The Select Works of John Bunyan: Containing The Pilgrim's Progress, The Holy War, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, The Jerusalem Sinner Saved, Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ, The Saints' Privilege and Profit, The Water of Life, and The Barren Fig-tree. With a Life of the Author, by George Cheever ... and an Introductory Essay on The Pilgrim's Progress, by James Montgomery, Esq. Illustrated ... After Designs by T. Stothard

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Life of John Bunyan

Book Description

"All who have undertaken to take an estimate of Bunyan's literary genius call special attention to the richness of his imaginative power. Few writers indeed have possessed this power in so high a degree. In nothing, perhaps, is its vividness more displayed than in the reality of its impersonations. The dramatis persons are not shadowy abstractions, moving far above us in a mystical world, or lay figures ticketed with certain names, but solid men and women of our own flesh and blood, living in our own everyday world, and of like passions with ourselves. Many of them we know familiarly; there is hardly one we should be surprised to meet any day. This lifelike power of characterization belongs in the highest degree to 'The Pilgrim's Progress.' It is hardly inferior in "The Holy War," though with some exceptions the people of 'Mansoul' have failed to engrave themselves on the popular memory as the characters of the earlier allegory have done. The secret of this graphic power, which gives 'The Pilgrim's Progress' its universal popularity, is that Bunyan describes men and women of his own day, such as he had known and seen them. They are not fancy pictures, but literal portraits."--Edmund Venables, M.A. (Author) -

Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ

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