Commercial Supersonic Transport Proposal, January 15, 1964. I. Summary

Book Description

Contents: An outstanding product; Financial plan; A practical program; The unique capability; The opportunity; Summary tabulation of airplane characteristics, costs, and schedules.

Commercial Supersonic Transport Proposal. January 15, 1964. A-ii. Model Specification

Book Description

Contents: General Requirements; General Airplane Description; General Airplane Design Characteristics; Airframe Structures; Flight Deck Provisions; Propulsion; Secondary Power; Flight Controls; Avionics; Passenger and Cargo Provisions; Environmental Control; Ground Support Features; Standard Parts and Interchangeability; Guarantees.

Commercial Supersonic Transport Proposal, January 15, 1964. A-x Aircraft Mockup and Design Engineering Inspection Plan

Book Description

At the Design Engineering Inspection (DEI) to be held during the final month of Phase II, presentations, displays, and mockups will give FAA and airline representatives an opportunity to examine Boeing's proposed configuration in detail and to alter the configuration as appropriate. Boeing has made extensive use of mockups on previous programs and will continue the use of mockups to aid in the development of a superior configuration for the commercial supersonic transport (SST). A full-size mockup of the SST's entire fuselage and left wing will be shown in the DEI. Mockups of selected areas such as the flight deck, wing pivot, engine pod, control surfaces, airplane systems, and passenger accommodations will also be constructed. The DEI will cover the airplane's technical, operational, and economic aspects and the history of their development. Attendees will be able to review the extensive research and development work performed in aerodynamics, propulsion, structure, controls, hydraulics, electrical systems, electronics, reliability, safety, maintainability, and operations. The duration and the agenda of the DEI will be determined by coordination with the prospective participants. Adequate time will be allotted for presentation, inspection of display area, and submission of suggestions for alterations. (Author).

Commercial Supersonic Transport Proposal, January 15, 1964. A-ix. Test and Certification Plan

Book Description

The Boeing Company proposes that the system test and the flight test programs be combined into an integrated test and evaluation program for development of the Model 733 Supersonic Transport Airplane. The integrated test program, the certification plan, and the flight simulator program are described in this document. (Author).