Competing Magnetic Fluctuations in Iron Pnictide Superconductors

Book Description

In the iron pnictide superconductors, theoretical calculations have consistently shown enhancements of the static magnetic susceptibility at both the stripe-type antiferromagnetic and in-plane ferromagnetic (FM) wave vectors. However, the possible existence of FM fluctuations has not yet been examined from a microscopic point of view. Here, using 75As NMR data, we provide clear evidence for the existence of FM spin correlations in both the hole- and electron-doped BaFe2As2 families of iron-pnictide superconductors. Furthermore, these FM fluctuations appear to compete with superconductivity and are thus a crucial ingredient to understanding the variability of Tc and the shape of the superconducting dome in these and other iron-pnictide families.

The Iron Pnictide Superconductors

Book Description

This book covers different aspects of the physics of iron-based superconductors ranging from the theoretical, the numerical and computational to the experimental ones. It starts from the basic theory modeling many-body physics in Fe-superconductors and other multi-orbital materials and reaches up to the magnetic and Cooper pair fluctuations and nematic order. Finally, it offers a comprehensive overview of the most recent advancements in the experimental investigations of iron based superconductors.

Dynamics of Magnetic Fluctuations in High-Temperature Superconductors

Book Description

This NATO Advanced Research Workshop was held at a time when there was little consensus as to the mechanism for high temperature superconductivity, in the context of a world undergoing major changes in its political alignments and sense of the possibility for the future. It was characterized by generosity in the sharing of our uncertainties and speculations, as was appropriate for both the subject matter and the context. The workshop was organized, of necessity around the experimental work, as is this volume. Where the theoretical work is directly relevant to particular experiments, it is included in the appropriate sections with them. Most of the participants felt strongly that magnetic fluctuations played an important role in the mechanism for high T c, although with the exception of the IlS R work reported by Luke showing results inconsistent with the anyon picture, and the work on flux phases by Lederer, the mechanism remained an issue in the background. A major focus was the phenomenological interpretation of the NMR data.

Theory of Spin-fluctuation Induced Superconductivity in Iron-based Superconductors

Book Description

In this dissertation we focus on the investigation of the pairing mechanism in the recently discovered high-temperature superconductor, iron pnictides. Due to the proximity to magnetic instability of the system, we considered short-range spin fluctuations as the major mediating source to induce superconductivity. Our calculation supports the magnetic fluctuations as a strong candidate that drives Cooper-pair formation in this material. We find the corresponding order parameter to be of the so-called ss-wave type and show its evolution with temperature as well as the capability of supporting high transition temperature up to several tens of Kelvin. On the other hand, our itinerant model calculation shows pronounced spin correlation at the observed antiferromagnetic ordering wave vector, indicating the underlying electronic structure in favor of antiferromagnetic state. Therefore, the electronic degrees of freedom could participate both in the magnetic and in the superconducting properties. Our work shows that the interplay between magnetism and superconductivity plays an important role to the understanding of the rich physics in this material. The magnetic-excitation spectrum carries important information on the nature of magnetism and the characteristics of superconductivity. We analyze the spin excitation spectrum in the normal and superconducting states of iron pnictides in the magnetic scenario. As a consequence of the sign-reversed gap structure obtained in the above, a spin resonance mode appears below the superconducting transition temperature. The calculated resonance energy, scaled with the gap magnitude and the magnetic correlation length, agrees well with the inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements. More interestingly, we find a common feature of those short-range spin fluctuations that are capable of inducing a fully gapped ss state is the momentum anisotropy with elongated span along the direction transverse to the antiferromagnetic momentum transfer. This calculated intrinsic anisotropy exists both in the normal and in the superconducting state, which naturally explains the elliptically shaped magnetic responses observed in INS experiments. Our detailed calculation further shows that the magnetic resonance mode exhibits an upward dispersion-relation pattern but anisotropic along the transverse and longitudinal directions. We also perform a qualitative analysis on the relationship between the anisotropic momentum structure of the magnetic fluctuations and the stability of superconducting phase by intraorbital but interband pair scattering to show the consistency of the magnetic mechanism for superconductivity. As discussed for cuprates, an important identification of the mediating boson is from the fermionic spectrum. We study the spectral function in the normal and superconducting state. Not only do we extract the gap magnitude on the electron- and hole-pockets to show the momentum structure of the gap, but also find a peak-dip-hump feature in the electron spectrum, which reflects the feedback from the spin excitations on fermions. This serves as an interpretation of the kink structure observed in ARPES measurements.

Nematicity in Electron-Doped Iron-Pnictide Superconductors

Book Description

The nature of the nematicity in iron pnictides is studied with a proposed magnetic fluctuation. The spin-driven order in the iron-based superconductor has been realized in two categories: stripe SDW state and nematic state. The stripe SDW order opens a gap in the band structure and causes a deformed Fermi surface. The nematic order does not make any gap in the band structure and still deforms the Fermi surface. The electronic mechanism of nematicity is discussed in an effective model by solving the self-consistent Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. The nematic order can be visualized as crisscross horizontal and vertical stripes. Both stripes have the same period with different magnitudes. The appearance of the orthorhombic magnetic fluctuations generates two uneven pairs of peaks at ±π0 and 0±π in its Fourier transformation. In addition, the nematic order breaks the degeneracy of dxz and dyz orbitals and causes the elliptic Fermi surface near the Γ point. The spatial image of the local density of states reveals a dx2-y2-symmetry form factor density wave.

