
Book Description

Complex groups of associations arising out of the unconscious have been known and described in all cultures and are integral to the healthy psyche. Breuer first coined the term complexes to describe certain personalities. Jung developed the concept further, assigning the shell of the complex with its amplifications and associations to the personal unconscious and postulating a core that is archetypal in nature and rooted in the collective unconscious. In this book, Hans Dieckmann fills a lacuna by developing a general theory of the complexes that gives both the student and the practicing analyst an overview of this concept for the purposes of diagnosis and therapy. Illustrated throughout with clinical vignettes and diagrams, Complexes provides a clear and orderly path through the chaotic contents of analysis. Hans Dieckmann, M.D., was president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology. He founded the C. G. Jung Institute of Berlin, where he taught for a number of years. A patron of the Cape of Good Hope Center in South Africa and the C. G. Jung Institute of Perth, Dieckmann is the author of many articles and books, among them Twice-Told Tales: The Psychological Use of Fairy Tales.

Simplicial Complexes of Graphs

Book Description

A graph complex is a finite family of graphs closed under deletion of edges. Graph complexes show up naturally in many different areas of mathematics. Identifying each graph with its edge set, one may view a graph complex as a simplicial complex and hence interpret it as a geometric object. This volume examines topological properties of graph complexes, focusing on homotopy type and homology. Many of the proofs are based on Robin Forman's discrete version of Morse theory.

Crystalline Molecular Complexes and Compounds

Book Description

This book provides an account of the structure and properties of crystalline binary adducts. Such crystals are perhaps better known as molecular compounds and complexes and are estimated to make up one quarter of the world's crystals. More than 600 figures, 200 tables and 3500 references are included in the book.

Computational Prediction of Protein Complexes from Protein Interaction Networks

Book Description

Complexes of physically interacting proteins constitute fundamental functional units that drive almost all biological processes within cells. A faithful reconstruction of the entire set of protein complexes (the "complexosome") is therefore important not only to understand the composition of complexes but also the higher level functional organization within cells. Advances over the last several years, particularly through the use of high-throughput proteomics techniques, have made it possible to map substantial fractions of protein interactions (the "interactomes") from model organisms including Arabidopsis thaliana (a flowering plant), Caenorhabditis elegans (a nematode), Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding yeast). These interaction datasets have enabled systematic inquiry into the identification and study of protein complexes from organisms. Computational methods have played a significant role in this context, by contributing accurate, efficient, and exhaustive ways to analyze the enormous amounts of data. These methods have helped to compensate for some of the limitations in experimental datasets including the presence of biological and technical noise and the relative paucity of credible interactions. In this book, we systematically walk through computational methods devised to date (approximately between 2000 and 2016) for identifying protein complexes from the network of protein interactions (the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network). We present a detailed taxonomy of these methods, and comprehensively evaluate them for protein complex identification across a variety of scenarios including the absence of many true interactions and the presence of false-positive interactions (noise) in PPI networks. Based on this evaluation, we highlight challenges faced by the methods, for instance in identifying sparse, sub-, or small complexes and in discerning overlapping complexes, and reveal how a combination of strategies is necessary to accurately reconstruct the entire complexosome.

Structural and Biological Applications of Schiff Base Metal Complexes

Book Description

Coordination compounds have been well-known for their wide variety of applications for over a century, as well as enhancing the researcher’s interest and concern in evaluating their action mechanism. It is certainly one of the most intensely discussed research topics. Coordination compounds involve different metal-ion-ligand phenomenon. The involved metal ions play a significant role in structural association and functioning of several processes in the genetic and metabolism system. In recent years, Schiff base ligands have gained significant interest and received a keen interest of many researchers. Schiff’s base ligands have been recognized to hold a wide variety of biological and medicinal activities due to the presence of donor atoms. They have proved exceptional pharmalogical actions such as antimicrobial, anti-tuberclosis, antiplatelet, antidiabetic, antiarthritis, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiviral, antimalarial, and analgesic. These biologically active Schiff base ligands have also been shown to inhibit enzyme mobilization and, when bound to a metal ion, exhibit enhanced biological activity, making them useful in a number of fields. As a result, metal complexes of Schiff base ligands are gaining popularity due to their unique properties and functionalities. Schiff base complex-based research for educational and industrial purposes is booming, and the number of publications is gradually increasing. Despite these interests, there is currently no detailed book on Schiff base metal complexes that covers the structures, biological activities, and other non-biological perspectives. This book delves into the structures of Schiff base metal complexes, which are critical in assessing the biological viability of any complex. It also highlights their biological significance in pharma and drug discovery like antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritis, anti-diabetic, antioxidants, anti-proliferative, antitumor, anticancer, antiviral. The fundamentals of metal complexes are described, as well as an up-to-date outline of developments in synthesis, characterization methods, properties- chemical, thermal, optical, structural, and applications. This book also discusses the other applications of Schiff base metal complexes: as sensor (luminescent, electrochemical, and biosensor), as pigments in dying and paint industries, as photocatalyst to improve the degradation rate. Features : This book would be useful for academia, researchers and engineers working in the area of Schiff base and their metal complexes. This book will give an in-depth account of the properties of Schiff base and their metal complexes. This book will discuss the details of synthesis methods for Schiff base and their metal complexes. This book will cover emerging trends in the use of Schiff base metal complexes in the industry. This book will provide an overview of the wider biological applications of Schiff base metal complexes

