Columbus Radio

Book Description

Two professors and a preacher invented Columbus radio. It began with science experiments in classrooms and a minister's desire to expand beyond his churchgoing audience. By 1922, government licenses had been issued for WEAO at Ohio State University and WJD at Denison University. At this same time, a Baptist minister went on the air for an hour each Sunday morning using a 10-watt transmitter licensed as WMAN. In this story of Columbus radio, the work of the professors and the preacher will evolve into radio with advertiser-supported programs of information and entertainment. Three important radio stations will serve a growing Columbus radio audience in different ways: WEAO becomes WOSU, a national pioneer in using radio for teaching; WMAN becomes WCOL and in the 1960s is number one in audience size; and CBS affiliate WBNS becomes the class act of Columbus radio, retaining the major share of local listeners for many decades. Including many other stations of lesser influence, the illustrated stories of Columbus radio are told in this book.

Columbus Radio

Book Description

Two professors and a preacher invented Columbus radio. It began with science experiments in classrooms and a minister's desire to expand beyond his churchgoing audience. By 1922, government licenses had been issued for WEAO at Ohio State University and WJD at Denison University. At this same time, a Baptist minister went on the air for an hour each Sunday morning using a 10-watt transmitter licensed as WMAN. In this story of Columbus radio, the work of the professors and the preacher will evolve into radio with advertiser-supported programs of information and entertainment. Three important radio stations will serve a growing Columbus radio audience in different ways: WEAO becomes WOSU, a national pioneer in using radio for teaching; WMAN becomes WCOL and in the 1960s is number one in audience size; and CBS affiliate WBNS becomes the class act of Columbus radio, retaining the major share of local listeners for many decades. Including many other stations of lesser influence, the illustrated stories of Columbus radio are told in this book.

Columbus Radio

Book Description

Lies My Teacher Told Me about Christopher Columbus

Book Description

Some myths don't die, and lies are still being told about Christopher Columbus: that he 'discovered' the Americas, that the land was sparsely populated by native people, that those people were primitive and that they submitted to Columbus's 'God-like' authority. Loewen disproves the myths about Columbus still enshrined in American textbooks with quotations from primary source material that sets the record straight. The poster and accompanying 48-page paperback book sum up the mistellings - and reveal the real story - in a graphically appealing and accessible format.


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FCC Record

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The Radio Dealer

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Christopher Columbus

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Hardware Journal

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Transatlantic Radio Dramas

Book Description

The BBC Latin American Service was created in 1938, funded by the British Ministry of Information, to counter fascist propaganda broadcast to Latin America. Now considered one of the major Latin American novelists of the twentieth century, Brazilian writer Antônio Callado (1917–1997) got his start writing radio drama scripts for the BBC LAS during and after World War II. Largely forgotten until Daniel Mandur Thomaz collected them in a 2018 volume published in Brazil, these radio scripts were propaganda in their own right and were part of a concerted effort to win sympathy for Britain and the Allies in Latin America. They reveal how Callado’s experiences during the war influenced his writing and had a critical impact on themes he would revisit consistently throughout his literary career. Transatlantic Radio Dramas analyzesthe scripts themselves, but also examines the institutions, material practices, and beliefs that allowed modernist transatlantic networks like the BBC LAS to flourish.