Compendium of GAO's Views on the Cost Saving Proposals of the Grace Commission: Individual issue analyses

Book Description

In response to a congressional request, GAO examined issues studied and recommendations made by the President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, better known as the Grace Commission, to determine whether: (1) the issues and recommendations made on program management and cost control had merit; (2) legislation would be necessary to implement the recommendations; (3) implementation efforts were completely underway; and (4) the savings estimates were realistic. GAO found that many of the issues studied and recommendations made by the Commission had overall merit and that, while many have already been implemented by legislative or administrative action, many more require additional legislative action to be fully implemented. However, GAO questioned the accuracy of many of the associated savings estimates, found flaws in the methodology used to develop some of the estimates, and found that the description of the methodology used in some estimates was insufficient to allow an assessment of its validity. In most of the instances where GAO questioned the methodology used, it believed that the savings were overstated. GAO supported management improvement issues more frequently than policy-oriented issues; however, policy-oriented issues constitute a large portion of the total estimated savings. GAO does not support restructuring federal subsidy programs and fixing federal health care costs to a percentage of the gross national product, and it disagreed with selected aspects of recommendations to reduce civilian and military retirement benefits. GAO support was most extensive in the areas aimed at strengthening federal management systems, federal automatic data processing operations, federal credit and cash management efforts, and civilian procurement and property management activities. GAO has made similar or related recommendations in nearly half of the areas in which it agreed with the Commission. Additional legislative action would be necessary to fully implement approximately half of the recommendations analyzed.

Compendium of GAO's Views on the Cost Saving Proposals of the Grace Commission. Volume 2. Individual Issue Analyses

Book Description

Contents: Federal management and administrative systems, Federal credit and cash management, Defense and international affairs programs, Human services and wage protection programs, Natural resources and community development programs, Commerce and banking programs, Federal civilian personnel management, Property, printing, travel and transportation management and civilian procurement, Federal automated data processing/office automation operations, Revenue matters. (KR).

Compendium of GAO's Views on the Cost Saving Proposals of the Grace Commission

Book Description

In response to a congressional request, GAO examined issues studied and recommendations made by the President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, better known as the Grace Commission, to determine whether: (1) the issues and recommendations made on program management and cost control had merit; (2) legislation would be necessary to implement the recommendations; (3) implementation efforts were completely underway; and (4) the savings estimates were realistic. GAO found that many of the issues studied and recommendations made by the Commission had overall merit and that, while many have already been implemented by legislative or administrative action, many more require additional legislative action to be fully implemented. However, GAO questioned the accuracy of many of the associated savings estimates, found flaws in the methodology used to develop some of the estimates, and found that the description of the methodology used in some estimates was insufficient to allow an assessment of its validity. In most of the instances where GAO questioned the methodology used, it believed that the savings were overstated. GAO supported management improvement issues more frequently than policy-oriented issues; however, policy-oriented issues constitute a large portion of the total estimated savings. GAO does not support restructuring federal subsidy programs and fixing federal health care costs to a percentage of the gross national product, and it disagreed with selected aspects of recommendations to reduce civilian and military retirement benefits. GAO support was most extensive in the areas aimed at strengthening federal management systems, federal automatic data processing operations, federal credit and cash management efforts, and civilian procurement and property management activities. GAO has made similar or related recommendations in nearly half of the areas in which it agreed with the Commission. Additional legislative action would be necessary to fully implement approximately half of the recommendations analyzed.

Compendium of GAO's Views on the Cost Saving Proposals of the Grace Commission. Volume 1. Summary of Findings

Book Description

This 2-volume report discusses GAO's views on 581 individual issues and associated recommendations made in the 47-volume Grace Commission report. This volume (Summary of Findings) sets forth the highlights of these views on all the President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control (PPSSCC) issues reviewed. These issues span federal programs, management systems, and activities virtually government-wide. For purposes of presentation, the issues were organized into 10 broad subject areas: 1) federal management and administrative systems; 2)federal cash and credit management; 3) defense and international affairs programs; 4) human services and wage protection programs; 5) natural resource and community development programs; 6) Commerce and banking programs; 7) federal civilian personnel management; 8) federal property, printing, travel and transportation management, and civilian procurement; 9) federal automated data processing/office automation; and 10) revenue matters. Volume I addresses each of these areas in a separate chapter and contains GMO's conclusions and overall observations on the PPSSCC's issues. When discussing examples of individual issues, this volume also identifies the PPSSCC task force code for the issue being discussed so that more information on that issue can be obtained in Volume II. Volume II presents our more detailed assessment of each individual issue reviewed. These issues are organized in the same broad subject areas as presented in the summary. For ease of reference, Volume II also includes a cross-referenced index organized by PPSSCC task force code for each issue.