Commandments from Heavenly Realms

Book Description

We strongheadedly believe that God is the messianic savior and that God’s light shall prevail unto the brethren for his sons and daughters to illumine the truth and his existence. Our God’s birth is in his earthly heaven, and he shall pour his blessing unto you at times of apocalypse, which is the revivalist truth of God’s infinitesimal picture and his physical presence on earthly heaven. We also believe in Lord’s feet washing and that glory can be established by truth, service, devotion, and compassion for your father and mother, brothers and sisters, grandfathers and grandmothers, peers, friends, kith and kins, and neighbors to have pure, godly feet-washing service to humankind. This is to ignite the passion of love and service for fellow beings and to ultimately encompass and redeem the shower of divine bliss, eternal truth, cooperation, help and support, healing and blessing, eternal wisdom and eternal life and eternal bonding. We believe in the presence of Lord Rama, Buddha, Mohammed, and Jesus on heavenly earth. This millennium book of proven approaches and handy tools will help in understanding straight revelations from Lord’s mind, gut, love, omnipresence, and sacrosanct neo-exotransleadership in order to eradicate degradation and to give space to righteousness. The Creator’s cosmic manifestation for the compassion DNA sequencer bases of faith, will, hard work, and education is for the pure blooming of peace.

The Ten Commandments

Book Description

Can you find a proven source for lasting standards and values? God revealed the heart of His standards--the Ten Commandments--long ago at Mount Sinai. But what sets them apart from man-made rules and guidelines? What do they reveal about nature of God Himself. In this booklet you'll discover the answers to these questions and more. Inside this booklet:- The First Commandment: What Is Our Greatest Priority?- The Second Commandment: What Is God Like?- The Third Commandment: From Profanity to Praise- The Fourth Commandment: Key to a Relationship With Our Creator- The Fifth Commandment: A Foundation for Success- Sixth Commandment: Life Is a Precious Gift- Seventh Commandment: Protect the Marital Relationship- Eighth Commandment: Practice Giving Rather Than Getting- Ninth Commandment: Truth as a Way of Life- Tenth Commandment: True Righteousness Comes From the Heart- Does the New Covenant Abolish the Commandments?[ View or download other free booklets at ]

The Law of God

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The Ten Commandments

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I hold no man accountable to that end by which they have so shewn against that great image of God. For accountability comes from the law. And if the law of God has been so written upon the hearts of man, and the conscience of man too bears witness to this account through guilt and other similar vexations; then we know that as long as man should live, all his affairs are understood under the law of God. Such that if the law comes from God, there is only one judge who should make judgment on that day that is just and righteous. But lo is the fall of Adam, which makes a generation weak and a generation foolish, as the fall is permitting no man to be of worth before the good Lord. All the anguish of the conscience was forsaken for pleasures and the hearts of man were hardened, and men bearing no semblance to God- no longer in the Life of Him, were in the darkness of him, that is death. Yet “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” That he may grant men life that they may no longer see death as long as they believe in the Son who he sent, for the Son is him and he is the Son. As written of him, it were done, that the the Son fulfilled the law of man and the law of God, teaching men to “render to what is of Caesar to Caesar and to render what is of God to God” this the Lord did. Do men not know what this means, for God has set a way for man, a life. For if the law has been renewed, through Christ who saves, as he abolishes the old that there may be a new. Then it can only be that all who do as has been done by Christ, and walk in the Light of him, are made worthy before God. For God has already blessed man with the incorruptible image of him, as we know that the image of God, is our showing that we belong to the great God. Now if we belong to God, and are of the same image that is of Christ, then we too are partakers in the lot that has been prepared for Christ. But I say, this is not the case, for man has been set to him a cross. There must be a cross. Christ the free, and the obedient, gained the glory of God through the cross, what more for man. Do not be deceived.“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”The story of old has been written anew, the Lord has spoken and it has come to be a Book of Life- The Bible. An AnswerCan God create a rock that even he can't lift it? Certainly God has created the non believer, by his own existence. He reveals himself in mystery, such that to accept him is to accept the testimony of Christ, who testifies to Him. On the condition that he provides grounds for his acceptance he too provides grounds for his denial for those that lack him or rather deny him are prevented them from entering Him. Thus it can be proven that God can create a rock so heavy he cannot lift it, he creates a non believer that cannot enter Him and deliver to Heaven. Is it to say he is not powerful? no that cannot be. Rather it is free will, for man has the freedom to willingly deny or accept the God of their choosing.

