Commercial and Military Uses of Outer Space

Book Description

This edited book brings together a diverse range of chapters on space related topics. The authors included in this book are drawn from Australia and overseas, from academia, government, industry, civil society and the military. This book contains chapters that cover topics such as law, science, archaeology, defence, policy, and more, all with a focus on space. This edited collection is a timely international and interdisciplinary book, which addresses some of the contemporary issues facing activities in space and those attempting to understand, use and regulate the space domain. This edited book seeks to normalise the role of women as experts in the space sector, by not calling attention to the fact that all the authors are women – they are all experts in their respective fields who just happen to be women. Bringing together these contributions in this book in turn promotes the inclusion of diversity in the space sector. This edited collection is an opportunity to influence the development of the space industry – in terms of gender diversity, and diversity of disciplines and thinking – while it is in its formative stage, rather than trying to redress imbalances once they are entrenched in the industry.

Outer Space Law

Book Description

The potential use of space for military purposes has, since the end of the Second World War, been intrinsically linked to the development of space technology and space flight. The political relevance of outer space continues to be recognised by nations, and in particular the strategic benefit of Earth observation from outer space remains an important national security tool. However, because of the dual-use potential of many space applications, the distinction between the military and non-military uses of space is becoming increasingly blurred. The consequent potential for conflict between nations in order to protect their space assets is alarmingly clear.The outer space arena has, however, evolved to increasingly include non-state entities, which are becoming more and more involved in outer space activities. These activities currently comprise the use of satellites for navigation purposes, the transportation of supplies to the International Space Station and the offering of tourist flights into outer space. Today in all space-faring countries, the space industry contributes to national GDP and supports the labour force. It also serves as a catalyst for technological advancement and productivity growth, and has become an integral part of the day-to-day lives of people all around the world.The involvement of private actors in outer space has, however, given rise to a number of legal issues, including questions pertaining to liability, insurance and property rights in space. The current outer space treaties are to a large degree outdated and unable to deal with legal issues arising out of the military and commercial use of outer space.Outer Space Law: Legal Policy and Practice is aimed at readers looking for a single title to understand the key issues relevant to the space sector, with an emphasis on the practical application of those issues. The book will be specifically relevant to legal practitioners, academics and state departments primarily working in the space arena, as well as to those in other related sectors such as IT and media, insurance and political science. Edited by Yanal Abul Failat, lawyer at the international law firm LXL LLP, and Professor Anél Ferreira-Snyman, a professor of law specialising in international space law at the University of South Africa, the book includes contributions by leading experts from space agencies, space venturers, lawyers, economists, insurers, academics and financiers.

The Changing Role of the U.S. Military in Space

Book Description

Growth in the technical capabilities of commercial and foreign space systems, potential exploitation of space by adversaries, increasing use of commercial space capabilities by U.S. forces, and continuing budget constraints are all changing the role of the U.S. military in space. The growth of commercial space markets, and the rapid privatization and increasing foreign ownership of commercial space assets, suggest that the Department of Defense must develop a long-term strategy to ensure adequate and secure access to commercial communications satellites and other commercial space resources. Space control will assume increasing importance in military operations, and space itself may become a theater of military operations. The United States should develop a long-term strategy to enable the U.S. military to deny space capabilities to potential adversaries. Such a strategy should rely on system or operational concepts that minimize collateral damage to commercial, civil, and third-party space assets and that do not violate existing arms control agreements or treaties. Space surveillance--the ability to precisely identify, track, and predict the position of objects in space --is an essential aspect of space control. Space control and changing space surveillance needs have implications for the Air Force as an institution.

Common Security in Outer Space and International Law

Book Description

This publication explores the concept of common security and the legal foundations for its application in outer space law, based on the premise that outer space is an internationalised common area beyond the national jurisdiction of individual states, and therefore security in space must be the common security of all states. Chapters cover a range of issues including: the principle of the peaceful use of outer space, passive military uses, and multilateral negotiations to prevent an arms race in outer space; structural change of international law and the common heritage of mankind principle; and proposals for a multilateral agreement and the creation of an International Organisation for Common Security in Outer Space.

The Convergence of U.S. Military and Commercial Space Activities: Self-Defense and Cyber-Attack, 'Peace Use' and the Space Station, and the Need for Legal Reform

Book Description

The ever-increasing convergence of U.S. military and commercial space activities poses new challenges to the viability of the legal concepts that have traditionally governed the use of outer space, and particularly the military use of space, from the beginning of the space age. This paper will look at two examples of where the melding of U.S. military and commercial space activities necessitates a reexamination of the applicable legal theories. Part I will examine the concept of self-defense in outer space, by considering the legality of the use of conventional military force to defend against "cyber-attack" on its commercial space assets. Part II will examine the concept of the use of outer space for "peaceful purposes" under international law, by focusing on the permissibility of military use of the International Space Station. As private commercial entities increasingly take their place aside State actors in outer space, understanding the impact of space commercialization on the law governing military-related activities in outer space becomes more-and-more important to policymakers, military planners, legal scholars and space law practitioners alike.

Future Security in Space

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Introduction to Space Law

Book Description

The relevance and substance of space law as a branch of public international law continues to expand. The fourth edition of this long-time classic in the field of space law has been substantially rewritten to reflect new developments in space law and technology of the past ten years. This updated text includes new or expanded material on the proliferation of non-state and commercial entities as space actors, the appearance of innovations in space technology, the evolving international law of satellite telecommunications in a networked world, and the adoption of national laws and international soft law mechanisms that complement the international treaty regime. In this up-to-date overview of space law, the authors offer a clear analysis of the legal challenges that play a role in new and traditional areas of space activity, including the following: - the peaceful uses of outer space; - protection of the space environment; - the emergence of new legal mechanisms in space law; - the role of Europe in space; - telecommunications; - the commercial use of space resources; - human space flight; - small satellites; - remote sensing; and - global navigation satellite systems. Additionally, the five United Nations Treaties on space are included as Annexes for easy reference by students and professionals alike. In light of the many new developments in the field, this thoroughly updated Introduction to Space Law provides a clear overview of the legal aspects of a wide array of current and emerging space activities. Lawyers, policy-makers, diplomats, students, and professionals in the telecommunication and aerospace sectors, with or without a legal background, will find concise yet comprehensive guidance in this book that will help them understand and address legal issues in the ever-changing field of space activities. The authors are close former collaborators of the late pioneers of space law and authors of the earlier editions of this volume, Isabella Diederiks-Verschoor and Vladimír Kopal.

Studies in International Space Law

Book Description

This book's twenty-six articles fully examine the major developments and issues of the law governing human activities in space, those of states as well as those of private entities. Topics include the legal framework evolved by and through the United Nations; the legal status of astronauts, satellites, and outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies; the military and commercial use of outer space; environmental protection; governmental responsibility for space activities; liability for damage caused by space objects, communications satellites; television broadcasts; remote sensing; commercial launchings; and the application of national laws on board spacecraft, space stations, and on the moon and other celetial bodies.