Competence Perspectives on Learning and Dynamic Capabilities

Book Description

Explores how organizational competence and dynamic capabilities can support the competitive position of a firm. This book describes strategic, organizational, and behavioral perspectives on processes of competence development.

Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management

Book Description

How do firms grow? How do firms compete? An influential answer to these fundamental questions of business strategy lies in the concept of dynamic capabilities. David Teece provides a clear statement of his ideas, and a framework for managers wishing to assess their organization's strategy.

A focussed Issue on Competence Perspectives on New Industry Dynamics

Book Description

The papers in volume 6 of Research in Competence-Based Management identify, elaborate theoretically, and investigate empirically a number of new kinds of dynamics in industries and product markets.

A Focused Issue on Identifying, Building and Linking Competences

Book Description

Features a collection of papers that explores the challenges in identifying, building, and linking competences within and between organizations. This title includes a paper that describes a facilitated process through which managers may identify an organization's competences. It also explains basic issues in building organizational competence.

A Focused Issue on Building New Competences in Dynamic Environments

Book Description

Changing business environments challenge established management ideas and practices. This volume draws on competence-based theory to identify and elaborate some important ways in which organizational competences are evolving - or should evolve - to respond to some fundamental forms of change in business environments.

Competence Building and Leveraging in Interorganizational Relations

Book Description

Includes papers that offer a review of inter-organizational relations in alternative approaches to the creation and management of competences. This volume offers an integrative approach to strategy and management theory, research, and practice.

Research in Competence-Based Management

Book Description

Focuses on a range of fundamental issues in developing competence-base theory and in undertaking competence-based research intended to contribute to management theory development. This work assesses the areas in which restatements or extensions of competence theory may be needed or would be useful.

Enhancing Competences for Competitive Advantage

Book Description

Explores the ways in which an organization's existing competences can be enhanced as sources of competitive advantage - either enduring or intendedly transitional.

Skillful Performance

Book Description

One of the most intriguing questions since the time of Plato concerns what defines skillful performance in terms of specific capabilities, knowledge, competence, and expertise. As Frederick Taylor famously noted, an answer to that question would enable us to know what to focus on and what to do to improve the performance of individuals, groups, and organizations. Although we have come to know a great deal about the 'properties' of capabilities, knowledge, competence, and expertise at large, we know significantly less about how they are enacted in skillful performance. Thus, how skillful performance draws on knowledge, how skills develop, and how competencies and capabilities are put to action are still eluding us. Process thinking has not sufficiently explored skillful performance. This book aims to address this gap. It brings together scholars from different backgrounds, traditions, and disciplines whose common perspective is distinctly process-oriented. They seek to rethink capabilities, knowledge, competence, and expertise, not as if these phenomena were already accomplished but, on the contrary, as processes in the making - as performative accomplishments. Such rethinking opens up several new conversations and extends the range of inquiry about how capabilities, knowledge, competence, and expertise are accomplished in practice, and, consequently, how they may be improved.