Comparing Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations with Observations of High-Redshift Galaxy Formation

Book Description

We use cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to study the impact ofoutflows and radiative feedback on high-redshift galaxies. For outflows, we consider simulations that assume (i) no winds, (ii) a c̀̀onstant-wind"model in which the mass-loading factor and outflow speed areconstant, and (iii) m̀̀omentum-driven" winds in which both parametersvary smoothly with mass. In order to treat radiative feedback, wedevelop a moment-based radiative transfer technique that operates inboth post-processing and coupled radiative hydrodynamic modes. We first ask how outflows impact the broadband spectral energydistributions (SEDs) of six observed reionization-epoch galaxies. Simulations reproduce five regardless of the outflow prescription, while the sixth suggests an unusually bursty star formation history. We conclude that (i) simulations broadly account for available constraintson reionization-epoch galaxies, (ii) individual SEDs do not constrainoutflows, and (iii) SED comparisons efficiently isolate objects thatchallenge simulations. We next study how outflows impact the galaxy mass metallicity relation(MZR). Momentum-driven outflows uniquely reproduce observations at z=2. In this scenario, galaxies obey two equilibria: (i) The rate at which agalaxy processes gas into stars and outflows tracks its inflow rate; and(ii) The gas enrichment rate owing to star formation balances the dilutionrate owing to inflows. Combining these conditions indicates that the MZRis dominated by the (instantaneous) variation of outflows with mass, withmore-massive galaxies driving less gas into outflows per unit stellar massformed. Turning to radiative feedback, we use post-processing simulations to studythe topology of reionization. Reionization begins in overdensities andthen l̀̀eaks" directly into voids, with filaments reionizing last owing totheir high density and low emissivity. This result conflicts withprevious findings that voids ionize last. We argue that it owes to theuniqely-biased emissivity field produced by our star formation prescriptions, which have previously been shown to reproduce numerous post-reionizationconstraints. Finally, preliminary results from coupled radiative hydrodynamicsimulations indicate that reionization suppresses the star formation ratedensity by at most 10--20% by z=5. This is much less than previousestimates, which we attribute to our unique reionization topology althoughconfirmation will have to await more detailed modeling.

Observing the Baryon Cycle in Hydrodynamic Cosmological Simulations

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An understanding of galaxy evolution requires an understanding of the flow of baryons in and out of a galaxy. The accretion of baryons is required for galaxies to form stars, while stars eject baryons out of the galaxy through stellar feedback mechanisms such as supernovae, stellar winds, and radiation pressure. The interplay between outflowing and infalling material form the circumgalactic medium (CGM). Hydrodynamic simulations provide understanding of the connection between stellar feedback and the distribution and kinematics of baryons in the CGM. To compare simulations and observations properly the simulated CGM must be observed in the same manner as the real CGM. I have developed the Mockspec code to generate synthetic quasar absorption line observations of the CGM in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. Mockspec generates synthetic spectra based on the phase, metallicity, and kinematics of CGM gas and mimics instrumental effects. Mockspec includes auomated analysis of the spectra and identifies the gas responsible for the absorption. Mockspec was applied to simulations of dwarf galaxies at low redshift to examine the observable effect different feedback models have on the CGM. While the different feedback models had strong effects on the galaxy, they all produced a similar CGM that failed match observations. Mockspec was applied to the VELA simulation suite of high redshift, high mass galaxies to examine the variance of the CGM across different galaxies in different environments. The observed CGM showed little variation between the different galaxies and almost no evolution from z=4 to z=1. The VELAs were not able to generate a CGM to match the observations. The properties of cells responsible for the absorption were compared to the derived properties from Voigt Profile decomposition. VP modeling was found to accurately describe the HI and MgII absorbing gas but failed for high ionization species such as CIV and OVI, which do not arise in the coherent structures assumed by modelling. The technique of mock QAL is useful for testing the accuracy of the simulated CGM and for verifying observational techniques, but not for differentiating between feedback prescriptions in dwarf galaxies.

