Competition Models in Population Biology

Book Description

This book uses fundamental ideas in dynamical systems to answer questions of a biologic nature, in particular, questions about the behavior of populations given a relatively few hypotheses about the nature of their growth and interaction. The principal subject treated is that of coexistence under certain parameter ranges, while asymptotic methods are used to show competitive exclusion in other parameter ranges. Finally, some problems in genetics are posed and analyzed as problems in nonlinear ordinary differential equations.

Population Biology

Book Description

Population biology has been investigated quantitatively for many decades, resulting in a rich body of scientific literature. Ecologists often avoid this literature, put off by its apparently formidable mathematics. This textbook provides an introduction to the biology and ecology of populations by emphasizing the roles of simple mathematical models in explaining the growth and behavior of populations. The author only assumes acquaintance with elementary calculus, and provides tutorial explanations where needed to develop mathematical concepts. Examples, problems, extensive marginal notes and numerous graphs enhance the book's value to students in classes ranging from population biology and population ecology to mathematical biology and mathematical ecology. The book will also be useful as a supplement to introductory courses in ecology.

Mathematical Models in Population Biology and Epidemiology

Book Description

The goal of this book is to search for a balance between simple and analyzable models and unsolvable models which are capable of addressing important questions on population biology. Part I focusses on single species simple models including those which have been used to predict the growth of human and animal population in the past. Single population models are, in some sense, the building blocks of more realistic models -- the subject of Part II. Their role is fundamental to the study of ecological and demographic processes including the role of population structure and spatial heterogeneity -- the subject of Part III. This book, which will include both examples and exercises, is of use to practitioners, graduate students, and scientists working in the field.

Population Dynamics

Book Description

Population Dynamics: Alternative Models provides a theoretical framework of population dynamics. This book contains seven chapters that discuss the controversies surrounding discussions on the explicit view of the subject. Chapters 1 and 2 present a general introduction to the terminology, the mathematical background, and the philosophical approach that lie behind the theoretical development. Chapter 3 contains a series of models accounting for variations in population growth rates, sizes, and fluctuations, while Chapter 4 examines a model accounting for the evolution of life history patterns. A more detailed examination of the effects of predation on prey populations, especially with respect to determining a prey population's maximum sustainable yield, is explored in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 highlights the interspecific competition theory in terms of the population dynamics models presented in a previous chapter. Chapter 7 summarizes the developments in the population dynamics research studies. This work will be of great value to ecologists, biologists, and population dynamics researchers.

Some Mathematical Questions in Biology

Book Description

Population biology has had a long history of mathematical modeling. The 1920s and 1930s saw major strides with the work of Lotka and Volterra in ecology and Fisher, Haldane, and Wright in genetics. In recent years, much more sophisticated mathematical techniques have been brought to bear on questions in population biology. Simultaneously, advances in experimental and field work have produced a wealth of new data. While this growth has tended to fragment the field, one unifying theme is that similar mathematical questions arise in a range of biological contexts. This volume contains the proceedings of a symposium on Some Mathematical Questions in Biology, held in Chicago in 1987. The papers all deal with different aspects of population biology, but there are overlaps in the mathematical techniques used; for example, dynamics of nonlinear differential and difference equations form a common theme. The topics covered are cultural evolution, multilocus population genetics, spatially structured population genetics, chaos and the dynamics of epidemics, and the dynamics of ecological communities.

Dynamical Systems in Population Biology

Book Description

Population dynamics is an important subject in mathematical biology. A cen tral problem is to study the long-term behavior of modeling systems. Most of these systems are governed by various evolutionary equations such as difference, ordinary, functional, and partial differential equations (see, e. g. , [165, 142, 218, 119, 55]). As we know, interactive populations often live in a fluctuating environment. For example, physical environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity and the availability of food, water, and other resources usually vary in time with seasonal or daily variations. Therefore, more realistic models should be nonautonomous systems. In particular, if the data in a model are periodic functions of time with commensurate period, a periodic system arises; if these periodic functions have different (minimal) periods, we get an almost periodic system. The existing reference books, from the dynamical systems point of view, mainly focus on autonomous biological systems. The book of Hess [106J is an excellent reference for periodic parabolic boundary value problems with applications to population dynamics. Since the publication of this book there have been extensive investigations on periodic, asymptotically periodic, almost periodic, and even general nonautonomous biological systems, which in turn have motivated further development of the theory of dynamical systems. In order to explain the dynamical systems approach to periodic population problems, let us consider, as an illustration, two species periodic competitive systems dUI dt = !I(t,Ul,U2), (0.

Modelling Biological Populations in Space and Time

Book Description

This volume develops a unifying approach to population studies, emphasising the interplay between modelling and experimentation. Throughout, mathematicians and biologists are provided with a framework within which population dynamics can be fully explored and understood. Aspects of population dynamics covered include birth-death and logistic processes, competition and predator-prey relationships, chaos, reaction time-delays, fluctuating environments, spatial systems, velocities of spread, epidemics, and spatial branching structures. Both deterministic and stochastic models are considered. Whilst the more theoretically orientated sections will appeal to mathematical biologists, the material is presented so that readers with little mathematical expertise can bypass these without losing the main flow of the text.

Resource Competition

Book Description

As one of the most quantitative of ecological subdisciplines, resource competition is an important, central area of ecology. Recently research into this area has increased dramatically and resource competition models have become more complex. The characterisation of this phenomenon is therefore the aim of this book. Resource Competition seeks to identify the unifying principles emerging from experimental and theoretical approaches as well as the differences between organisms, illustrating that greater knowledge of resource competition will benefit human and environmental welfare. This book will serve as an indispensable guide to ecologists, evolutionary biologists and environmental managers, and all those interested in resource competition as an emerging discipline.

Probabilistic Models of Population Evolution

Book Description

This expository book presents the mathematical description of evolutionary models of populations subject to interactions (e.g. competition) within the population. The author includes both models of finite populations, and limiting models as the size of the population tends to infinity. The size of the population is described as a random function of time and of the initial population (the ancestors at time 0). The genealogical tree of such a population is given. Most models imply that the population is bound to go extinct in finite time. It is explained when the interaction is strong enough so that the extinction time remains finite, when the ancestral population at time 0 goes to infinity. The material could be used for teaching stochastic processes, together with their applications. Étienne Pardoux is Professor at Aix-Marseille University, working in the field of Stochastic Analysis, stochastic partial differential equations, and probabilistic models in evolutionary biology and population genetics. He obtained his PhD in 1975 at University of Paris-Sud.

Deterministic Mathematical Models in Population Ecology

Book Description

Single-species growth; Pedration and parasitism; Predador-prey systems; Lotka-volterra systems for predator-prey interactions; Intermediate predator-prey models; Continous models; Discrete models; The kolmogorov model; Related topics and applications; Related topics; Aplications; competition and cooperation (symbiosis); Lotka-volterra competition models; Higher-oder competition models; cooperation (symbiosis); Pertubation theory; The implicit function theorem; Existence and Uniqueness of solutions of ordinary differential equations; Stability and periodicity; The poincare-bendixon theorem; The hopf bifurcation theorem.