Competition and Integration Among Stock Exchanges

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Different aspects of competition in stock exchanges have been discussed from either a positive or normative perspective, but this article seeks to come up with an approach encompassing both positive and normative dimensions of competition in various aspects of stock exchanges' activities. As far as the positive nature of the securities market and industry is concerned, conflicting trends are emerging. The liberalization of securities markets and the disappearance of technical barriers have dismantled the monopoly of national stock exchanges but led to more consolidation. However, we are also witnessing a destabilizing and fragmenting effect of competition on these markets. Following an analysis of the normative/positive dichotomy in approaching competition in financial services, we discuss the centrality of information disclosure in creating a competitive and stable financial market. Disclosure of information, therefore, reinforces both competitive and prudential objectives alike. In a further attempt, we discuss the tension between the principles of competition and prudence alongside the conflict between competition objectives and economies of scope and scale. While arguments in weighing competition against economies of scope and scale are evenly balanced, the unique characteristics of such markets do not allow the absolute application of competition principles when it comes to prudential concerns.

Competition and Integration Among Stock Exchanges in Europe

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The economic theory of network externalities and a simple-game theoretical framework are used to explore the issue of competition among stock exchanges and the possibility of consolidation in the European stock-exchange industry, among the different exchanges. The main features of this paper are the following: the treatment of exchanges as firms; the application of network externalities to study competition among exchanges; the extension of network externalities, through implementing 'cross-network' effects; and the existence of equilibria where exchanges may decide, even unilaterally, to achieve full compatibility through implicit mergers and remote access, specializing only in trading or listing services. One implication is that consolidation of European exchanges into one may occur with a welfare-efficient outcome or with a lock-in to a Pareto-inferior equilibrium. This is due to the network externalities and the different starting points of the various exchanges. 'Implicit mergers' among exchanges together with remote access are always weakly (in half of the cases, strictly) more efficient than the actual competition. This finding also sheds light on the existence and efficacy, especially in the U.S., of automated trading systems, which are exchanges specializing in trading services.

Competition among Exchanges and Enforcement Policy

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In this paper, we explore how competition among stock exchanges, operated as self-regulatory organizations (SROs), affects the design of their members' surveillance. We develop a model where two for-profit SROs compete for trading volume, while brokers execute transactions on behalf of the investors and may misreport the true cash flow. The SROs can deter a fraud by announcing an investigation and imposing a monetary penalty.The success of the investigation depends upon both the amount of resources devoted to monitoring and the efficiency of monitoring technologies. We show that when contracts are incomplete and investors do not have perfect information about the monitoring efficiency, competition among exchanges induces a race to the bottom in enforcement policy and a reduction in total welfare, compared to the case of a monopolist SRO.

Competition in a Consolidating Environment

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Competition between market centers is a driving force for innovation, dynamic growth, and reasonable pricing structures. Consolidating the order flow amasses liquidity, sharpens price discovery, and lowers trading costs. This book addresses such timely topics as the impact of technology on financial markets and includes contributions from prominent academics, policymakers and professionals in the field. It is the latest title in established conference proceedings series.

The Dynamics of Market Integration

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This book looks at contemporary issues facing financial markets in Eastern and Southern Africa. The book addresses strategies for capital market integration and development on a region-wide basis. An argument is made that the establishment of a regional stock exchange and the promotion of multiple listings and cross-border trade in securities would stimulate increased liquidity on national stock exchanges in Eastern and Southern Africa. Lessons of experience are drawn from other regions and a case is made against transplanting models of a regional stock exchange from one region to another. The book argues that African countries may, however, use lessons of experience from other regions as points of reference, while pursuing their own discourse of self-determination. Each case is unique and is thus surrounded by different variables. The book covers developments in regions such as the European Union, francophone West Africa and Eastern and Southern Africa. Indeed, an international and comparative perspective is provided.

