Book Description

Juegos por la paz

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Book Description

Gender, Conflict, Peace, and UNSC Resolution 1325

Book Description

There is an increasing amount of literature on various aspects of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325. While appreciating this scholarship, this volume highlights some of the omissions and concerns to make a quality addition to the ongoing discourse on the intersection of gender with peace and security with a focus on 1325. It aims at a reality-check of the impressive to-dos list as the seventeen years since the Resolution passed provide an occasion to pause and ponder over the gap between the aspirations and the reality, the ideal and the practice, the promises and the action, the euphoria and the despair. The volume compiles carefully selected essays woven around Resolution 1325 to tease out the intricacies within both the Resolution and its implementation. Through a cocktail of well-known and some lesser-known case studies, the volume addresses complicated realities with the intention of impacting policy-making and the academic fields of gender, peace, and security. The volume emphasizes the significance of transforming formal peace making processes, and making them gender inclusive and gender sensitive by critically examining some omissions in the challenges that the Resolution implementation confronts. The major question the volume seeks to address is this: where are women positioned in the formal peace-making seventeen years after the adoption of Resolution 1325?

Contadora And The Central American Peace Process

Book Description

The political, economic, and social problems of Central America during the past four years have at times threatened to escalate into a generalized conflict. Intense diplomatic efforts to find peaceful solutions to the crisis, however, have met with only limited success. Negotiations have collapsed amid bitter accusations of intransigence or bad faith, and some have taken place outside of public scrutiny, resulting in widespread confusion that has surrounded the entire peace process. This book is an effort by the Central American and Caribbean Program at the School of Advanced International Studies to shed light on the crucial roles of the Contadora Group (Colombia, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela) in forging peace in the region. Containing a collection of nearly one hundred statements, declarations, proposals, resolutions, draft treaties, and official documents, it easily constitutes the most comprehensive reference work on the search for peace in Central America. In order to improve readability, slight adjustments have been made to some of the documents.

Cuban Studies 42

Book Description

Cuban Studies 42 focuses on gender and equality issues in post-1959 Cuba, and their impact on cultural and institutional change. It views subjects such as politics, labor, food and diet, race, ethnicity, HIV/AIDS, sex education, tourism and prostitution, masculinity, and feminism, among others.

Long-lasting peaces

Book Description

Long-lasting peaces: overcoming the war-peace hiatus for a sustainable future is composed by seven chapters distributed in 3 parts destined to provoke reflections about a common theme: the existent obstacles and plausible solutions to achieve sustainable peaces. Each one of the articles discusses, in a critical perspective, important issues of the international agenda. Among the matters it can be found: the participation of belligerent actors as a means to an effective peace accord, the contradiction between structural violence and formal peace in South America, the promotion of women equity in peace processes, ethnic tensions and the achievement of peace through justice, new perspectives on food security and its impacts on refugees and IDPs, environmental commitments to lessen climate change, and mechanisms for socioeconomic human development.