Cómo hacer el mejor TFG/TFM

Book Description

Cómo elaborar trabajos académicos y científicos: TFG,TFM, tesis y artículos

Book Description

Fruto de un concienzudo trabajo de documentación, asimilación y sistematización avalado por la propia experiencia docente, el presente libro se centra en el diseño y la explicación pormenorizada y práctica de cómo elaborar trabajos académico-científicos, proporcionando a los estudiantes universitarios e investigadores los medios, los métodos, las técnicas y las herramientas necesarias para llevarlos a cabo con éxito. Con él, Ángel Cervera Rodríguez proporciona un instrumento de suma utilidad, si no indispensable, para todo aquel que haya de enfrentarse con la elaboración de un TFG, un TFM, una tesis o artículos y superar el trance con suficiencia.

Multimodal Metaphor

Book Description

Metaphor pervades discourse and may govern how we think and act. But most studies only discuss its verbal varieties. This book examines metaphors drawing on combinations of visuals, language, gestures, sound, and music. Investigated texts include ad

Perspectives on European Social Work

Book Description

The book offers explanations and clarifications for the bewildering variety of titles and job profiles in the social professions in Europe. It presents them both as a product of specific national welfare arrangements and as a sign of a special kind of professional autonomy that so far helped to correct national welfare trends. Now this autonomy is once more called for in the light of the complete re-structuring of all European welfare states and a European model of social work could deliver impulses for real alternatives to growing exclusion and inequality.

El trabajo de fin de grado y de máster

Book Description

El presente volumen se propone enseñar al estudiante las reglasnecesarias para redactar un proyecto de investigación y lo hacede manera clara, didáctica y simple, pero al mismo tiempo estrictay rigurosa. Su autora es una persona idónea para acompañar alestudiante por esta senda de aprendizaje, y no solo porque ellatambién ha adquirido esta destreza y la ha puesto en práctica ennumerosos casos, sino porque su capacidad de reflexión sobre supropia habilidad, junto con su competencia didáctica, ha dado pie aeste libro tan útil y necesario. M. Teresa Cabré Este libro nos proporciona una guía para la redacción de proyectos deinvestigación que puede ser de gran ayuda tanto para la realizaciónde trabajos finales de grado o máster, como para estudiantes dedoctorado que inician su trabajo de investigación. Se trata de unaobra muy bien organizada que puede constituir un excelente materialdocente para las asignaturas relacionadas con los trabajos finales, asícomo una obra de consulta de gran utilidad para investigadores dediferentes áreas de conocimiento. Antoni OliverDirector de la colección “Lingüística y traducción”

Inside Intuition: what We Know about Non-verbal Communication

Book Description

"How much do we communicate with words, and how much with gestures, posture, and movement? What can we learn from the study of nonverbal behavior? Is it really possible - or desirable - to "read" body language? Flora Davis set out on a one-and-one-half-year odyssey to universities and mental hospitals interviewing anthropologists, psychologists, ethologists, sociologists, and psychiatrists to find the answers to these questions. What she discovered is that words are often the least important part of a conversation. By the way people move and hold their bodies they supply a whole emotional undercurrent. They may court, or maneuver for status, or contradict what they're saying verbally. Their body movements can be a tip-off to social status and cultural differences and an expression of maleness or femaleness as well as projection of personal style. We all "read" these signals intuitively and respond to them, usually without being at all conscious that we're doing so. But now scientists working with slow-motion films have learned to translate much of this language of the body. The nonverbal "language" is as complex and subtle as the verbal one: it is not really possible to say that any one particular gesture or posture always means the same thing. Yet an awareness of the multiplicity of meanings that lies beyond words can, in Flora Davis' view, bring us into closer touch with ourselves and with one another." -- from book flap.

Pediatric Neuropsychiatry

Book Description

Pediatric Neuropsychiatry provides the most updated and clinically relevant information on psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents with disturbances of brain function. Bridging the fields of psychiatry and neurology, this landmark work emphasizes the link between developmental brain biology and behavior. Major sections focus on neuropsychiatric aspects of specific psychiatric and neurologic disorders, highlighting the influence of the developing nervous system on these disorders' pathophysiology, manifestations, clinical course, treatment, and prognosis. Other sections discuss all contemporary diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Chapters include case histories, algorithms, tables, and appendices that explain the rudiments of testing.