The Stock-Exchange Industry

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The evolution and integration of financial markets in recent decades have created increasing competition among stock exchanges, which are behaving more and more like 'standard' firms. Stock exchanges are peculiar firms that produce listing, trading, and clearing services and 'sell' price information. They have different types of customers: firms that want to be listed, financial intermediaries who want to trade securities, and institutional and private investors. Some of them, in particular financial intermediaries, are often the 'owners' of the stock exchanges, which traditionally have been organized as cooperatives or public entities. This paper focuses on the stock-exchange industry, analyzing the competition among exchanges and, more theoretically, the corporate-governance problem of customer-controlled firms, of which stock exchanges are a clear example. Policy implications are provided in both cases. After the introductory chapter, the second chapter, 'Competition and Integration among Stock Exchanges in Europe: Network Effects, Implicit Mergers, and Remote Access', analyzes the role of network externalities in the stock-exchange industry through a model in which two exchanges compete. It is shown, using the European regulatory background, that competition may end up in inefficient equilibria while an 'implicit merger' may be Pareto optimal and give greater profits to both exchanges. In the end, exchanges may specialize in listing and trading services, or unilaterally start to trade stocks listed on other markets (as did Seaq-International some years ago or many automated trading systems in recent years).

Stock Market Integration

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This book provides an original approach to the determinants of stock exchange integration. With case studies of successful integration projects in Europe, North America, Latin America as well as intercontinental cross-border mergers, it provides a complete analysis of all existing integration projects between stock exchange markets.

Stock Exchange Competition in a Simple Model of Capital Market Equilibrium

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This paper uses a simple model of mean-variance asset pricing with transactions costs to analyze one of the main empirical phenomena in stock market competition in the last years, the decrease of transaction costs. We endogenize transactions costs as variables strategically influenced by stock exchanges and model stock market integration as an increase in the correlation of the underlying market returns. Among other things, we find that market integration leads to a decrease of transaction costs and to an increase in trading activity.

Regulating Competition in Stock Markets

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A guide to curbing monopoly power in stock markets Engaging and informative, Regulating Competition in Stock Markets skillfully analyzes the impact of the recent global financial crisis on health and happiness, and uses this opportunity to put regulatory systems in perspective. Happiness is lost because of emotional and physical health deterioration resulting from the crisis. Therefore, the authors conclude that financial crisis prevention should be the focus of public policy. This book is the most comprehensive study so far on potential risks to the stock market, especially various forms of market manipulation that lead to mania and eventual crisis. Based on litigation cases from international stock markets, and borrowing multidisciplinary findings in the fields of finance, economics, accounting, media studies, criminology, legal studies, psychology, and medicine, this book is the first to provide thorough micro-level regulatory proposals rooted in financial reality. By focusing on securities trading, they apply antitrust measures to limiting monopolistic power that is used for the manipulation of investors' perception and monopolistic profit. These proposals are quantifiable, adjustable, inexpensive, and can be easily implemented by any securities regulating agency for real-time oversight and daily operations. The recommendations found here are intended to improve the fairness and transparency of the financial markets, thereby perfecting the market competition, protecting investors, stabilizing the market, and preventing crises Explores how avoiding crises can to contribute to a more scientific, health aware, and civilized economic and social development Written by a team of authors who have extensive experience in this dynamic field, including Nobel Laureate Lawrence R. Klein Since the founding of the first, organized stock exchange in Amsterdam 400 years ago, no systematic economic research results on stock markets have been implemented in stock market regulation around the world. Regulating Competition in Stock Markets aims to fill this void.

Securities Trading--SEC Action Needed to Address National Market System Issues

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The October 1987 stock market crash raised critical questions concerning the efficiency, competitiveness, and fairness of U.S. securities markets. Many experts questioned the structure of the marketplace and its ability to both withstand periods of high stress and operate efficiently in ordinary times. Market experts and analysts have debated these questions since the crash. Renewed volatility in the markets, as indicated by the 190-point drop on October 13, 1989, and the subsequent record gained the following week, has again created doubt about whether the financial markets are properly designed to meet the demands placed upon them. To identify market structure issues, GAO met with federal regulators, exchange and over-the-counter market officials, market professionals, institutional investors, and academics. GAO evaluated what should be done to address the most important issues identified through these discussions-trading restrictions, market links, and options trading.