On the Ten Commandments

Book Description

I hold no man accountable to that end by which they have so shewn against that great image of God. For accountability comes from the law. And if the law of God has been so written upon the hearts of man, and the conscience of man too bears witness to this account through guilt and other similar vexations; then we know that as long as man should live, all his affairs are understood under the law of God. Such that if the law comes from God, there is only one judge who should make judgment on that day that is just and righteous. But lo is the fall of Adam, which makes a generation weak and a generation foolish. As the fall is permitting no man to be of worth before the good Lord. All the anguish of the conscience has been forsaken for pleasures and the hearts of man have grown hardened. Men bearing no semblance to God- no longer in the Life of Him, grew into the darkness of Him, supposing their death. Yet “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” That he may grant men life that they may no longer see death as long as they believe in the Son who he sent, for the Son is him and he is the Son. As written of him, it were done, that the the Son fulfilled the law of man and the law of God, teaching men to “render to what is of Caesar to Caesar and to render what is of God to God” this the Lord did. Do men not know what this means, for God has set a way for man, a life. For if the law has been renewed, through Christ who saves, as he abolishes the old that there may be a new. Then it can only be that all who do as has been done by Christ, and walk in the Light of him, are made worthy before God. For God has already blessed man with the incorruptible image of him, as we know that the image of God, is our proof that we belong to the great God- according to faith. Now if we belong to God, and are of the same image that is of Christ, then we too are partakers in the lot that has been prepared for Christ. But I say, this is not the case, for man has been set to him a cross. There must be a cross. Christ the free, and the obedient, gained the glory of God through the cross, what more for man. Do not be deceived. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” The story of old has been written anew, the Lord has spoken and it has come to be a Book of Life- The Bible. Can God create a rock that even he can't lift it? In as much as God exist, for Him to provide a possibility of his denial gives cause to the existence of a non believer. For God reveals Himself in mystery, such that to accept Him is to accept the testimony of Christ, who testifies to Him. Thus it is not by reason a man knows his God. As it is by design that God makes Himself known by faith. Moreover, on the condition that God provides grounds for his acceptance through faith, He too provides grounds for his denial, by revealing Himself in a manner that is not conducive to the human condition. God supposes his existence according to faith, even though all that any man can observe and gain knowledge of, is understood in the light of reason. Thus God gives cause for those that lack Him or rather deny Him from entering Him. In this, it can be proven that God can create a rock so heavy He cannot lift it, as He creates a non believer that cannot enter Him and be delivered to heaven. Is it to say He is not powerful? No that cannot be . Rather, it is free will, for man has the freedom to willingly deny or accept the God of their choosing. Note from the Author: Of those disciplines of science and of those disciplines of religion, of those disciplines of rationality, and of those disciplines of love, I write to all person no matter the race, socioeconomic, sex, gender, religion, age ,culture, tradition, disability. The Commandments.

The Greatest Commandments & the Way

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This book endeavors to establish the importance of love as the distinguishing characteristic of the disciples of Christ. It also seeks to establish the prophetic witness of the Scriptures to the divinity and Lordship of Jesus Christ. Also contained in the book is an essay on the subject of Christian unity, in which the author sets forth the biblical basis of Christian unity.

The Two Great Commandments

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Keeping the Ten Commandments

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They're often mistakenly considered God's "rules"-his outdated list of do's and don'ts that add up to a guilt-ridden, legalistic way of life. But as beloved author and Bible scholar J. I. Packer probes the purpose and true meaning of the Ten Commandments, you'll discover that these precepts can aptly be called God's blueprint for the best life possible. They contain the wisdom and priorities everyone needs for relational, spiritual, and societal blessing-and it's all coming from a loving heavenly Father who wants the best for his children. Not only does Packer deliver these truths in brief, readable segments, but he includes discussion questions and ideas for further study at the end of each chapter. This book will challenge you to view the commandments with new eyes and help you to understand-perhaps for the first time-the health, hope, and heritage you're offered there.