Merchant Banking in ASEAN

Book Description

This book provides a regional view of the merchant banking industries of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. The names, addresses and institutional shareholders of the merchant bank styled institutions in each country are provided in the appendices, as is a select biography on ASEAN financial matters which has been revised and updated for this edition.

Merchant Banking in the Far East

Book Description

Revised edition of study on the state of merchant banking in some Asian countries.

Markets for Corporate Debt Securities

Book Description

This paper surveys markets for corporate debt securities in the major industrial countries and the international markets. The discussion includes a comparison of the sizes of the markets for various products, as well as the key operational, institutional, and legal features of primary and secondary markets. Although there are some signs that debt markets may be emphasized in the future by some countries, it remains true that North American debt markets are the most active and liquid in the world. The international debt markets are, however, growing in importance. The paper also investigates some of the reasons for the underdevelopment of domestic bond markets and the consequences of firms shifting their debt financing needs from banks to securities markets.

Regional Integration and Economic Development in South Asia

Book Description

South Asian leaders have made it a priority to tackle key regional issues such as poverty, environment degradation, trade and investment barriers and food insecurity, among others.