Communicating Public Health Information Effectively

Book Description

As the first of its kind, this book provides a comprehensive approach to help public health practitioners in both the public and private sector to improve their ability to communicate with different audiences. From the news media to legislators, and from visual communication to electronic communication, every chapter provides practical, With real-world recommendations and examples on how to communicate public health information to nonscientific audiences more effectively. The knowledge and skills gleaned from this book will assist with planning and executing simple and complex communication activities commonly done by public health practitioners. "In order to compete in this increasingly competitive and complex environment, those of us in public health must make the science and art of communication as integral a part of our everyday activities as the science of epidemiology and disease control.

Communicating Risks to the Public

Book Description

Risk communication: the evolution of attempts Risk communication is at once a very new and a very old field of interest. Risk analysis, as Krimsky and Plough (1988:2) point out, dates back at least to the Babylonians in 3200 BC. Cultures have traditionally utilized a host of mecha nisms for anticipating, responding to, and communicating about hazards - as in food avoidance, taboos, stigma of persons and places, myths, migration, etc. Throughout history, trade between places has necessitated labelling of containers to indicate their contents. Seals at sites of the ninth century BC Harappan civilization of South Asia record the owner and/or contents of the containers (Hadden, 1986:3). The Pure Food and Drug Act, the first labelling law with national scope in the United States, was passed in 1906. Common law covering the workplace in a number of countries has traditionally required that employers notify workers about significant dangers that they encounter on the job, an obligation formally extended to chronic hazards in the OSHA's Hazard Communication regulation of 1983 in the United States. In this sense, risk communication is probably the oldest way of risk manage ment. However, it is only until recently that risk communication has attracted the attention of regulators as an explicit alternative to the by now more common and formal approaches of standard setting, insuring etc. (Baram, 1982).

Communicating Causes

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Non-profit organizations (NPOs) across the world are facing criticism alongside approbation. In order for NPOs to effectively support their causes, they require public trust. The editors of this book have persuaded PR experts from the UK and around the world, from a variety of PR specialisms operating across different organizational forms, to share their knowledge and experience. These contributions are scaffolded with authoritative academic and practical advice, as well as solutions. The book starts with foundations that underpin communications for causes. These include arguments that support the importance of non-profits in civil society; lessons in corporate governance; and a new approach to issues management. PR planning subjects tailored, or specific, to the sector include: strategic global communications planning, agile digital communications; branding internal communications and the securing of meaningful outcomes. Corporate partnerships are examined with a new ‘Fit to Partner Test’ and consideration of the mandated corporate social responsibility (CSR) in India, corporate volunteering in Brazil, and CSR in South Africa. Relations between governments and non-profits are also considered, both generally and with a particular focus on China. Communicating Causes looks at effective strategy and practice of PR in the modern non-profit. Including forewords by both John Grounds and Jon Snow, the expert perspectives offered in this book provide valuable support to current and future communicators.

Communicating Science Effectively

Book Description

Science and technology are embedded in virtually every aspect of modern life. As a result, people face an increasing need to integrate information from science with their personal values and other considerations as they make important life decisions about medical care, the safety of foods, what to do about climate change, and many other issues. Communicating science effectively, however, is a complex task and an acquired skill. Moreover, the approaches to communicating science that will be most effective for specific audiences and circumstances are not obvious. Fortunately, there is an expanding science base from diverse disciplines that can support science communicators in making these determinations. Communicating Science Effectively offers a research agenda for science communicators and researchers seeking to apply this research and fill gaps in knowledge about how to communicate effectively about science, focusing in particular on issues that are contentious in the public sphere. To inform this research agenda, this publication identifies important influences â€" psychological, economic, political, social, cultural, and media-related â€" on how science related to such issues is understood, perceived, and used.

Communicating in a Crisis

Book Description

A resource for public officials on the basic tenets of effective communications generally and on working with the news media specifically. Focuses on providing public officials with a brief orientation and perspective on the media and how they think and work, and on the public as the end-recipient of info.; concise presentations of techniques for responding to and cooperating with the media in conveying info. and delivering messages, before, during, and after a public health crisis; a practical guide to the tools of the trade of media relations and public communications; and strategies and tactics for addressing the probable opportunities and the possible challenges that are likely to arise as a consequence of such communication initiatives. Ill.

Communicating for Results in Government

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Drawing on research and practical experience, James L. Garnett offers public managers a new, more systematic and strategic approach to communicating with superiors, colleagues, and citizens; presents guidelines for effective communication; and furnishes practical tools for using this new approach.

Making Data Talk

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The authors summarize and synthesize research on the selection and presentation of data pertinent to public health and provide practical suggestions, based on this research summary and synthesis, on how scientists and other public health practitioners can better communicate data to the public, policy makers and the press.

Public Communication Campaigns

Book Description

In this new, fully revised and expanded Third Edition, Rice and Katz provide readers with a comprehensive, up-to-date look into the field of public communication campaigns. Largely rewritten to reflect the latest theories and research, this text continues in the tradition of ongoing improvement and expansion into new areas. This Third Edition contains several new features. First, an expanded "sampler" section including more recent, intriguing and controversial campaigns has been added. Second, more attention is given to specific practical implications and evaluation of campaigns, using examples from both AIDS and anti-drug campaigns. Third, the book's final section introduces a variety of recent campaign dimensions including community-oriented campaigns, entertainment-education campaigns, and Internet/Web-based campaigns.This volume will be a valuable resource for both students and researchers in the fields of communication, journalism, public relations, mass media, advertising, and public health programs. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.

Communicating with the World

Book Description

"Communicating with the World" defines and examines public diplomacy in the context of a government's conduct of foreign affairs and identifies its rationale as an outgrowth of the worldwide communications revolution, ideological conflicts, and the interdependency of nations. The book explains the evolution of U.S. public diplomacy since World War II in terms of enabling legislation, the actions of successive directors of the U.S. Information Agency (USIA). In particular, it concentrates on the specific ways in which the U.S. government practices public diplomacy through its diplomatic missions abroad, noting the role of the ambassador and the "country team" and the importance of dialogue-- the two-way learning experience of public diplomacy. Several chapters analyze the methods and media employed in conducting public diplomacy, such as press, publications, libraries, lectures, exhibitions, and educational and cultural exchange programs. Separate chapters discuss the uses of radio (the Voice of America) and television. The book details how public affairs officers and their staffs at U.S. diplomatic missions select the audiences for each of these approaches and identify and present specific issues in terms of specific target groups. The author demonstrates the responsibility of public diplomats to advise Washington and its ambassadors in the field on the intercultural implications of U.S. foreign policies and actions and their effect on foreign public opinion. He offers a critique of current U.S. public diplomacy practices and four detailed case histories, drawn from his thirty-five years' experience in the Foreign Service. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.

Communicating to Advance the Public's Health

Book Description

The Institute of Medicine's Roundtable on Population Health Improvement brings together individuals and organizations that represent different sectors in a dialogue about what is needed to improve population health. On September 22, 2014, the roundtable held a workshop to discuss some of the science of health communication, audiences, and messaging, and to explore what it will take to generate widespread awareness, acceptance, and action to improve health, including through the entertainment media, the news media, and social media. This report summarizes the presentations and discussion of the workshop.