Compelling Evidence of Fossils and Microbialites on Ancient Mars

Book Description

This book offers an amazing collection of analyzed images from the Red Planet, extremely suggestive of ancestral life on Mars. The book evidences possible remnants of microbial life, and, even further, complex and repetitive structures, analyzed in detail and reminescent of life forms and traits of terrestrial fossils resembling skeletal microalgae and more. This work is a presentation of primary importance for astrobiologists, precambrian micropaleontologists, and lovers of space exploration.

An Exobiological Strategy for Mars Exploration

Book Description

The idea of searching for evidence of life on Mars may strike some as far-fetched, even fanciful. But there is a compelling logic to such a quest, as well as an equally compelling excitement. Early environments were apparently sufficiently similar on Mars and Earth, and life arose so rapidly on Earth once conditions became clement, that emergence of life on both planets at that time is scarcely less plausible than emergence on only one. Furthermore, although a fossil on Mars might seem at first like a proverbial needle in a haystack, experience on Earth tell us that if we know where to look, finding evidence of ancient life is not particularly difficult, especially when one considers that such evidence can be relatively widely disseminated in the form of chemical or isotopic signatures. The key is to recognize that the search for ancient life on Mars will involve a logically designed sequence of missions, each of which will focus on defining ever more closely where and how biosignatures may be found. Although one can never rule out a chance discovery, this quest should not be approached as one that will yield to a single, expeditious mission. (In fact, the proposed strategy lends itself particularly well to the use of a series of relatively small, inexpensive spacecraft, rather than a single flagship-class mission). The search for life on Mars will take time and commitment, but the reward could be a discovery of inestimable importance, not just to science, but to humanity as a whole. Unspecified Center...

From Habitability to Life on Mars

Book Description

From Habitability to Life on Mars explores the current state of knowledge and questions on the past habitability of Mars and the role that rapid environmental changes may have played in the ability of prebiotic chemistry to transition to life. It investigates the role that such changes may have played in the preservation of biosignatures in the geological record and what this means for exploration strategies. Throughout the book, the authors show how the investigation of terrestrial analogs to early Martian habitats under various climates and environmental extremes provide critical clues to understand where, what and how to search for biosignatures on Mars. The authors present an introduction to the newest developments and state-of-the-art remote and in situ detection strategies and technologies that are being currently developed to support the upcoming ExoMars and Mars 2020 missions. They show how the current orbital and ground exploration is guiding the selection for future landing sites. Finally, the book concludes by discussing the critical question of the implications and ethics of finding life on Mars. Edited by the lead on a NASA project that searches for habitability and life on Mars leading to the Mars 2020 mission Presents the evidence, questions and answers we have today (including a summary of the current state of knowledge in advance of the ESA ExoMars and NASA Mars 2020 missions) Includes contributions from authors directly involved in past, current and upcoming Mars missions Provides key information as to how Mars rovers, such as ExoMars and Mars 2020, will address the search for life on Mars with their instrumentation

The Rise of Animals

Book Description

An essential resource for paleontologists, biologists, geologists, and teachers, The Rise of Animals is the best single reference on one of earth's most significant events.

The Search For Life On Mars

Book Description

Hidden beneath the sterile surface of Earth'sneighboring planet may be the keys to unlocking the origins of life in the universe. An expert on extreme-life environments, Malcolm Walter demonstrates that similarities between ancient Earth and Mars may prove crucial in the quest for life's origins. From the amazing discovery of microbial life in boiling hot springs on earth—which many scientists believe to be the source of life on Earth—to the vast oceans and rivers that once covered Mars, Walter argues that the best place to find evidence of life on Mars is out of reach of telescopes and space probes—it's in the rocks and subsurface water of the planet. In The Search for Life on Mars , Walter unveils his dramatic plan—already adopted by NASA—for finding these elusive traces of life. Taking a hard look at the latest newsmakers—like the alleged fossil found in a Mars rock—Walter puts the evidence in perspective and shows where our investigations have led thus far, and what the future may hold.

Ancient Aliens on Mars II

Book Description

In Ancient Aliens on Mars II, New York Times bestselling author Mike Bara returns the reader to Mars to examine the enduring mysteries of the Red Planet. Building on the case made in Ancient Aliens on Mars and using data acquired from sophisticated new scientific instruments like the Mars Odyssey THEMIS infrared imager, Bara shows that the region of Cydonia overlays a vast underground city full of enormous structures and devices that may still be operating. He peels back the layers of mystery to show images of tunnel systems, temples and ruins, and exposes the sophisticated NASA conspiracy designed to hide them and discredit the researchers that discovered these exotic ruins. Bara also tackles the enigma of Mars’ hollowed out moon Phobos, and exposes evidence from over 30 years of observations that it is artificial. Long-held myths about Mars, including claims that it is protected by a sophisticated UFO defense system, are examined and illuminated. Data from the Mars rovers Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity is examined; everything from fossilized plants to mechanical debris is exposed in images taken directly from NASA’s own archives. Finally, the author offers his take on the secret history of the Red Planet and what happened to the highly advanced civilization that once flourished there.

Terraforming Mars

Book Description

TERRAFORMING MARS This book provides a thorough scientific review of how Mars might eventually be colonized, industrialized, and transformed into a world better suited to human habitation. The idea of terraforming Mars has, in recent times, become a topic of intense scientific interest and great public debate. Stimulated in part by the contemporary imperative to begin geoengineering Earth, as a means to combat global climate change, the terraforming of Mars will work to make its presently hostile environment more suitable to life—especially human life. Geoengineering and terraforming, at their core, have the same goal—that is to enhance (or revive) the ability of a specific environment to support human life, society, and industry. The chapters in this text, written by experts in their respective fields, are accordingly in resonance with the important, and ongoing discussions concerning the human stewardship of global climate systems. In this sense, the text is both timely and relevant and will cover issues relating to topics that will only grow in their relevance in future decades. The notion of terraforming Mars is not a new one, as such, and it has long played as the background narrative in many science fiction novels. This book, however, deals exclusively with what is physically possible, and what might conceivably be put into actual practice within the next several human generations. Audience Researchers in planetary science, astronomy, astrobiology, space engineering, architecture, ethics, as well as members of the space industry.

Geoscience Journal

Book Description