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Book Description

Few ideas have excited such passions over the years as Pan-Islam, and few have been the subject of so many contradictory interpretations. Based on a shared religious sentiment, the politics of Muslim unity and solidarity have had to contend with the impact of both secularism and nationalism. Professor Landau’s study, first published in 1990 as The Politics of Pan-Islam, is the first comprehensive examination of the politics of Pan-Islam, its ideologies and movements, over the last 120 years. Starting with the plans and activities of Abdülhamid II and his agents, he covers the fortunes of Pan-Islam up to and including the marked increase in Pan-Islamic sentiment and organization in the 1970s and 1980s. The study is based on a scholarly analysis of archival and other sources in many languages. It covers an area from Morocco in the west to India and Pakistan in the east and from Russia and Turkey to the Arabian Peninsula. It will provide a unique reference point for anyone wishing to understand the impact of Pan-Islam on international politics today.


Book Description

Pan-Islamism is a political movement advocating the unity of Muslims under one Islamic state -- often a Caliphate - or an international organization similar to a European Union with Islamic principles. As a form of religious nationalism, Pan-Islamism differentiates itself from other pan-nationalistic ideologies, for example Pan-Arabism, by excluding culture and ethnicity as primary factors towards unification.

Political Islam in Central Asia

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The terrorist attacks in the United States on 9/11 and the U.S.-led military campaign against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan have intensified scrutiny of radical Islamic groups across Central Asia. This books offers one of the first comprehensive studies of the activities of one of the most feared - but least understood - inernational Islamist organizations in post-Soviet Central Asia: Hizb ut-Tahrir, that is The Party of Islamic Liberation. By utilizing social movement theory, the book analyses political Islam in Central Asia in general, and the phenomenon of Hizb ut-Tahrir in particular. It reveals the critical role of its ideology (based on a selective interpretation of Islamic theology and history) in the party’s recruiting success. Using primary sources, including the group’s publications and documents, official reports, alongside interviews with scholars, security experts, mullahs, journalists, diplomats, government officials and group members, it covers the rise of political Islam in the post-Soviet Central Asia, alongside the origins and current status of Hizb ut-Tahrir - its leadership, ideology, political methodology and party structure and its rise in the region from Kazakhstan to Russia and China. Although the organization has received less international examination partly because it has advocated a non-violent approach toward its goals, this book sketches its prospective future relationship to violence in this key region.

Law, Christianity and Modernism in Islamic Society

Book Description

This volume presents part of the Proceedings of the 18th Congress of the Union Europeenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, in particular those papers dealing with the three main themes of the congress: continuity and development in Islamic Law, Christianity and Modernism in 18th and 19th Century Islam. It ranges from studies about sari'a in the Koran, in early shi'ite Islam, to its applications in modern countries like Kuwait. The Christian element in the Islamic world is not only analysed from a theological viewpoint; much attention is also given to Arab translations of the Bible and to the juridical, social and political status of the Christians, as reflected in their contacts with the West and in Christian Arab literature. Finally, a series of studies focuses on modernism, taking newspaper articles, cartoons and political satire as their main sources, as well as theatre and schoolbooks.