Community in Motion

Book Description

Africa has internal cultural resources that have positively influenced its development. Community in Motion explores the relationship between theatre and Freirian pedagogy. It underscores the urgency of refocusing development strategies on human rather than technical resources by showing how culture has traditionally played an important role in African development, and demonstrates the similarities between traditional African cultural paradigms and Freirian pedagogy. The author describes selected significant Theatre for Development programs in diverse parts of Africa and determines the extent that these programs find congruence with the teachings of Paulo Freire. Case studies of Botswana, Zambia, Nigeria, and Kenya explore in detail the ongoing work in Zimbabwe, specifically the Zimbabwe Association of Community Theatre (ZACT). ZACT's work is analyzed in the context of Freirian pedagogy in order to highlight the development of a community-based theatre operation that is national in its scope and international in its influences.

Mantras in Motion

Book Description

Mind-body wellness and fitness expert combines mantra, self-reflection, and movement into an accessible 14-day routine for manifesting your best self. Holistic wellness and fitness expert Erin Stutland harnesses all the body's mental, physical, and spiritual energy in her tri-fold approach to creating change. When you move your body while repeating mantras--speaking your desires aloud--manifesting is no longer a purely intellectual exercise or an occasional craft project. Instead, you are expressing your passion through your voice and your body, putting every ounce of your energy in service of what you want. Each chapter breaks down one mantra to use to focus on a key step to achieving your best self, including unearthing your desires, releasing resistance, and taking inspired action. Alongside each mantra, Stutland provides stories from her own life and those of her clients, a meditation or visualization, a journaling exercise, and an easy movement to accompany the mantra to help enhance its resonant power. And to put it all together, you are provided with a 14-day plan so you can design the life you want, infusing the power of movement, mantra, and self-reflection.

Healthcare in Motion

Book Description

How does the need to obtain and deliver health services engender particular (im)mobility forms? And how is mobility experienced and imagined when it is required for healthcare access or delivery? Guided by these questions, Healthcare in Motion explores the dynamic interrelationship between mobility and healthcare, drawing on case studies from across the world and shedding light on the day-to-day practices of patients and professionals.

Mission in Motion

Book Description

Never before has the phenomenon of mission mobilization been so broadly researched. In a vein similar to Too Valuable To Lose and Worth Keeping, the World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission commissioned a research team to investigate what motivates people into mission service from around the globe. Mobilization practitioners recorded, translated and transcribed hundreds of hours of interview dialogue that explored reasons for mission involvement from Eastern Europe, Western Europe, North and South America, Oceania, East Asia, South Asia and East Africa. The data was subsequently analyzed to draw out common themes, and Mission In Motion presents the results of this research. This book is the first definitive exploration of the recent history, ministries and methods of mission mobilization. The evangelical missions community is expending much energy and resource trying to raise up workers for the Lord’s harvest, but is it helping? Are the means, models, methods, and mechanisms being applied to this end effective? What does influence people to greater involvement in mission—whatever they understand mission to be? Furthermore, what hinders it? In addressing these questions, Mission In Motion allows the interviewed respondents to speak for themselves, in an open and frank manner. Some results confirm common beliefs, but others may surprise you.

Communities in Motion 2035

Book Description

Emotions in Motion

Book Description

"Emotions in Motion" is ideal for parents and educators who wish to encourage conversations about feelings and emotions.

Communities in Motion

Book Description