Connecting Simulations and Observations in Galaxy Formation Studies

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Observational and computational extragalactic astrophysics are two fields of research that study a similar subject from different perspectives. Observational extragalactic astrophysics aims, by recovering the spectral energy distribution of galaxies at different wavelengths, to reliably measure their properties at different cosmic times and in a large variety of environments. Analyzing the light collected by the instruments, observers try to disentangle the different processes occurring in galaxies at the scales of galactic physics, as well as the effect of larger scale processes such as mergers and accretion, in order to obtain a consistent picture of galaxy formation and evolution. On the other hand, hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation in cosmological context are able to follow the evolution of a galaxy along cosmic time, taking into account both external processes such as mergers, interactions and accretion, and internal mechanisms such as feedback from Supernovae and Active Galactic Nuclei. Due to the great advances in...

The Physics of Galaxy Formation

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This thesis addresses two of the central processes which underpin the formation of galaxies: the formation of stars and the injection of energy into the interstellar medium from supernovae, called feedback. In her work Claudia Lagos has completely overhauled the treatment of these processes in simulations of galaxy formation. Her thesis makes two major breakthroughs, and represents the first major steps forward in these areas in more than a decade. Her work has enabled, for the first time, predictions to be made which can be compared against new observations which probe the neutral gas content of galaxies, opening up a completely novel way to constrain the models. The treatment of feedback from supernovae, and how this removes material from the interstellar medium, is also likely to have a lasting impact on the field. Claudia Lagos Ph.D. thesis was nominated by the Institute for Computational Cosmology at Durham University as an outstanding Ph.D. thesis 2012.

Star-Formation Rates of Galaxies

Book Description

Star-formation is one of the key processes that shape the current state and evolution of galaxies. This volume provides a comprehensive presentation of the different methods used to measure the intensity of recent or on-going star-forming activity in galaxies, discussing their advantages and complications in detail. It includes a thorough overview of the theoretical underpinnings of star-formation rate indicators, including topics such as stellar evolution and stellar spectra, the stellar initial mass function, and the physical conditions in the interstellar medium. The authors bring together in one place detailed and comparative discussions of traditional and new star-formation rate indicators, star-formation rate measurements in different spatial scales, and comparisons of star-formation rate indicators probing different stellar populations, along with the corresponding theoretical background. This is a useful reference for students and researchers working in the field of extragalactic astrophysics and studying star-formation in local and higher-redshift galaxies.

Introduction to Galaxy Formation and Evolution

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A comprehensive examination of nearly fourteen billion years of galaxy formation and evolution, from primordial gas to present-day galaxies.

Hydrodynamic Simulations of Cosmological Galaxy Merger Trees

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In this thesis we use cosmological merger trees and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation to provide the initial conditions for multi-merger hydrodynamic simulations. In this way we exploit the advantages of merger simulations (high resolution and detailed treatment of the gas physics) and semi-analytic models (cosmological background and low computational cost), and integrate them to create a novel tool. This approach allows us to study the evolution of various galaxy properties with an improved treatment of the gas components, including, for the first time, the hot gaseous halo from which gas cools and accretes onto the central disc. Using a suite of minor merger simulations we find that disc thickening is reduced relative to the collisionless case through the absorption of kinetic impact energy by the gas. In a following series of major merger simulations, we show that adding the hot gas component is a key ingredient in order to reproduce several observed properties of elliptical galaxies, like the abundance of fast rotators. Moreover, the presence of a gaseous halo reduces the starburst efficiency. We then focus on the effects of multiple concurrent mergers, which we found to be cosmologically more common than sequences of isolated binary mergers. For this, we investigate, whether accreted satellite stars can be distinguished kinematically from stars formed 'in situ' in the central galaxy, and find that this is only possible for a fraction of the disrupted satellites. Our simulations to date indicate that the combination of a detailed treatment of gas physics, high resolution, and a cosmological background, brings numerical simulations in better agreement with observations. Overall, the novel tool developed in this thesis will be very useful for pursuing a number of questions pertaining to the transformation of galaxy internal structure by mergers and accretion.

Formation of Structure in the Universe

Book Description

This advanced textbook provides an up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to the very active field of structure formation in cosmology. It is written by eleven world-leading authorities. Written in a clear and pedagogical style appropriate for graduate students in astronomy and physics, this textbook introduces the reader to a wide range of exciting topics in contemporary cosmology: from recent advances in redshift surveys, to the latest models in gravitational lensing and cosmological simulations. The authors are all world-renowned experts both for their research and teaching skills. In the fast-moving field of structure formation, this book provides advanced undergraduate and graduate students with a welcome textbook which unites the latest theory and observations.