Metal Dihydrogen and σ-Bond Complexes

Book Description

According to R.H. Crabtree, Metal Dihydrogen and sigma-Bond Complexes is described as `the definitive account of twentieth-century work in the area of sigma complexation'. It covers not only Kubas' discovery of dihydrogen coordination and the study of its structure and general properties but also discusses both the theoretical beliefs and experimental results of bonding and activation of dihydrogen on metal centers and the coordination and activation of C-H, B-H, X-H, and X-Y bonds, giving an overview of `one of the hottest areas in chemistry'.

Transition Metal Complexes of Neutral eta1-Carbon Ligands

Book Description

Contents: Yves Canac and Remi Chauvin: Neutral eta1-carbon ligands: beyond carbon monoxide; Esteban P. Urriolabeitia: Ylide Ligands; Wolfgang Petz and Gernot Frenking: Carbodiphosphoranes and related ligands; Mareike C. Jahnke and F. Ekkehardt Hahn: Chemistry of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands; Tsuyoshi Kato, Eddy Maerten, Antoine Baceiredo: Non-NHCs stable singlet carbene ligands; Victorio Cadierno, Sergio E. García-Garrido: All-Carbon-Substituted Allenylidene and Related Cumulenylidene Ligands; Victorio Cadierno, Sergio E. García-Garrido: Heteroatom-Conjugated Allenylidene and Related Cumulenylidene Ligands.

Homogeneous Catalysis with Metal Phosphine Complexes

Book Description

The field of transition metal catalysis has experienced incredible growth during the past decade. The reasons for this are obvious when one considers the world's energy problems and the need for new and less energy demanding syntheses of important chemicals. Heterogeneous catalysis has played a major industrial role; however, such reactions are generally not selective and are exceedingly difficult to study. Homogeneous catalysis suffers from on-site engineering difficulties; however, such reactions usually provide the desired selectivity. For example, Monsanto's synthesis of optically-active amino acids employs a chiral homogeneous rhodium diphosphine catalyst. Industrial uses of homogeneous catalyst systems are increasing. It is not by accident that many homogeneous catalysts contain tertiary phosphine ligands. These ligands possess the correct steric and electronic properties that are necessary for catalytic reactivity and selectivity. This point will be emphasized throughout the book. Thus the stage is set for a comprehensive be treatment of the many ways in which phosphine catalyst systems can designed, synthesized, and studied.

Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity of Ylidyne and μ-Ylido Complexes Supported by Scorpionato Ligands

Book Description

This book explores the development of the first open-shell heavier tetrylidyne complexes featuring a tetrel-centered unpaired electron, and unprecedented metallatetrylidynes containing a multiply-bonded, linear-coordinated single heavier tetrel atom embedded between two metal centers. The chemistry of compounds featuring triple bonds of the heavier Group-14 elements Si–Pb with transition metals is a very challenging research area, which combines modern molecular main-group element with transition-metal chemistry, and is of fundamental importance for the understanding of chemical bonding. During the last 15 years, the research in this area has witnessed considerable progress in isolating a series of closed-shell tetrylidyne complexes. However, despite numerous attempts, open-shell tetrylidyne complexes and heavier group 14 element congeners of metallacarbynes and carbide complexes remained inaccessible. In this book, readers will find more about the synthesis, full characterization and reactivity studies of these novel complexes that uncovered a plethora of exceptional products, including a novel m3-silicido complex, the first dimetallasilacumulene with a linear, two-coordinated single silicon atom and the first compounds of planar tetracoordinated silicon (ptSi) (Anti-van’t Hoff-Le Bell Silicon). Readers will also learn about the isolation and full characterization of the first room-temperature stable disilavinylidene, a silicon analogue of the very reactive vinylidenes (R2C=C:), and the first intermetallic plumbylidyne ligand transfer reactions.

Molecular Complexes In Earth's, Planetary Cometary And Interstellar Atmospheres

Book Description

This book introduces systematically the concept of weakly-bound complexes into the broad field of atmospheric sciences. To fill up the gap between our rapidly expanding knowledge of the individual properties of Van der Waals and hydrogen-bonded molecules, and our understanding of their role in the atmospheric processes, an ensemble of related topics are covered by a team of expert co-authors. The general properties of the weakly bound molecular complexes (or “clusters”) are discussed, as well as their distribution in the planetary atmospheres. Collision-induced and dimeric absorption and emission are considered in the context of atmospheric spectroscopy. The advanced experimental techniques which enable us to study the spectroscopic features of molecular complexes in the gas phase, or which are adsorbed, are reviewed. The role of molecular complexes in the cometary atmosphere, the Earth mesosphere, and the atmospheres of the giant planets and some of their satellites are also discussed in detail.