Commodity Tax Harmonization in the European Community

Book Description

The book is concerned with the main issues that arise for general commodity taxation in the internal market: the choice of a new international tax principle and the question of tax rate harmonization. The book provides a thorough discussion of these issues and evaluates the choices made by the European Community from a welfare-theoretic perspective by comparing them to feasible alternatives. The discussion integrates a large number of recent theoretical and policy-oriented contributions which have so far not been collected and summarized in a single volume. Special features of the book are that (a) the analysis combines elements of international trade theory and public finance, two economic disciplines which are rarely integrated; (b) a dual general equilibrium framework is used throughout the analysis, (c) a second-best setting is consistently employed, incorporating relevant policy constraints and integrating conflicting arguments in a single analytical framework, (d) part of the theoretical analysis is supplemented by a computable general equilibrium approach. The book shows that well-known international trademodels can be extended to model alternative principles for taxing international trade but also international differences in preferences for public goods and different views of government behavior - issues which are directly relevant for the discussion of tax rateharmonization but are rarely treated in an analytical way.

Welfare Effects of Value-Added Tax Harmonization in Europe

Book Description

This book uses a computable general equilibrium framework to eval uate recent value-added tax reform proposals in the European Union from a welfare point of view. After the publication of the "White Paper" (1985) on the completion of the internal European market, an intense and heated debate about tax impediments to free trade set in. According to the original plans of the Commission of the European Union, not only physical border controls but also fiscal frontiers within the European Union would have been abolished on New Year's Day 1993. With respect to value added taxation this amounted to replacing the destination by the origin principle. Even though the origin principle had been favored by some economists from the establishment of a common European value-added tax system, time was not yet ripe for this change. In December 1991, the ECOFIN Council could only agree on the so called transitional system. In essence, these transitional arrangements maintain the destination principle as far as possible but shift the border tax procedure from national frontiers to firms. The transitional system is supposed to expire on December 31, 1996, with the final solution for value-added taxation in the European Union being decided upon by the ECOFIN Council until December, 1995. In the event of no decision the transitional arrangements will be continued. The most likely solution will be a switch to the origin principle combined with some clearing mechanism to prevent major revenue reallocations between member states.

Towards Corporate Tax Harmonization in the European Community:An Institutional and Procedural Analysis

Book Description

Through the e×amination of theoretical models as well as practical e×amples, the author studies why repeated attempts at harmonization have failed and concludes that they must take into account not only economic aspects, but also political and legal factors. Harmonization of corporate ta×ation is not only a legislative e×ercise; other institutions, such as the EC Court, have an important role to play in the harmonization process, as the US federal e×perience suggests.

Tax Harmonization in the Community

Book Description

The EU and Third Countries

Book Description

Analysis by tax scholars on the relations between European law and third countries in the field of direct taxation. It includes national reports from over 30 EU Member States and third countries, which were presented at a conference held at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration on 13-15 October 2006. Among the areas addressed by this work are the following: The direct impact of article 56 EC Treaty (right of establishment) in the relations with third states; The indirect impact of the fundamental freedoms in the relations with third states; Fundamental freedoms in relation to EEA States under the EEA Agreement; Agreements between Switzerland and the European Union; The relations with other third states in the field of direct taxes; The impact of secondary EC law on the relations with third states; Article 307 EC Treaty (free movement of capital); and The treaty-making power of the European Union in the relations with third states.

Tax Harmonization and Financial Liberalization in Europe

Book Description

This book deals with tax harmonization and financial integration in Europe. Both national perspectives and the perspective of the European Community are offered. In addition, a French, a German and an EFTA view of the state of economic integration in Europe are presented.

The EEC Reports on Tax Harmonization

Book Description

Unofficial translation of the Neumark Report prepared by Dr. H. Thurston. Report of the Fiscal and Financial Committee on tax harmonization in the Common Market.