Competitive Neutrality Toolkit Promoting a Level Playing Field

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The Competitive Neutrality Toolkit provides a set of good practices, based on examples from international experience, to support public officials in identifying and reducing distortions to competition due to state intervention. It supports the implementation of the principles set out in the OECD Recommendation on Competitive Neutrality to promote a level playing field, and covers the Recommendation’s main themes: competition law and enforcement, regulatory environment, public procurement, state support, and public service obligations.

Competitive Neutrality

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Competitive Neutrality

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Government has a substantial impact on markets. Laws and regulations designed to promote important public policy goals may, for example, distort markets and affect competition. Government bodies competing with private companies have advantages because of their government links even when competition laws apply, leading to pricing which does not fully reflect the cost of resources. This distorts decisions about production, consumption and investment by government bodies, private competitors and potential competitors. There are a number of ways in which these issues can be addressed and approaches differ between jurisdictions. As far as anti-competitive regulation is concerned there are usually a number of ways to achieve a policy goal. As consumers are generally better off when markets are more competitive, rules and regulations should be assessed for their impact on competition. Choices which minimise anti-competitive outcomes clearly assist efficiency and competitive markets. Competitive neutrality (CN) policy initiatives directly address the market advantage of government businesses. CN policy recognises that government business activities that are in competition with the private sector should not have a competitive advantage merely by virtue of government ownership and control. Market advantages in this context manifest in a number of ways. Distortions by advantaged government business enterprises may be direct and clear-cut or more subtle.

Competitive Neutrality

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Competitive Neutrality Policy

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State-Initiated Restraints of Competition

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This new book addresses important current problems and challenges arising from a large variety of state-initiated restraints. Beyond state-owned enterprises, rules on government procurement and the control of state subsidies, the contributions also ana