Non-Universal Superconducting Gap Structure in Iron-Pnictides Revealed by Magnetic Penetration Depth Measurements

Book Description

In this book the author presents two important findings revealed by high-precision magnetic penetration depth measurements in iron-based superconductors which exhibit high-transition temperature superconductivity up to 55 K: one is the fact that the superconducting gap structure in iron-based superconductors depends on a detailed electronic structure of individual materials, and the other is the first strong evidence for the presence of a quantum critical point (QCP) beneath the superconducting dome of iron-based superconductors. The magnetic penetration depth is a powerful probe to elucidate the superconducting gap structure which is intimately related to the pairing mechanism of superconductivity. The author discusses the possible gap structure of individual iron-based superconductors by comparing the gap structure obtained from the penetration depth measurements with theoretical predictions, indicating that the non-universal superconducting gap structure in iron-pnictides can be interpreted in the framework of A1g symmetry. This result imposes a strong constraint on the pairing mechanism of iron-based superconductors. The author also shows clear evidence for the quantum criticality inside the superconducting dome from the absolute zero-temperature penetration depth measurements as a function of chemical composition. A sharp peak of the penetration depth at a certain composition demonstrates pronounced quantum fluctuations associated with the QCP, which separates two distinct superconducting phases. This gives the first convincing signature of a second-order quantum phase transition deep inside the superconducting dome, which may address a key question on the general phase diagram of unconventional superconductivity in the vicinity of a QCP.

On the Properties of Novel Superconductors

Book Description

Since the discovery of superconductivity, a great number of theoretical and experimental efforts have been made to describe this new phase of matter that emerged in many body systems. In this regard, theoretical models have been presented; the most famous of which was the BCS theory that can only describe conventional superconductors. With the discovery of new class superconductors, the superconducting mechanism became a new challenge in the field of condensed matter physics. This unexpected discovery opened a new area in the history of superconductivity, and experimental researchers started trying to find new compounds in this class of superconductors. These superconductors are often characterized by the anisotropic character in the superconducting gap function with nodes along a certain direction in the momentum space. Since the pairing interaction has an important role in the superconducting gap structure, its determination is very important to explain the basic pairing mechanism.In this regard, this book includes valuable theoretical and experimental discussions about the properties of superconductors. Here you will find valuable research describing the properties of unconventional superconductors.

Magnetism in the Iron-based Superconductors

Book Description

With nearly innumerable applications, superconductivity stands as a holy grail in the research of quantum phenomena. Understanding the mechanism that begets the fabled pairing of electrons which leads to zero resistance is the most significant undertaking in order to bring to fruition all of superconductivity's splendor. Yet the interaction which couples electrons in the most promising family of superconductors known as unconventional superconductors, which show the highest Tc's and largest upper critical fields remains a mystery. Intense study over the past several decades on the cuprate superconductors has allowed for the identification of several candidate mechanisms --- cardinal of which is magnetic fluctuations --- however as of yet the question still remains. Recently, the discovery of the iron-based superconductors has provided another fruitful avenue through which this mechanism can be probed. Excitingly in these materials superconductivity not only arises near a magnetic instability - a situation which is expected to be particularly suited for engendering superconductivity should magnetic fluctuations be the pairing mechanism - but also exhibit the microscopic co-existence of the two presumably adversarial phenomena. In the work presented here the powerful techniques of neutron and x-ray diffraction will be used to study two particularly interesting members of this family: the intercalated iron-selenide CsxFe 2--xSe2 and two members of the iron-arsenide 122 family (BaFe2(As1--xPx)2 and Sr1--xNaxFe2As 2). Though isostructural at high temperatures, these two materials behave remarkably differently and the idiosyncratic manifestations of superconductivity and ordered magnetism in either give clues as to how the latter might stabilize the former. The iron-selenides will be shown to exhibit a complex phase space with phase separation leading to stabilization of magnetism and superconductivity in separate phases. The structure, behavior and complex vacancy ordering of this phase-separated state will be elucidated and the superconductivity attributed to a pseudo-stable minority phase. Detailed phase diagrams will be constructed for the related BaFe2(As1--xPx) 2 and Sr1--xNaxFe2 As2 compounds leading to a direct comparison of the effects driving of either doping regime. A strong magneto-elastic coupling will be established in both of these materials and a new magnetic phase will be mapped in Sr1--xNaxFe2As2. These observations will lead to a discussion of the role of magnetic fluctuations in the overall behavior of the material. The results of inelastic and elastic diffraction experiments will be combined with the results of the local probe M?ssbauer spectroscopy technique in order to determine magnetic fluctuations as the primary order parameter in the phase evolution of the iron-based superconductors, and therefore their importance in establishment of superconductivity as the ground state of these materials.

Magnetic Superconductors

Book Description

In eight chapters (several quite brief) the authors review for the benefit of professional peers the theoretical/experimental status of the topic to which their title refers, with emphasis on its relation to high-temperature superconductivity. Includes glossary and thirteen pages of references. Prod