Commentary on Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Job: Bible Study Notes and Comments

Book Description

Bible study notes and commentary on the Old Testament books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Job. Emphasizes understanding the text with practical applications. Intended to be helpful to all Christians, including teachers and preachers, while avoiding an emphasis on technical issues. Written from the conservative viewpoint of faith in the Bible as the absolute, inerrant, verbally inspired word of God. Comments include discussion of these topics: * The return of the Jews from Babylonian Captivity * The rebuilding of the temple and the walls of Jerusalem * Salvation of the Jews from a plot of annihilation and holocaust * Restoration of worship and service to God * Reasons why people suffer * Patient endurance in time of hardship and trouble * Roles of God and of Satan in human tragedy * Authority and wisdom of God to control His creation

Commentary on Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther

Book Description

* Bible study notes and comments on the Old Testament books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther* Explanation and practical applications for the average Bible student* Written from the perspective of faith in the Bible as the absolute, inerrant verbally inspired word of God* Examines the return of the Jews from Babylonian Captivity, the rebuilding of the temple and Jerusalem, and the defeat of their enemies

Holman Old Testament Commentary - Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

Book Description

No other book in the Bible compares with the wonder of the sacred collection of inspired worship songs known as the Psalms. Considered by many to be the most loved portion of Scripture, the Psalms have been a bedrock of comfort and a tower of strength for believers in every experience of life. This is the second of two volumes in the Holman Old Testament Commentary given to the Psalms, that provide commentary on Psalms chapters 76-150. Some of the key Psalms receive an added in-depth treatment that includes exposition, illustrations, and teaching plans. -

The Communicator's Commentary

Book Description

"Ezra and Nehemiah address issues that make the front pages of our newspapers - and they speak to the yearnings of our hearts". This is why the author of this volume, Dr. Mark Roberts enthusiastically encourages Christian communicators to explore these somewhat obscure Old Testament texts. For much the same reason the author believes modern pastors and Bible students can benefit from careful study in the often-maligned book of Esther. He emphasizes the book's contemporary relevance, stating, "Esther encourages us to grapple with pressing moral issues in light of God's wisdom". As a pastor with a passion for communicating God's truths to young people and to the unchurched in our world, Dr. Roberts shares his personal success in using the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther to address contemporary needs. Not only is this commentary well-written and carefully researched, but, as an added plus, Dr. Roberts' deep faith and his dynamic relationship with Christ shine through every page. As Dr. Lloyd Ogilvie says in the editor's preface, the author of this fine volume "is vulnerable, open and honest about how the Scriptures he explains have impacted his own life". Marked by the excellence you have come to expect in the Communicator's Commentary series, this latest volume wrestles with difficult questions, such as the rightful place of Esther in the canon and the puzzling roles of Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel; provides a wide range of quotations and anecdotes from modern and classical sources to help us communicate God's message today; and offers balance of exegetical, historical, and literary analysis along with penetrating applications of the truths reflected in these texts. "As communicators",Dr. Ogilvie says, "we all long for those magnificent moments in our preparation when we are gripped with an inspired insight into a passage of Scripture that prompts us to exclaim, 'that will preach!' We are filled with excitement and enthusiasm to share what we've discovered. This is exactly what will happen as you study this commentary. It is power-packed and brimming over with new insight into familiar passages".

Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Understanding the Bible Commentary Series)

Book Description

Ezra-Nehemiah is the Old Testament equivalent of the Acts of the Apostles--it is a book of new beginnings. Just as Acts narrates the early history of the church through the work of the apostles, Ezra-Nehemiah narrates the re-establishment of the people of God after the exile through the work of Sheshbazzar, Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Allen explores Ezra-Nehemiah as a single literary text made up of three parts telling the story of three missions and the opposition they meet with. Wise and insightful, Leslie Allen has written a commentary that illuminates these texts and their intended message. Esther is a story about a young girl who becomes queen. Laniak's thoughtful commentary examines this narrative as a story with many levels of meaning. Esther is about the minority Jewish community in the dependent state of Diaspora, navigating a precarious existence in two worlds, and it is about the triumph of right over wrong, of God's people over their enemies.

Ezra and Nehemiah

Book Description

In this introduction and commentary to the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, Derek Kidner's clear prose and theological insight helps readers understand the complex literary and historical issues surrounding these two books and their chief characters.

Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

Book Description

"Ezra-Nehemiah is the Old Testament equivalent of the Acts of the Apostles--it is a book of new beginnings. Just as Acts narrates the early history of the church through the work of the apostles, Ezra-Nehemiah narrates the re-establishment of the people of God after the exile through the work of Sheshbazzar, Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Allen explores Ezra-Nehemiah as a single literary text made up of three parts telling the story of three missions and the opposition they meet with. Esther is a story about a young girl who becomes queen. Laniak's commentary examines this narrative as a story with many levels of meaning. Esther is about the minority Jewish community in the dependent state of Diaspora, navigating a precarious existence in two worlds, and it is about the triumph of right over wrong, of God's people over their enemies."--Publisher's description.

Commentary on 1& 2 Samuel: Bible Study Notes and Comments

Book Description

Bible study notes and commentary on the Old Testament books of 1 and 2 Samuel. Emphasizes understanding the text with practical applications. Intended to be helpful to all Christians, including teachers and preachers, while avoiding an emphasis on technical issues. Written from the conservative viewpoint of faith in the Bible as the absolute, inerrant, verbally inspired word of God. Comments include discussion of these topics: * Lives of Samuel, David, and Saul * End of the period of Judges * Beginning of the United Kingdom in Israel * David's defeat of Goliath * Reign of David * David's sin with Bathsheeba and its consequences

Commentary on the Gospel of Mark: Bible Study Notes and Comments

Book Description

Bible study notes and commentary on the New Testament gospel of Mark. Emphasizes understanding the text with practical applications. Intended to be helpful to all Christians, including teachers and preachers, while avoiding an emphasis on technical issues. Written from the conservative viewpoint of faith in the Bible as the absolute, inerrant, verbally inspired word of God. Topics discussed include: * Jesus' life and teaching * Jesus' miracles * Jesus' parables * Jesus' fulfillment of prophecies * Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection