Book Description
This is the ultimate edition, a compilation of two of the greatest titles in the History/War and Strategy genre, for our esteemed readers. Communist Manifesto, the doctrine of communism that has been widely translated in scores of languages just as the demand of the book surged since after 50 years of death of Karl Marx. The book is hailed all around the communist world and was an essential part of communist communities all around the world. Debates ranging from the affairs of unskilled labor to the wide range national or/and international communist agenda/planning has had the essential elements taken out directly from the Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. Mein Kampf On the other hand, Mein Kampf enjoys the status of first creation and sometimes precursor of the NAZISM and rise of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich. Mein Kampf is among the most read books by statesmen or Presidents/ HoS (Head of States). The German chancellor (1933-1945) Adolf Hitler wrote the book in his years in jail, serving for the Hitlers Putsch/ Beer Hall Putsch. Mein Kampf is quite popular in many asian countries, however, the sales of this legendary book is no less remarkable in the Europe.