electromagnetic scheme can also be generalized to a full-f implementation, however, it would require updating the field matrix every time-step to avoid the cancellation problem. The new scheme (including the parallel nonlinearity) does not remove the local instability, suggesting that that instability (caused by magnetic field perturbations shorting out zonal flows) is part of the physics of the local model.

Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics

Book Description

Resulting from ongoing, international research into fusion processes, the International Tokamak Experimental Reactor (ITER) is a major step in the quest for a new energy source.The first graduate-level text to cover the details of ITER, Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics introduces various aspects and issues of recent fusion research activities through the shortest access path. The distinguished author breaks down the topic by first dealing with fusion and then concentrating on the more complex subject of plasma physics. The book begins with the basics of controlled fusion research, followed by discussions on tokamaks, reversed field pinch (RFP), stellarators, and mirrors. The text then explores ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities, resistive instabilities, neoclassical tearing mode, resistive wall mode, the Boltzmann equation, the Vlasov equation, and Landau damping. After covering dielectric tensors of cold and hot plasmas, the author discusses the physical mechanisms of wave heating and noninductive current drive. The book concludes with an examination of the challenging issues of plasma transport by turbulence, such as magnetic fluctuation and zonal flow. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics clearly and thoroughly promotes intuitive understanding of the developments of the principal fusion programs and the relevant fundamental and advanced plasma physics associated with each program.

An Assessment of the Department of Energy's Office of Fusion Energy Sciences Program

Book Description

The purpose of this assessment of the fusion energy sciences program of the Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Science is to evaluate the quality of the research program and to provide guidance for the future program strategy aimed at strengthening the research component of the program. The committee focused its review of the fusion program on magnetic confinement, or magnetic fusion energy (MFE), and touched only briefly on inertial fusion energy (IFE), because MFE-relevant research accounts for roughly 95 percent of the funding in the Office of Science's fusion program. Unless otherwise noted, all references to fusion in this report should be assumed to refer to magnetic fusion. Fusion research carried out in the United States under the sponsorship of the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (OFES) has made remarkable strides over the years and recently passed several important milestones. For example, weakly burning plasmas with temperatures greatly exceeding those on the surface of the Sun have been created and diagnosed. Significant progress has been made in understanding and controlling instabilities and turbulence in plasma fusion experiments, thereby facilitating improved plasma confinement-remotely controlling turbulence in a 100-million-degree medium is a premier scientific achievement by any measure. Theory and modeling are now able to provide useful insights into instabilities and to guide experiments. Experiments and associated diagnostics are now able to extract enough information about the processes occurring in high-temperature plasmas to guide further developments in theory and modeling. Many of the major experimental and theoretical tools that have been developed are now converging to produce a qualitative change in the program's approach to scientific discovery. The U.S. program has traditionally been an important source of innovation and discovery for the international fusion energy effort. The goal of understanding at a fundamental level the physical processes governing observed plasma behavior has been a distinguishing feature of the program.

Modern Plasma Physics: Volume 1, Physical Kinetics of Turbulent Plasmas

Book Description

This three-volume series presents the ideas, models and approaches essential to understanding plasma dynamics and self-organization for researchers and graduate students in plasma physics, controlled fusion and related fields such as plasma astrophysics. Volume I develops the physical kinetics of plasma turbulence through a focus on quasi-particle models and dynamics. It discusses the essential physics concepts and theoretical methods for describing weak and strong fluid and phase space turbulence in plasma systems far from equilibrium. The book connects the traditionally 'plasma' topic of weak or wave turbulence theory to more familiar fluid turbulence theory, and extends both to the realm of collisionless phase space turbulence. This gives readers a deeper understanding of these related fields, and builds a foundation for future applications to multi-scale processes of self-organization in tokamaks and other confined plasmas. This book emphasizes the conceptual foundations and physical intuition underpinnings of plasma turbulence theory.

Cosmical Electrodynamics

Book Description

Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

Book Description

TO THE SECOND EDITION In the nine years since this book was first written, rapid progress has been made scientifically in nuclear fusion, space physics, and nonlinear plasma theory. At the same time, the energy shortage on the one hand and the exploration of Jupiter and Saturn on the other have increased the national awareness of the important applications of plasma physics to energy production and to the understanding of our space environment. In magnetic confinement fusion, this period has seen the attainment 13 of a Lawson number nTE of 2 x 10 cm -3 sec in the Alcator tokamaks at MIT; neutral-beam heating of the PL T tokamak at Princeton to KTi = 6. 5 keV; increase of average ß to 3%-5% in tokamaks at Oak Ridge and General Atomic; and the stabilization of mirror-confined plasmas at Livermore, together with injection of ion current to near field-reversal conditions in the 2XIIß device. Invention of the tandem mirror has given magnetic confinement a new and exciting dimension. New ideas have emerged, such as the compact torus, surface-field devices, and the EßT mirror-torus hybrid, and some old ideas, such as the stellarator and the reversed-field pinch, have been revived. Radiofrequency heat ing has become a new star with its promise of dc current drive. Perhaps most importantly, great progress has been made in the understanding of the MHD behavior of toroidal plasmas: tearing modes, magnetic Vll Vlll islands, and disruptions.

Kinetic Alfvén Waves in Laboratory, Space, and Astrophysical Plasmas

Book Description

This book provides a systematic introduction to the observation and application of kinetic Alfven waves (KAWs) in various plasma environments, with a special focus on the solar-terrestrial coupling system. Alfven waves are low-frequency and long-wavelength fluctuations that pervade laboratory, space and cosmic plasmas. KAWs are dispersive Alfven waves with a short wavelength comparable to particle kinematic scales and hence can play important roles in the energization and transport of plasma particles, the formation of fine magneto-plasma structures, and the dissipation of turbulent Alfven waves. Since the 1990s, experimental studies on KAWs in laboratory and space plasmas have significantly advanced our understanding of KAWs, making them an increasingly interesting subject. Without a doubt, the solar–terrestrial coupling system provides us with a unique natural laboratory for the comprehensive study of KAWs. This book presents extensive observations of KAWs in solar and heliospheric plasmas, as well as numerous applications of KAWs in the solar-terrestrial coupling system, including solar atmosphere heating, solarwind turbulence, solar wind-magnetosphere interactions, and magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. In addition, for the sake of consistency, the book includes the basic theories and physical properties of KAWs, as well as their experimental demonstrations in laboratory plasmas. In closing, it discusses possible applications of KAWs to other astrophysical plasmas. Accordingly, the book covers all the major aspects of KAWs in a coherent manner that will appeal to advanced graduate students and researchers whose work involves laboratory, space and astrophysical plasmas.


Book Description

The tokamak is the principal tool in controlled fusion research. This book acts as an introduction to the subject and a basic reference for theory, definitions, equations, and experimental results. The fourth edition has been completely revised, describing their development of tokamaks to the point of producing significant fusion power.